
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


{It seems like fate has decided to smile upon me because of that Is a jackpot, except for the 2 star goblin chief i can easily kill all of the other goblins and I will gain so much coins.}

{If I kill them all than I can get about 100c which can give me a 2 star weapon which is alot for a normal average family,most people can't even afford a 1 star weapon with their yearly salary.so what I am getting is alot of money and the fact that each of the goblin had a 10 percent chance of dropping a core of their respective rank}

{Which is used for energy sources which is both nature friendly and effective so it also costs alot of money}

I looked at all of this with a cold look as I realised what this goblins were about to get.

Lia get ready I ordered as I started to cast a 1 star spell.


Sorrunding me 10 yellow flaming arrows started to form as i saw how each of the arrows delt.

[1 star skill,Fire arrow]

[Abilitie:can create 10 flaming arrows which all have SPD,str,and Def at 10 .

After target is hit there will be a burning effect which will decrease hp by 5 every second for 10 seconds.

Cost:10 mana per use, cool down:1 minute.]

{I aimed at the most annoying ones the 1 star goblins ,the 2 Star goblins can be delt by Hannah and the our guards, I want to fight the 1 star or lower level goblins first since it's my limit right now}

Make sure you cut both the hand and legs or chain the goblin chief, the goblins and the 2 star goblin must be injured not killed okay I said to Hannah ,as Lia and jumped down with me .

I let go of the arrow as it swiftly reached our opponent.


Just after some seconds it hit the targets

Before the goblins could understand anything the 1 star goblin were all hit with the arrow.









All ten of the 1 star goblins felt the flames hitting them as they were ingulfed in that pain we ran at our full speed as we reached to the place where they were all at.

The goblins protecting the camp that saw and tried to hit us but they were swiftly killed before they even raised their weapons.

We didn't slow down on our speed as we needed to reach them before the flames went out,this 1 star skill can atmost damage 60 DMG per arrow and most of the 1 star warrior have over 100 hp so we needed to reach them fast.

We came to the place as we both started to chop of their bodies and dismantle them before they can even react they were all panicked and confused on what was happening, some of the guards were behind us to protect us just in case we weren't able to kill them ,the guards were stupified by our strength.

I hit the goblins at their main parts like hearts ,necks and brains since it was the easiest way to kill someone in 1 move.

While my Lia was just using brute force and ripping their hands and legs with pleasure as she didn't really kill them but made sure to enflict more pain on them.

I suddenly felt something behind me as I ducked and did a black kick to the thing behind me.


{What -10? I have 50 str with all of the items so only a person with 40 Def can be strong enough to withstand my attack by that much}

I looked behind as I saw a green goblin with only some scratches from the fire arrow.

{This goblin is close to intermediate 1 star only my str is intermediate 1 star and all of my other stats are only 30 or 20 and if I hadn't had my instinct I would have had some kind of injury because of it.}

I activated my skill 1 star skill"PERCEPTION"

I can now feel the surroundings to all places on 10 meters to right and left.

I used my dagger as I went forward expecting where the goblin will dodge I side stepped as I stabbed it in his shoulders.

-10 times 5(critical hit)

It seems my critical hit came at the right time I said as I backed off because that goblin was about to hit me, with his small Normal dagger aswell.

Although he is faster than me I am still able to easily predict his moves so I can just dodge before he moves.

I stabbed the goblins hand which I had dodged.

-10 health points


I pulled out my dagger as I went forward stabbed it in the goblins neck which he had nothing to protect from,

-300(critical hit)


His neck started to bleed profusely as hus body jolted while he was dead.

{Huh looks like he is dead now the others }

As I swiftly sidestepped to the strike aimed at my back,I spin around,my dagger gleaming in the dim light of the forest and bone give way under my force .the creature let out a guttrral cry,its eyes wide with shock and pain, before crumbling to the ground, defeated,the metallic tang of blood filled air ,mingling with the scent of the forest floor,as i stood over the fallen foe.

-250(critical hit)

Approaching the final 1 star goblin, I noticed Lia swiftly dispatching four "one-star" goblins before charging toward the fifth. Without a hint of emotion, I closed the distance to the next goblin with calculated precision. As it lunged forward with malicious intent, I smoothly sidestepped, causing it to stumble past me, its attack missing by mere inches. The goblin, momentarily off balance, turned to face me, its expression a mix of confusion and anger. I remained unfazed, my movements fluid and deliberate as I prepared to neutralize the threat with ruthless efficiency.

With a calm focus, I aimed for the goblin's heart as it attempted a series of punches. Swiftly sidestepping each blow, I effortlessly dodged its attacks. Seizing the opportunity, I countered with a powerful punch to the goblin's face, sending it sprawling to the ground. Without hesitation, I drove my dagger into its heart, ensuring it would pose no further threat. My actions were methodical, devoid of any emotion, as I swiftly dispatched the goblin with cold efficiency.

-200(critical hit)

After dispatching the "1 star"goblins,I approached the goblins Lia had left to suffer, without a hint of remorse,I swiftly ended their suffering, ensuring they met the same fate as their companions.my actions were swift and decisive, leaving no roam for hesitation or mercy

After the Massicre which just happened to the leaders the lower rank goblins had nothing but to either come at us with no plans,run away or stay still fear.

