
Reincarnation of a Dragon Knight

In a world where dragons and humans coexist, there was a legendary knight named Arkan. Arkan was a formidable warrior who fought for peace and justice. He possessed an extraordinary ability to communicate with and control dragons, making him humanity's only hope against an evil force from another realm. However, in his final battle against the dark sorcerer, Arkan sacrificed himself to seal away the malevolent power. A thousand years later, Arkan is reborn as a young man named Arion. Since childhood, Arion has always felt different. Dreams of dragons and ancient battles often haunt him. Arion realizes that the threat from the once-sealed evil force has returned, and only he, as the reincarnation of Arkan, can stop it. On his journey, Arion learns the true meaning of courage, friendship, and sacrifice. He must face various challenges and enemies, including the dark sorcerer’s followers who seek to resurrect their master. As he delves deeper into his past, Arion must also find a way to harness his dragon power and lead the forces in a decisive battle for the future of their world.

MrXGin · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1. Reborn

As the sky was torn apart by lightning and heavy rain poured down with a roar, Arion was reborn in a small village on the outskirts of the Astral Kingdom.

The sun was hidden behind dark clouds, creating an eerie atmosphere as a tiny baby was born with a mesmerizing dragon mark on his back.

The villagers gazed in awe at the newborn, the dragon mark on his back becoming a hot topic of conversation throughout the village.

They believed that the baby was destined to do great things, to become a hero who would fight the darkness threatening their kingdom.

However, few knew that the dragon mark was a testament to Arion's previous life as a brave knight.

In his previous life, Arion had died on the battlefield, defending his kingdom from the dark forces that threatened it.

With great hope, the baby was named Arion, a name that carried the meaning of courage and determination.

The family and villagers swore to protect Arion at all costs, realizing that his destiny might lead them to unexpected adventures.

As Arion grew, the dragon mark on his back became more pronounced.

His extraordinary talents began to emerge, from combat skills to remarkable intelligence.

However, behind the wonders, Arion also felt the call from his forgotten past, like shadows lurking in the corners of his mind.

With every step, Arion came closer to his yet-to-be-fully-revealed destiny.

And as he stood on the brink of adulthood, he knew that a grand adventure awaited him out there, ready to test his courage and uncover the secrets behind the mesmerizing dragon mark on his back.


In his previous life, as Arion breathed his last breath on a blood-soaked battlefield, his oath reached the dark sky.

With eyes closed and a resolute heart, he vowed to return to this world, not only to seek revenge or fight for justice, but to protect his beloved kingdom from the lurking dark threat.

Reincarnation gave him a chance to fulfill his oath.

In the confusing darkness between worlds and the afterlife, Arion felt a presence calling him back to life.

He stepped into the spirit realm with firm resolve, preparing himself for the new journey ahead.


When he was reborn into the human world, his memories of his past life were hazy.

Confusing dreams and flashes of memories came and went like shadows passing before his mind's eye.

However, there was one thing he carried clearly, a strong sense of responsibility to protect his kingdom.

With the dragon mark on his back as proof of the promise from his previous life, Arion grew up with a great sense of responsibility.

Though not fully understanding his destiny yet, his existence was filled with a burning determination to protect the people he loved and his kingdom from looming threats.

Every step he took in this world was a step toward fulfilling his brave oath.

And though the path to truth and justice might be fraught with obstacles and dangers, Arion was prepared to face them all with unshakable principles of truth and courage.

With these two resolutions, Arion was ready to accomplish whatever was destined for him.


Since Arion was a toddler, his extraordinary combat talents were apparent.

He displayed remarkable physical strength, even surpassing children his age.

His combat abilities not only made him excel among his peers but also attracted the attention of those around him.

However, it wasn't just his physical strength that stood out. Arion also possessed sharp intelligence and vast insight. He quickly learned various concepts and skills, even the complex ones.

His quick learning ability made him the center of attention among teachers and village elders.

Yet, the dragon mark etched on his back became the main focus.

Not only good people were drawn to him, but also those with malicious intentions.

Some saw the dragon mark as a source of great power they could exploit for their own gain.


When Arion turned seventeen, the urge to explore the world beyond his village grew stronger.

He felt a call that stirred his soul, as if a great adventure awaited him out there.

With a heart full of passion and strong determination, Arion prepared to embark on the journey toward his yet-to-be-revealed destiny.

Arion was ready to face the challenges and dangers that might await him out there. But his parents forbade him for the time being, so Arion postponed his intentions.

Dreams filled with dragons and battles had haunted Arion since his childhood, as if a voice called to him from a dark and forgotten past.

Every night, he woke up in a cold sweat, feeling as if he were on a blood-soaked battlefield, ready to face the dark forces that threatened.

When Arion reached young adulthood or twenty years old, the call from those dreams grew stronger.

He felt as if there was a mission he had to complete, a destiny waiting for him to live out.

Filled with determination and courage, Arion decided to seek answers to the call.

Seeing Arion's immense determination, his parents finally granted him permission to embark on his adventure.

Arion began his adventurous quest to uncover the secrets behind the dreams that haunted him.

One dark and windy night, Arion met an old wizard named Eldric.

At the edge of a whispering forest, Eldric revealed long-hidden secrets about the dragon mark on Arion's back.

"Arion," Eldric said in a deep and resonant voice, "you are the chosen Dragon Knight. That mark is the key to your power and destiny. However, your true strength remains hidden, waiting to be revealed at the Astral Tower."

Arion's eyes sparkled as he listened to Eldric's words.

Everything he had ever felt and experienced began to make sense and connect, as if the separate pieces of a puzzle were starting to come together into a complete picture.

With a resolve stronger than ever, Arion vowed to follow his destined path.

He was ready to face any obstacles and dangers that might await him at the Astral Tower, for he knew that there the answers to all his questions and the true power he sought would be revealed.

Armed with the new knowledge gained from Eldric and the burning courage in his heart, Arion prepared to leave the village where he had grown and developed.

With determined steps, he looked toward the future with a strong resolve, ready to embark on a journey that would change his fate.

Before leaving, Arion spoke to his family, assuring them that he would return as a hero who would bring pride to them.

Though their hearts were filled with worry, they also felt proud of Arion's bravery and determination to fulfill his destiny.

Arion's journey began with one clear goal: to find the Astral Tower and uncover the secrets behind his destiny as the chosen Dragon Knight.

He traversed winding paths and dark forests, facing various dangers and obstacles lurking at every corner.

Yet with every step, Arion felt closer to his goal.

He met people who helped him and gave him clues about the direction to take.

Every town and village he passed through held stories and mysteries that brought him closer to the Astral Tower.

With unwavering courage and determination, Arion pressed on, crossing high mountains and deep valleys.

Every challenge he faced only made him stronger and more determined to reach his goal.

And under the vast, blue sky, Arion continued to move forward, ready to face whatever awaited him ahead.

For within him, he knew that his destiny as the Dragon Knight had not yet been fully revealed, and he had to find the answers at the Astral Tower.