
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


You will see how we will gain those bells.

I said confidently as I comfortably sitted on my seat.

Well I wonder how many betrayals or how many stay loyal in this battle.i looked around to see if I could get any information on who would be the most successful in this people.

As I was looking at this sorrunding I was quite impressed to see so many talented people here.

Soon the time was up and the teacher showed them the 10 stringed box which had 5 string on each box and each string had a bell hanging there.

Well and the rules are simple but I will tell it to you one more time.

You can do whatever to gain this bell and you will gain the points according to the bell you got,and I can only use my left hand not my right hand, this will last 30 minutes ,and the red bell is the only bell that is on my body instead of the boxes,.

She showed the red bell which was on her neck, although her face was stoic she was looking forward to seeing the strength of this talents in play.

Well now let's start in 3




All of them immediately got in their position.

The people started to run towards the box with full speed as they tried to reach it and all five of them got blocked before the grabbed them and threw them back to their place,her speed was quite unmatchable for the students to see.

The people on the back grabbed them and saved them to make sure they won't fall and injure themselves.

They again tried but this time 10 people came from all teams hoping to be lucky and gain one bell .

But the teacher was too fast as to her the students were like some slow big ants,she could easily deflect them,but she was fully aware they will be trying something special while they distract her and try some sneaky stuff

The ground behind the boxes had a small hole and from it a small mud like finger slowly crept out and tried to reach the top of the box but before it could reach there the finger was crushed by her leg as she was fully expecting something special.but she was disappointed that this was the only thing in thier arsenal.

She mocked them for doing something as unoriginal as this.

Try something different I have faced this tactic many times already, do you all think you are original for doing something as this? Be more creative or try things I wouldn't expect you fools.

Hghhh a guy sighed as he spoke in a low voice

It Didn't work guys let's do plan B.

all of the students understood what the next plan was as they all started to protect the magicians .

All kinds of coulers staryed to form behind the students as The magic user's Started to create some magic spells each different kinds like green ,blue and red.


A huge tornado that was flaming hot and a huge ice berg that were crushed onto little parts and lots of vines were released towards the teacher.

All of them were released at the same time to create coordination.

The fire was turning the air hot and the ice was turning it cold .

They both attacked the teacher but the teacher burst through them just by punching it to crumbs.

All of the students fully expecting this went full speed behind the attacks and went towards boxes while the teacher was attacking the magic spells.

The teachers strength was so high that,every spell was destroyed in one punch, except the vines.

The vines were still there Trying to hold back the teacher but the teacher just ripped them apart like ripping paper and after that went straight for the students instead and kicked them out of the reach of the boxes.

But 5 people had already gained 5 bells, one of which is a blue bell.

The teacher smiled at their teamwork,but it wouldn't actually work in the actual battle field,but this training was to increase teamwork and vigilance in battle to create experience on how to do coordination amongst each other.

As the clock was ticking they have tried all kinds of things in 10 minutes and they had already gained half of the bells

Who hoo, we would soon be able to gain all of the bells at this pace and we would pass this test is so easy ,a student exclemed but the students knew that in some time the people would start fighting over the bells, since there are only enough for half of the class.

But they kept quiet about it since it may break their teamwork and create problems for the group so they didn't say a thing about the it , only kept attacking the teacher to gain the bells.

Lia ,me and cassi were watching this having different expressions.

Although I and Lia had a amused look Cassi was quite panicked about us since we don't have any plan nor did we have done anything.

Guys shouldn't we try to at least attack the teacher to gain the bells we would lose at this pace she said panic evident on her voice.

The other students who were trying to get the bells were trying to exhaust the teacher by constantly barraging her with spells and students,and it was somewhat working.

Have you all prepared the mist.

A Boy that seemed like the leader spoke with panic,as the fire power was getting lower and lower.

Yes we have but it may make you all blind for some time aswell aswell so be careful on where you go just make sure you go forward not the other way.a girl spoke with concern.

Okay now release it.the boy said confidently

The girls magician released a huge white mist that slowly covered the ground where they were fighting.

Lia and I couldn't see what was happening so we activated our skills.



Cassi wasn't really seeing anything since she didn't have this skill but we were seeing everything in that battle.

As the mist followed the students that hide in the mist and try to grab the bells,but although the teacher didn't do anything about the mist she could still feel the students so she attacked the students that were not good at hiding and the people that took the bell made a tingling sound the moment the bell moves so she also found them as well.

In this mist the students were trying to get the bell before the teacher founded them.

After some minutes then teacher dicided to stop playing, since it was getting annoying to just hit the students ib this misty cloud.

