
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs




Although my expression outward was a cold stoic stare inwards I was contemplating on what to do with this kid,I just decided to let him go .

{I don't want to ruin this kids future by taking away his powers and I also want to know what this kid can accomplish and what he will do with that power,if he helps us in the future than I will let him go and make him a strong teammate,if he doesn't than and points his sword towards us than i will make sure he will regret it}

I watched as the boy was looking really happy about his rank,but he looked at the blonde girl with respect and admiration,like he knows what was happening even though he is only 1 years old,.

Most people can't even speak at this age but red rank or higher rank talent kids can easily talk at the age of 1 since this talents are easily able to be stronger than 100 average man and if trained hard enough can fight thousands of trained man.

I looked as they were going and the awakening tests was finally over,

We stood up from our seat and we started to go from the back door to reach ou destination.

I can't believe we got a purple rank talent this year ,it seems luck is on our side and we also got 96 red rank talents which was lesser than than what we originally thought,I thought for sure we would get at least a 100 red rank Talent this year but it seems we only got 96 but we did gain a purple rank talent so who cares about getting some less red talent,. Samantha enthusiasticly started to blaber .

And I also saw max Audry point at the purple ranked talent girl before she had touched the ball , could it be that he could sense her talent or is it cause of something else she looked at me with confusion as she said it.

I only felt something off about that girl that's why I pointed at her I spoke with no care of privacy, like I didn't have anything to hide.

Well ok if you say, hey we should hurry since today is max and Lia's birthday and we don't want to miss out on it, their is about 4 hours left till they become a 1 year old kid, so let's hurry she said with a worried look.

Okay,my mother said with also a little worried look that they won't miss our birthday.

We went to our car which was a beautiful roles royal

The description of the car was like this

The royal car gleamed under the sunlight, its polished exterior reflecting the world around it like a mirror. Every inch of the vehicle was a testament to luxury, from the sleek, aerodynamic lines to the shimmering chrome accents that adorned its body.

The car's exterior was a masterpiece of design, with sweeping curves and sharp angles that gave it a regal presence on the road. The windows were tinted, offering a glimpse of the opulent interior within. The wheels were oversized and made of the finest alloy, adding to the car's imposing stance.

Stepping inside, one was greeted by a cabin that exuded elegance and sophistication. Plush leather seats, hand-stitched with intricate designs, offered the utmost comfort to passengers. The dashboard was a marvel of technology, with a state-of-the-art infotainment system and a digital display that provided all the information a driver could need.

The car was equipped with the latest in automotive technology, from advanced safety features to a powerful engine that purred like a contented cat. It was a vehicle fit for royalty, a symbol of power, luxury, and refinement."

I couldn't believe we were going on a ride with this car as the guards opened our door and we went inside after we all were inside we started to talk to eachother since this car can handle more than 10 people and still be able to party in here if needed.

The car driver started to move the car as he got permission to start it, it started to move in a morderrat Speed.

Lia came to me and sat beside as she started watching the outside Serena seenary with me

To describe such a city

Nestled in the heart of the countryside, the city of celestia emerges as a beacon of modernity amidst the tranquil landscape. Its streets, lined with sleek, glass-paneled buildings and illuminated by the soft glow of mana crystals, offer a blend of serenity and advancement. The city's skyline is dominated by towering spires that shimmer in the sunlight, a testament to its technological prowess.

As one ventures into the most expensive royal district, the scene becomes even more enchanting. Imposing mansions and elegant townhouses, each adorned with intricate carvings and surrounded by lush gardens, exude an air of refinement and luxury. The streets are immaculately paved, and the gardens meticulously manicured, creating a picturesque setting fit for royalty.

Despite its advanced nature, the city has managed to preserve its natural beauty, with parks and green spaces interspersed throughout. Mana crystals, embedded in the city's infrastructure, power everything from streetlights to transportation, casting a soft, ethereal glow that bathes the city in a mesmerizing light. It's a city where the past meets the future, offering a glimps.

I couldn't believe that in just a century people had developed this much or should I say recovered this much technology and advancements from the early twentieth century,.

Looks like my uncle had fulfilled his promise of creating a wonderland for the humans to feel safe and be happy without fighting monsters, people were now able to live again like the old days and don't have to worry about dying in a war, although people still have to fight the monsters and die trying to survive, it is not so bad right now as it was before.

After some time we Finally reached our destination,I watched the place with awe as I described it bit by bit

Nestled amidst sprawling, manicured gardens, the mansion stood as a fortress of solitude, a sanctuary for the awakening of their children of the affluent and influential or should I say our parents. Its grand facade, adorned with intricate stonework and towering pillars, exuded an aura of elegance and opulence.

The mansion's security was unparalleled, with state-of-the-art surveillance cameras discreetly positioned to monitor every corner of the estate. Motion detectors and infrared sensors were strategically placed to alert the security team of any unauthorized movement.

Access to the mansion was restricted, with entry granted only to those with special clearance. The perimeter was secured by high walls, topped with spikes and adorned with dense foliage, creating a natural barrier that deterred all but the most determined intruders.

Inside, the mansion was a marvel of modern engineering and luxury. Rooms were equipped with the latest technology, from automated lighting and climate control to high-speed internet.

To protect the secret of awakening child and to hide their talents, a team of skilled bodyguards was employed, their presence discreet yet ever-vigilant. Trained in combat and security protocols, they stood ready to defend the child against any potential threat.

In this fortress of solitude, the children were safe, hidden from the prying eyes of the world, their talents hidden and unknown until they were ready to emerge and fulfill their destiny.