My cool down was finished as I again throwed 10 arrows to the goblins that were panicking and didn't no to run or stay.

The fire arrows struck with deadly accuracy, igniting the goblins in a blazing inferno. In just three seconds, their frail bodies succumbed to the onslaught, lacking the defense and health to withstand such an assault. As they tried to flee, the flames spread with a voracious hunger, consuming everything in their path.

The acrid smell of burning flesh and charred wood filled the air, assaulting the senses with its sickening stench. The goblins' frantic attempts to escape only added to the chaos, their panicked screams echoing through the forest. The once serene landscape was now a hellish scene of destruction, with houses and trees alike being swallowed by the relentless fire.

I looked back as I saw the goblin Chief whose hands and legs were completely chanied and with injuries all over his bodies, Hannah had actually captured the 2 star goblin with ease ,the 2 star goblin looked as his all of his childrens ,and families were killed mercilessly and brutally,tge screams of his fellow goblins he couldn't do anything to protect them,he was too weak for it.

He started to tear up as he saw how his whole goblin village which was in a jungle was completely masssicered with no mercy,

He bowed down as he started to mutter some words to the maid, although she couldn't understand anything she still fot the gist of it.

This goblin was begging to have them mercy and let them live,but she didn't say anything as she saw my eyes.

The crimson red eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, piercing the darkness with their malevolent gleam. Within them churned a maelstrom of darkness and unbridled killing intent, a silent promise of devastation and doom. They seemed to pulsate with a life of their own, drawing in the surrounding shadows like a vortex of malevolence.

Anyone who dared to meet that gaze would feel their very soul tremble, as if standing on the precipice of oblivion. It was a stare that spoke volumes without uttering a word, a harbinger of death that instilled fear in even the bravest hearts. In that moment, the world seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the wrath that those crimson eyes could unleash upon the unwary.

I stopped staring as I got knuckled by Lia .

Will you start killing them or not, or else I will kill them all, you will not get the coins if you just watch she suddenly spoke in a angry face.

Oh sorry I just forgot about it I said as I got ready .

With a swift,decisive movement,I lunged forward,a blur of motion that left a trail of carnage in my wake.in the span of a mere second, within a radius of 10 meters,my blade danced with deadly precision, cleaving through flesh and bone alike,the goblins stood no chance against the onslaught,their bodies torn asunder,each falling in four distinct pieces,a greusome testament to mu powers.

Lia looked at me with a confused look as she saw the goblin chief and understood the sudden change of mood in max.

{Hum max would have let you all go if not for what had happened in the past life,in that life ,max had let go of a goblin chief because of his sincerity but later he found out that that goblin had Massicred more than thousands of people after he was let go}

{After which he regreted his actions to let go of others,}

{Max is the type of guy that will treat others how he wants to be treated,and max always starts by being nice but if the other person rejects his kindness and shows hostility than that person will forever be etched as an enemy by max no matter what, only if the other person does something worthwhile than max will consider of not making the other person an enemy}

{Thank god that he was a child when we first met and he wasn't really that emotionless when we first met,I made him a friend because he was nice to me and he accepted me even though I was different so I became nicer to him as well just because I didn't want his lectures on what not to do,but only later I realised Max was not as niave as I thought he was ,I still remember the day when max got into a fight for the first time,the amount of blood that was spilled,and the amount of torture techniques he showed me,I still can't forget it}she looked thoughtfull for a second but she decided to help max.

{The amount of people he has lost in his last wars and the amount of time he had betrayals i still remember all of it,if this keeps on going than one day Max's hidden anger sadness and madness will be released,I have tried to take away max's sadness and anger little by little as I knew if I didn't than the whole world will face something that is not capable of reasoning.max will fight with so much mercilessness and no holding back that he would take advantage of their friendship and relationship to blackmail them.}

{I know it all because I have seen it all,but I know Deep inside the anger and sadness there is a bit of love that is hidden away,he just exaggerated his kindness and love since all of the kindness he shows to people is just the fake kindness which he is so good at showing, sometimes even I wonder if what he shows me is also fake,but i still care if it is fake aslong as you accept me i will follow you with loyalty}

She went forward and started to ripping the goblins as she punched the injured goblins to max who was killing them all with an eye that was filled with darkness as if nothing mattered to him but he just knew he had to do one thing.

He moved his lips as a small threatening voice came from it.




after some time this whole place was filled with blood and burned corpses of goblins and the and ashes of the whole village which some places were still burning.

Huh I sighed with relief that no goblins were left behind killing 3 ( 0 star) goblins give me 1 c,and I killed 120 so if I divede it by three i got 40c from the (0 star) goblins,the 1 Star goblins give 3 per goblin and I killed 10 so i got 30c .

Add it and I got 70c from the the goblins I still have the chief left to kill,I said as I looked behind with my bright eyes as I complimented Lia .

You are so good at helping me ,I ruffled her hair with my hands as I patted her.

Stop will you do you know how much time it takes for combing my hair?,i daily need to comb my hair because you always mess it up.

