
Chapter 11

Aria stands in front of the large mansion. Nothing much changed since she left two years ago. She recalls the incident that happened almost 3 days ago.

After she woke up, she saw her phone had been bombarded with missed calls. She checked to see who it was. She froze when the name Sophie showed on the caller ID. It was her sister-in- law. Her finger hovered over the answer button hesitantly. She took a deep breath and answered it. It rang a few times until it was answered by the frantic voice of her niece.

"Auntie it's me. Something happened to Grandpa."

Dad? What was wrong with him?

She managed to calm down her frantic niece and found out that her father had an attack and fell into a coma.


Everything passed by in a blur. The next thing she knew was that she was heading towards the place she had been running away from for 3 years. And now she was back. Taking a deep breath, she entered the mansion. As soon as she stepped inside someone came running towards her at full speed and tackled her into a hug.


She looked down on and realized it was her niece, Rebecca hugging her.

She's grown taller over the past three years.


She snapped out of her reverie when she heard the familiar voice called her name.


Rebecca then ran towards the man.


"Becca sweetheart why don't you go to mommy for a while. I have something to discuss with Auntie Aria ok?"

The 5 year old girl nodded and enthusiastically went to find her mother. The male looked fondly at his daughter's fleeting figure before facing Aria.

"It's been a while. 3 years I think. Ever since you left, we haven't heard from you. "

She felt guilty at her brother's words but she needed time. And she still does. She didn't know what to say or if she should say anything.

"How's father's condition?"

"Dad still hasn't woken up. It's been 3 days."

She felt her throat dry up at her brothers reply. She licked her lips only to taste the familiar metallic taste on her mouth. She had been biting her lips again. She ignored it and with a blank expression she replied to her brother.

"I want to see him."

Noah seemed surprised at her response. It made sense at she didn't exactly have the best relationship with their father after the incident 7 years ago.

Nevertheless, he agreed to her request. They headed towards the hospital. Neither Aria nor Noah spoke on their way there. Yet she noticed that he kept stealing worried glances at her. His actions made her feel guilt and a slight pang of warmth. She decided to break the ice.

"Is something wrong?"

He looked at her surprised and contemplated. She waited for him to answer.

"Can I ask you something later?"

"Sure. I'll be staying for a few days I suppose."

After a few more minutes, they arrive at the hospital. The nurse at the reception led them to where their father was resting. Aria's hand hovered at the door. She felt her brother's hand on her shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"I'll be outside. Take your time. Also nice necklace.


She touched her neck and was surprised when she felt the cold chain around it. She began to wonder when she put it on but then pushed the thought aside. She had more pressing matters to deal with. She entered the room and an unreadable expression graced her features upon seeing her father lying there motionless like a corpse. She would have thought he was dead if it weren't for the beeping of the ECG machine, showing that he was still breathing and was very much alive. She hesitantly approach him. Tears fill her eyes as the overwhelming guilt filled her heart upon seeing her father's state.

"I'm sorry."

She held her father's hand as she tried to stifle her sobs with her other hand.

"Dad I'm so sorry."

She tried to wipe away the tears that kept falling but it was all futile efforts as they just kept falling. She fell to her knees and silently prayed while crying.


Her voice filled with despair let out a pained and choked up plea.

She began to feel warmth on her chest near her heart. She tried to blink away the tears and caught the sight of the necklace glowing. But as quickly it came it also dissipated. Aria wondered if she was just hallucinating from lack of sleep and emotional turmoil these past few days but she swore she felt and saw it so vividly. She was snapped out of her reverie when she felt her father's hand move and call out to her.


His tone was filled with confusion and worry upon seeing his daughter kneeling at his bedside, eyes red and swollen from crying.

"You're awake."

"What happened?"

"You had an attack and was unconscious for 3 days. "

Her father looked at her in shock and was about to get up but Aria stopped him.

"Dad please take it easy. You've just woken up after all. I'll call the doctor and Noah. "

She left without another word leaving behind her father staring at her surprised. She ran towards her brother who became rather worried after seeing his sister's disheveled appearance.

"Aria! What wrong?"

"Dad's awake."

Noah looked at her surprised which quickly morphed into unadulterated joy. The two quickly called a doctor. After a few minutes of talking they've been told that after a week of supervision their father can be discharged. Unfortunately, visiting hours were over. After being shooed away in favor of their father resting more. They bid their goodbyes and headed back towards the Mansion. Aria noticed that her brother seemed more relaxed then earlier. Upon arriving at the gates, the two were surprised by a running Rebecca who tackled them into a hug.

"Becca how many times have I told you not to run?! You could get hurt."

A sullen expression came to her face upon being scolded but it was short lived as she then enthusiastically tug on her father's clothes.

"We have guests. One of them is near Auntie's age and is nice."

The two siblings looked at each other in confusion and started walking towards the main door. Upon arriving inside, they were greeted by two unfamiliar males.

One was about their father's age and the other was near Aria's age. Noah took a protective stance and hid his daughter and Aria behind him.

"Oh pardon our intrusion. I'm Fredrick Clifford. I'm a friend of your father's."

At the older male's declaration Noah relaxed. Aria was about to smile at his antics but froze when she noticed the other male.

It's the guy I bumped into at the cafe!!

The person noticed her and smiled. She froze.

"We meet again miss."