She used her left hand to punch hard at the sky, the air flow was immediately disrupted and a huge tornado formed just from one punch and it desipated the mist in a second.

All of the students were dumbstruck by her strength,as they had never ever seen such powers just from a punch.

As the mist was decimated they only saw one thing in the middle of the ground a demoness in the form of a teacher.

The teachers immediately changed her eyes the moment she saw something.

We were Standing up from our seats.

Let's get ready Lia, i said as we both took the stairs.

We slowly entered the arena with no care of others .

All of the students were looking at us with a mocking face.

Second person pov

{We all tried and joined forces but we could only get this much bells after so many tries and errors,who do they think they are to just come onto the ring with confidence like that.}

We both came to the arena before I announced to the teacher.

Miss you should not hold back I allow you to use all of your body part and any skills you want if you like .

The teacher looked at me with a confused but vigilant look.

All of the students from were shocked at my announcement looking at me like I was a dumb guy.

The teacher started to take out her right hand from her back with a confused look.

Well I will warn you miss if you hold back than Don't blame me if you aren't able to protect the red bell from your neck.

The demoness although human ,was called the demon because of her looks of a murderer which she is since she killed thousands of humans,she was looking forward to my attacks since she was told to not hold back for the first time in her teaching career ,so it would be fun to not hold back for a moment.

Now we both started to slowly walk towards the teacher with slow but confident walk.

The students were all confused on what was happening,And the teacher was dumbstruck by my confidence.

Teacher pov

{What are this idiots doing I can easily hit you two at this moment with no hardships at least try to live up to your confidence, whatever I will just send them back the moment they come close to me}

The teacher waited for our arrival.

We slowly went towards the teacher with a confident walk as if we were mocking her ,just as we were 10 meters close to the miss demonness,two hands tried to grab us but we were gone from that place before she even got us.

Hmmmp the teacher had a dumb expression.

The miss felt something in her shoulders as she looked around she saw us sitting at her shoulders like it was nothing.

In both of our eyes a little red lightning was formed.

The teacher tried attacking us in the shoulders but we were gone before she even moved and we were ahead of her.

Everyone had the same expression when seeing us disappear and reappear.




{Too bad it wasn't teleportation it was way more special skill a Time stop skill}

The teacher was shocked to see us disappear without any traces of magic use,she has Faced people with TELEPORTATION magic but not this type.

We were on our seat before she even knew.

She looked around to see us in our seats.

The students were all trembling with fear as they had underestimated them again three times in a row ,

{This two are monsters how can they use such magic with such ease}

We showed our hands as in them were the 4 bells in total.

The miss looked at her neck to see that the red bell was stolen before she even knew.

Lia looked at all of them with a cold look while i was just sitting there looking like I was sleeping.

Cassi on the other hand had her jaw fully opened because we just appeared out of nowhere and got the bells in seconds.

Didn't I tell you we would get the bells? Look how easy it is to get it.lia said while showing the bells to Cassi, with an uninterested look.

The other students and the teacher were not moving in shock as we did what they were trying to do in Just seconds without any problem.

{This time stop skill is quite handy}

{If I use time stop than I can release the time without me having reached the time limit of 1 minute and}

{This time stop is like a mobiles battery ,if I fill it up by 60 seconds I can stop time for 10 seconds and release time than i will only have to wait another 10 seconds for it to charge it again,i can use it anytime i want aslong as there is enough charge like even if there is only one second left on this skill i can still use it}

I could see the time stop was filling on seconds.






After some seconds the students were all dumb struck because the teacher just left the arena.

You can all gain the bells I won't protect it anymore if you want than you can get any bell.

The teacher left the arena and sitted on a chair with a face of disbelief.

All of the students were quite stupified but they all moved As fast as they could becuse they knew there are only enough bells for half the people so they didn't waste much time time.

The people that got there first were happy that they got a bell but they started to run away not to let others have it,but the people that were faster than them immediately caught up and took there bell for themselves.

after some time all of the people were fighting eachother for the bells.

The fastest guys and girls were protecting their bells with ease since noone could come close to them.

The people with defensive magic were just sitting there because there plants and magic shields were easy to use to protect.

Students didn't even try to get close to the the offensive attacks since it was seriously dangerous to go against them in a fight.

The only students who were the most vulnerable Were the bulky students or the guys that were not good at close combat.

The students were hitting eachother for just a bell .

All types of Elements were released in this battle as lighting,fire, water,ice, earth,and some other magic were used in this battle while we were just watching this battle.