Oh I am sorry,as a gift why don't I comb your hair for 10 days,I gave her a smile as I said it with cheekyness.

15 days* she spoke trying to negotiate.

Okay okay,15 days I will comb your hair for 15 days,.

Thank you she said as she hugged me, with happiness.

Well let's go and deal with the last goblin shall we i said as we jumped towards the goblin chief.

As we approached the last standing goblin, the once vibrant village lay in ruins around us, a stark testament to the devastation we had wrought. The goblin chief's expression, once filled with fear and sadness, had transformed into a mask of pure, unadulterated rage. His eyes blazed with a ferocity that sent a shiver down my spine, a silent promise of vengeance for his fallen kin.

With a guttural roar, the goblin chief lunged towards us, his movements fueled by a primal fury. His hands, clawed and gnarled, reached out as if to tear us apart, but the enchanted chains that bound him held him back, straining against his frenzied attempts to break free.

I could feel the intensity of his hostility, a palpable force that hung in the air like a thick fog. He cared not for his own safety, driven only by a burning desire to see us suffer. His determination was chilling, a grim reminder of the depths of his hatred.

As we prepared to face him, I got ready for the kill ahead, knowing that the goblin chief would stop at nothing to exact his revenge.

I was about to deal the last blow but then I stopped and thought for a second.

I took out something from my inventory secretly,

I wonder how good it will work I said as I took out a purple coulered vile in a glass, I put a drop of the liquid in my dagger,.

I put it back to my inventory as I stabbed the goblins right eye with this dagger and I took it out, to see the effects.

The goblin screamed in Pain as I stabbed it in the eye he tried to close it with his hands but he couldn't reach it because of the chains.

The eye part started to bleed but I didn't care and only wanted to see the after effects,in 3 seconds the right eye's side and forehead started to show vains as the vains were purple in colour.

The goblin screamed even louder because of the sudden pain.


He kept screaming for 30 seconds each screen louder than before like the pain was only getting stronger and stronger until after the half a minute he died not because of the blood lose but because his brain couldn't handle the pain.

A 2 star goblin who had at least the 100 times stronger will than a normal human couldn't handle that pain and died from it,.

Oh,I didn't know it worked this well i murmured as I looked at the description of the item I got the combined 6 months of gift.

[3 star item,Pain potion(special item)]

[Causes extreme pain that will last till for minutes,any kind pain resistance will be nullified,and if you survive the pain resistance you will be forever cursed with Pain multiplayer, even touching something will pain you

Can only be released by a ? Star item,]

{I only gave it a drop of this thing and it still died ,I can't believe that this is only a 3 star item, although there is something like a special item written on it so special items must be something that is way above their own star tier.}

Hannah stood amidst the chaos, her expression stoic yet betraying a hint of confusion and fear. She watched silently, trying to comprehend the madness unfolding before her. As someone who worked for us, she held her tongue, choosing not to intervene. Her fondness for us, however, played a significant role in her decision to stay her hand. Despite her stoic face, there was a flicker of concern in her eyes, a silent plea for understanding in the midst of the inexplicable.

After the test was done I told Hannah to butcher this thing inorder to see if there was a 2 star core in there.

to our suprise their was a 2 star blue mana core in there.

The price of a 2 star mana core was high.

The pricing was done like this.

0 star mana core:10 $

1 Star:1000$

2 star:100,000$

3 Star:10,000,000$

4 Star:10,000,000,000$

Each star above will give you 100 times the previous price,the demand of higher rank star core are so high that if you are a person that got a high rank item than you will immediately become rich for generations to come.

A single 2 star mana core can easily power an entire city for 10 years easily and 3 star mana core can power the entire city for a century with continuous usage .

It is why people with red rank talent are considered genius and the hope of humanity since it even 1 person of them were to bring a 3 star mana core than the whole country can be powered for months or even a year at most.

Our family has raised hundreds of 3 star hunters,so we are one of the top 3 power house in the whole world.

I will soon have to go to the cadet academy To study all of the important things in this world and to make some loyal friends.

I know one day my cover as a creator rank will be revealed to other creator RANKs I need some people like the boy from the awakening tests,that have hidden potential above the fourth rank or even the 5th rank,.

The creators have an advantage on me as I can't defeat them 1 V 10 but I will still fight with all of my strength.

I still have people like Lia who have godly rank talent, although I gave her that ,I still don't know the condition to change someone's talent and what things I must do to fulfill it

But I will find out about it later.

After some another years.

Some one was doing pushups




Huh uuhhu haaa




Huhhh I am so close to 10000 pushups I said as I looked at my status.

Max Audry

Star:1 star advanced


STR:98(980 kg punch)

SPD:97(97 meters per second run)

Stm:96(can run for 96 second)

Def:99(can take on 980kg punch)

Hp:998(health points)

Mana: infinite.

I am so close to breaking through to 2 star hunter i need At least 7 more days for it .

I am turning 12 in 10 Days and I heard my parents told me something about meeting someone important and I will be given something special at that time I wonder who is it.

As I again started to train for my breakthrough.







(Next chapter at April 25,4:15 am new York time)