
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


I finally had enough time to rest for a while.

Although I have infinite stamina right now but it feels annoying to just keep on hurting yourself when fighting.

I turned offed my lighting ability since it had reached the limit.

I slumped to the ground with Lia on my side.

I felt something heavy on my shoulder as I looked to my side I saw Lia completely slumped .

I decided to let her sleep because we have been continuasly fighting the entire day with only some rest in the time stop to recover or charge our abilities.

Although we weren't exhausted in physical exhaustion we felt tired in the mental exhaustion.

I decided to buy the skill I wanted to buy since I got so many coins from killing the demon king and his army.

I went to the store option and I looked at the item I had wanted to buy for so long.

(Special item, left eye of omniscience lvl 1)

(Abilities: allows the user to see into the future or past.

You can read others mind.

You can easily see weaknesses,and imperfections.

Needs lot's of mental ability and lots of mana per use, backlash of being mentally ill if overused)

Cost:1,000,000 coins

I bought another skill since I had lots of money left on me

The coins I left had on me


(5 star skill,Cool mind)

(Allows the user to be free of any mental exhaustion from hardwork.

Keeps a cool mind and thinks of the best ways to win and will always be at the best thinking ability.

Increases any kind of magic attacks effectiveness by 3 times)


I used this skill as I immediately became free of the exhaustion I was getting,I immediately used the omniscience left eye and put it to my eye's.

My left red eye suddenly turned brighter than my right eye.

My left eye which had the eye of omniscience immediately showed me the danger that will come and suddenly showed me something that shocked me to the core.

I immediately jolted awake as I stood up with sweat all over my face.

Lia who was asleep immediately became angry at my sudden movement.

She looked at me with to sweat all over me as if something had happened to me that is unthinkable.

What happened? She became panicked about me she jolted as she stood up.

I looked at her panickingly as I started to explain my situation.

I just got an item that lets me see the future and the future is way different than we think what it is.

Listen here okay I will show you the future since you are my most trusted companion and my last hope okay now look at this.

I put my hand on her left eye as I started the process again.

Don't move and see this thing, i said as I again went to the future that I had seen.

Lia eyes widened in horror as she looked at the place whose once called earth.

The whole earth was filled with fire and volcano's erupting every where, she could see millions of demons roaming earth killing humans the moment they see them and millions of other races that were too strong to fight even if we were able to break through to the 6 star warrior we would have so little chance to survive.

She saw how demon lord and lots of other races massicering the Human race.

Just like the first time the monsters got into the human world.

Even the strongest humans were nothing compared to them.the strongest humans were just nothing but Ants to them.

And it was all done in a span of a month.

He could even see something more horrifying than that,the demon lord and the monster lords bowing to some unknown figures that looked like the gods or something.

They were giant in stature, hundreds of meters tall.

All of them were watching as the giants used a single finger to create a small ball of energy.

That energy destroyed the city's with ease.

The survivors that were left were only some special humans that decided to bow their heads to the giants and made them their new god.

The giants liked being called gods so they decided to not kill the one that joins the cult of god's.

The last humans that were left the one that didn't follow the giants rules were the two people.

Max and Lia.

In a strange cave Max was dying in Lia's hands as he gave her the every thing he had left every skill every item and every single piece of equipment that could help her ,he even transferred the status of the creator rank to her .

He gave her his every item to help her and keep her alive no matter what.

he muttered something with his last breath as blood kept coming from his mouth.


was the last thing max said before dying in her hands.

The future got cut off as max jolted back because of the use of the skill.

Huh I sighed before I used my new skill to calm my mind but when I saw Lia I was shaken a little and felt a little shiver on my body.

Lia had a dark Face that was filled with nothing but darkness and rage, after seeing such future where she alone survived and her only companion max died .

This was the first time max had seen Lia 's expression like that.

He didn't say anything about her expression as he only spoke.

We should find some monsters to clean I would need a lot of coins for new skills that can be used to defeat the giants.