We walked inside it as I couldn't believe that my family was this rich and powerful, although I knew about them being wealthy I didn't know they were this wealthy now all that was left was to start our awakening test and prove that we were talented to our parents since they were the people that will be helping us to gain skills and power accordingly to our rank so we had to show that we are talented to them.

As we reached on a place our personal gaurd opened the door as I could Finally see the inside.

The room was a study in contrasts, with its pristine white walls illuminated by vibrant, electric blue lines that crisscrossed the surface like veins of light. The lines pulsed with a soft, ethereal glow, casting a mesmerizing play of light and shadow across the room.

In the center of the room, two crystal white balls floated effortlessly, suspended in mid-air. They were perfectly round, their surfaces smooth and flawless, catching the light and refracting it into a dazzling display of colors.

The room felt both futuristic and mystical, with an ambiance that was at once serene and awe-inspiring. It was a place that seemed to exist outside of the ordinary, a sanctuary of light and beauty.

I was awestruck again as I was getting surprises after surprises as I couldn't rest my mind on all of the things I had already seen.

We went inside as our parents and we went inside while the whole building was fully gaurded and this room was fully checked before about 100 times just to be sure our strength couldn't be revealed.

As the awekaning ceremony was about to start our parents gave us a thumbs up and told us to put our hands in them.

We obeyed them and we put our hands on the white crystal balls.

We closed our eyes as our parents watched us with nervesness and fully scared about our future if we don't get high talent.

We waited as both the two crystal balls started to shine brilliantly .


{WHHHO! I sighed inside as I was getting nervous that Lia wouldn't be able to hide our talent but it seems that she was able to hide it perfectly and we both showed them a purple rank talent which was the highest rank talent one could get.}{right now}

Well mother it seems we are very talented and we will be the future of our family,I said with a relieved smile since I was also a little nervous about my control of mana in this body since this is a kids body with infinite mana so I got a little nervous but I was perfectly able to control it.

Well you two are our kids, victor spoke with enthusiasm and proud of his children.

Well we should celebrate there birthday first and go to the other room, since this is their first birthday I will have to make sure they never forget it.

Well ok victor said with a smile.

We went to another room as we had walked a few steps ahead.

In the heavily guarded mansion, the room for the kids' birthday is elegant yet understated. It's a private affair, with only the children's parents in attendance, ensuring a sense of exclusivity.

The room is tastefully decorated with subtle hints of luxury, such as silk drapes, plush carpeting, and tasteful artwork adorning the walls. A long, elegant table is set up with exquisite china and silverware, and a lavish spread of gourmet delicacies is on display, catered to perfection.

A small, but lavish, birthday cake takes center stage, adorned with delicate decorations and the children's names in elegant script. Surrounding the table are comfortable chairs and sofas, where the parents can relax and enjoy the celebration.

Despite the exclusivity of the event, there are still entertainment options available for the children, such as a small play area with toys and games, as well as a talented musician playing soothing melodies in the background.

Overall, the room exudes an air of sophistication and refinement, befitting the stature of the family hosting the event, while still maintaining a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the children to enjoy.

After so many years we finally get celebrate our birthday after a decade, I couldn't hold back my genuine smile because of the welcoming gesture knowing i have people i can trust and the people who love me unconditionally,I have parents.

Lia looking at me smiling in such a way was also smiling since she knew that I had not smiled genuinely in a decade and has always hidden my emotions because of trust issues that I got on my first life and my second life.

I could say with confidence that She was the only person that knew me the best .

We enjoyed our birthday as we eat cakes and thew it at eachother,we even made a competition on who could hit the most amount of cakes to the other person and in this and the one with the least cake on his body will win.

Of course we won because they made sure we wouldn't lose since we are kids.althouth I still had fun since it had been such a long time to play with someone else other people than except Lia since she always played with real life danger I got a taste of a real game with no life threatening consiquinses.and I liked it all.

Well I want to check today since now it's a year and I wonder what I would get.

[Ding would you like to open the yearly gift?]


[Ding you have gained a 5 star item ,a pair of black gloves]

After some year outside in the garden a boy was doing pushups as he counted.







After some time



Huh,he sighed.

I am finally able to do 1000 pushups now with that I should check my status.said the 7 year old boy.

Max Audry

Rank:1 star


STR:10(100 kg punch)

Speed :10(10 meter per second run)

Stm:10(10 second sprint or 1000 punch)

Def:10(able to take on 100kg punch)


MP: infinite

Well I have finally became a 1 star warrior, although I would start to increase grow rate at the age of 12 but training early in life is also advantages even though you gain less strength and power if you train before 12.

But I want to make sure I am strong from a child.

I went inside the house and went for a bath ,I cleaned myself from all of the sweet and bad smell that was coming from it.

After that I went inside to wear some night gowns as it was about to be night in some hours and I needed early sleep since I was not a night owl .,I wore my nighti gown and I said my good nights to lia who was also training i stopped her training and told her to wash herself and go to sleep,she obeyed my orders.

I went and told good nights to my family members as well I went to my room as my personal maid and personal butler made sure my bed was okay,I sat at the bed as I saw both of them go away closing the door.

Before going to sleep I needed to do something.

Well now that I have saved up 6 yearly gifts since I used the first gift at the start every year I stopped my urge to open one gift but I stopped my urge as I wanted to combine and open all of them at the same time.

{Well now combine the 6 yearly gifts system}

[Ding 6 yearly gifts have been combined]

[Ding would you like to open the gift?]

{Yes, open them }

(Next chapter at April 21,4:15 am new York time zone)