After some time everyone was exhausted from running and fighting and lot's of people just hide their bells in their body parts but whenever they Moved the bell made a sound so it was easy to distinguish the students with bells.

As the students were fighting I could see a team of 10 people just standing defensively .

{It seems at least one team was staying together, they must all have gained a bell each and the leader must be a good leader to make 9 arrogant kids follow the person's command command}

This ten students were defending eachother from outside attacks and helping eachother from any injuries or any threats.

After some time the 30 minutes were up and all of them stopped fighting since the teacher was looking at them.

After which the teacher divided the winner with the losers.

After all of this the teacher spoke.

This was a test of points the more the best. And in this test lot's of people showed there powers, and I will be Ranking all of you.

The student with the most amount of points max.

Points 140 in total

The students who got the red bell Lia.

total points 100 Points.

The team that got the most points the team 6.

Total points 570

All of you will be rewarded separately according to the the feats you achieved.

After some time we were given different amounts of points for our success.

So who won? I asked her with a confused look.

She looked at me as she spoke, well it depends on who you think.

You got the most points alone, while Lia Got the red bell which was the hardest bell to get and the team 6 got the most amount of points in this game so it is hard to decide.

{She has a good teaching ability,I thought she was bad at teaching but she is actually good}

{Not everyone can be good at one thing if this was only a person who will get the most points than others that are more good in teamwork will be undergraded and the people that are good at close combat or defensive will be undergraded aswell so the teacher let them first have a teamwork and let them work together after which she let the battle unfold with unpredictablity.}

{If you are good at defense than you can protect from your item if you are good at offense than you can gain items from others and if you are good at teamwork than you can work together to gain and protect items.}

{What the teacher is showing is that the battle can be with anyone all you can do is use what you are best at to protect or gain something that is important to you by doing everything you can, }

{So I guess it's a loss to me since I wasn't better than them,}I looked at lia and the team 6.

I was a little disappointed in myself but I didn't wonder about it much.

After some days.

So everyone that is it for today a techer stopped teaching us after the bell Ringed.

Huh finally I can eat something lot's of students started to bicker about what they would eat and alot only stayed quiet because they didn't have enough points to eat something special, they would eat the healthy academys food .

I seated back with a Tired look.

{I am close to breaking through to 4 star begganer,but I am not able to get the intensity i want}

As I was thinking this I suddenly felt something.


My eyes widened as I felt thousands no hindereds of thousands of monsters.

I looked above just to see a huge red Portal.

What the hell is happening????.

All of the teachers got notified of the strange appearance of such a huge gate here.

The thousands of students in this academy got chills run down there spine.

I felt something coming from that place.

More than 20 demon commander and not just commanders,a being higher also came with them.

The higher being had a crown on his head that was made of different mana crystals..

{Is this thing a demon king!!???}


{A demon commander has a stats of a 4 star warrior but a demon king has a stat of a 5 star warrior.}

Just what is happening why are they suddenly attacking the capital,and furthermore how are they able to get through the city's defence system and come to our academy.

The demons were high in the sky as they all got released .

The king was sitting there with a bored look,as they talked in some demonic language.

(Hey commanders go and kill them all, they are a big threat to our future if they survive than they will definitely kill us in the future)

{Wait the demons there are more than 100,000 of them and our school as at most 3,000 students}

{It will be a total Massicre if the students faught the demons}

I immediately got ready to fight them with my sword in hand.

{It seems the great grandfather's sword that I got will be useful in this battle,I may have to use the other emergency items like the 6 star sword or the 5 star gloves to fight here}

All of the students were panicking at this time on what was happening.

One of the teachers came and stopped them from panicking.

Listen here students all of you get into formations and fight in teams if worst were to come run and try to hide somewhere, right now it is important to stay calm this low level demons are no match for you so don't worry about it only if there are demon generals or demon commanders Should you not fight the other demons are easy for you all to defeat.

{The teacher was trying to give them confidence and because of placebo effect the students started to calm down about the lower level demons and started to think that they could easily win against them}

{But I was more worried about the demon king there and the commanders were all intermediate 4 star or more so the teachers were bound to have troubles }

But The main problem will be the demon king there,that king maybe a 5 star warrior but he is definitely stronger than my great grandfather.and if he loses than we would be in big trouble.

Since others cannot fight a 5 star monster right now.

As I was looking at all of them I realised something.

I looked at one of the demon commanders that had a strange machine that was acting as a jaw.

My eyes were wide open as I realised who it was .

{That commander I know that guy it's the commander that made me and lia suicide.}

{That fu*king bitch is still alive?}

(Next chapter at 5 may ,4:15 am new York time zone)