We would need to upgrade our abilities and increase our stats to a 6 star warrior or else we would be doomed if we faught those things.

She looked at me she came forward as she hugged me .

I didn't say anything as I knew what her mind was filling with, although I had a mind calming skill which she didn't have it so she would obviously be panicking.

I hugged her back for some minutes to calm her ,in that minute I could only feel the warmth of her hug towards me but I kept calming her down by using whatever means necessary before we finally let go of eachother.

She immediately got ready to train and fight those monsters.

I am sorry for taking your time like this let's get ready for the upcoming war,she spoke apologetily.

She didn't say anything and pulled out anything that may be useful in for us right now.

We walked out and started to run towards a place.

Right now everyone was being treated and in the midst of that we ran at fast paced to meet the principle.

The teacher or people didn't say anything as they thought maybe we are meeting someone important that is dying or is in serious situations seeing us run so desperately.

We soon reached the principle's office which a person stopped us to enter.

We showed them our secret card that signified us as the great grandchildren of the principle.

But she still didn't let us in saying the principle was doing something important.

It is pretty important what we are talking about if we don't let our great grandfather know about it than all of us will be In trouble just say that max and Lia have came to visit for important stuff,he will let us in.

The teacher was quite unhappy of our request because she just had to deal with demons now kids are annoying her to do something unnecessary work.

But she still decided to do it since it's her job.

She pulled her phone out as she dieled the number.and the connection connected .

Hello principle your great grandchildren max and Lia have came would you like them to enter.

The principle only sighed before he told her.

Let them in.

The teacher was surprised to hear that since she has never heard the principle say to let someone in after a hardship battle.

You are allowed to go in,she said as she swiped the card and let them in.

The door was closed and as soon as they met eyes,I immediately asked him for a request.

Give me the permission of leaving this academy for 2 hours leave.

The principle was quite surprised of the request but he didn't doubt me as he just asked if there is something else I needed.

I want a card which signifies me as 3 star identity card that is able to take requests of exterminating monsters or let me go outside the city to hunt monsters and i need it fast.

And also let all of the humans from all over the world know that this attack on the academy was only a small battle the real war is being prepared by the demons and other monsters,

Tell them you Got this information from a demon commander,.

In this war not one but hundreds of 5 star warriors will be coming to kill us if we are not ready by a month than we would be dying at the hands of those monsters.

His expression immediately became serious and shocked as he heared this claims coming from me.

What are you saying, what do you mean hundreds of 5 star warriors will be our enemy, how will we defeat them.

Oh the 5 star warriors aren't our main enemy you will fear the one controlling this 5 star warriors.i said fear evident on my voice.

You must do everything in your power to create an army of strong people and train them no matter how harsh the environment is ,tell them that this nothing to the war they are going to face.

Give all of the knowledge about the skills that are below 3 stars to the public and give the secret skills to the most trustworthy people that will sacrifice their lives for us.

Now take this i gave him a training manual.

Learn every detail of it and teach it to all of people you can while you should also soon break through to the 6 star warrior rank.

He was confused on why I was going away for some time but didn't think much of it.

I will need to gain lots of stuff that the monsters have .{kinda true since I get coins when I kill the monsters}

Well do you have a identity card for us or do we have to break through from the walls or sky? I asked in a hurry

Yes here you go I had created this card some days ago to give it to you if you needed it but it seems it is already needed.

He gave us two cards that showed us as a 3 Star warrior.

We took it and gave a last warning to him .

No matter what don't trust every person you meet there maybe a cult as well in here.

He understood and immediately got to work.

We walked out of the the office in a hurry.

I jumped from the window to the ground floor with a huge leap.

I was jumping about 500 meters down.

"Float "I casted a spell as we both started to speed up towards the guilds.

We stopped at a place as I stopped by a famous guild that was empty because most of the people were dispatched a few minutes ago to fight the demons.

I walked in towards the receptionist who was not expecting me here.

{What are 2 youngsters doing here?}

Welcome to our phinex guild what brings you here.

I want the information on all of the dungeons or gates of 3 stars.

Sorry but that is limited information that cannot be handed down to normal civilians or new adventures.

I showed her my card which had a 3 star rank on it.

She got shocked as she tested the authenticity of the card

It was fully real.

She became more respectful of us since she didn't know we were a 3 star warrior.

She showed us every single information on where the 3 Star dungeons or gates where at .

We walked of the building as I looked at the map I used my photographic memory technique in which I put all of the information in different blocks in my imaginary space.

Lia and I reached the city gates where the guards were patrolling the area.

I showed them my card and we speed up to find all of the dungeons and gates.

We finally reached a dungeon but instead of stopping we used our sensing ability to check for traps while we were running through this place.

The moment I saw monster I would cast the fire arrow to kill them all.

There were a total of a thousand 1 star monster and a hundred 2 star monster and one 3 star monster .

6600 coins in total from here.

It took me less than a minute to defeat all of the monsters.

I walked kept using the this tactic for 5 dungeons and I got a total of 33,000.

Which was enough for 1 hour dungeon hunting now I did something important.

Increase the skill regeneration to a 5 star skill.

[Ding -15,000,]


[5 star skill,Regeneration]

[Abilities: regenerates 100,000 hp and 10,000 stm per second for 1000 mana per second]

I increased the level of regeneration of Lia as well.

And I bought a 4 star intermediate rank skill calm mind to help her in future battles.

After we increased the power level of the skill regeneration we were ready to train now .

We both speed up our speed by using the red lightning.

We reached the city in 5 seconds.

I showed the identity card and we entered the academy with time stop we reached the inside of the academy in seconds.

I tookout a training hall card inside our academy and we reached inside.

I took the one where the most intense training room there was supposed to be .

I entered there with Lia as I locked the door so that noone can enter this thing.

I looked at her with a face as I explained her the training method we would use.

She was shocked by my suggestion as this was the deadliest and hardest training method to do.

But she complied because this was also the fastest method to gain strength.

I looked at my status

Max audry

Rank:4 star advanced


STR:90,000(900,000 kg punch)

SPD:90,000(90,000 meters per second sprint)

Stm:90,000(90,000 second run)

Def:90,000(can take on 900,000 kg punch),


Mana: infinite

My stats didn't increase that much because when I faught the demon king I didn't get hurt once so It didn't increase that much stats.

Her hands turned started to spew lightning as she was ready to attack me.

Lower the output to 10 times strength.

I spoke as I got ready to get hit,I had emergency skill that would Save me if I were to fully be killed so I don't need to worry about death right now.

Lia with the 10 times multiplayed her strength was at 900,000( 9 million kg punch).

She punched me in the gut as I tried to resist the punch I was sent rolling to a wall but I stopped myself from hitting it .

Ghuygu I chocked on my blood.

-810,000 hp

I was spewing blood from my mouth as I laid on the ground.


I slowly started to regrenarted.

+100,000 hp

+100,000 hp

After 9 Seconds.

I immediately stood up with my body fully healed.

I looked at the status.

Rank:5 star begganer







Mana: infinite

Hah it worked so greatly.

Now I multiplyed my strength by only 6 times since more than that and she would die.

I punched her in the gut and she went sliding through the ground aswell.

-810,000 hp

She started to drip blood from her mouth aswell.

After 9 Seconds she woke up aswell, with increased stats

After some time we got out we had finally done it .

In just one day we reached the thing we needed.

I looked at my status

Max Audry

Rank:6 star begganer







Mana: infinite

Our training method was full of harsh pain but we had to endure it to turn into a 6 star warrior.

But I knew we would never do this in the future because this has already been more than dangerous.

Constantly getting yourself to a life threatening situation while getting hit every time you regenerate, this was pure madness if not for the calm mind skill we both would have given up in a minute,but we persistate.

As I walked out I had something that we both would like.

I secretly took it out from my inventory.

I showed her it.

The moment she saw the book she was happy as a child.

[The book of defence]

(Next chapter at may 11,4:15am New York time zone)