
Reincarnation into another world *Dropped*

A side-charcter in Earth dies and reincarnates into Rwby with a system and uses it to get OP

Leo_Valdez996 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Forest Exploration Pt 1

It's been a few weeks since me and Pyrrha went on our little picnic, she has been acting weird ever since. She keeps blushing whenever I get close to her. I ofcourse did the most logical thing and kept my distance, jk I kept running after her and hugged her whenever I caught her. Unfortunately it only lasted a few days, seeing her become a panicking and blushing mess was so cute. The days like the picnic one had become common place ,with it happening a few times a week .

Today was one such day, but with a twist. Apparently Pyrrha got permission from her parents to explore the south forest. Which wasn't bad as I was eager to explore where I had come to this world. Pyrrha told me her main reason for doing this was to get more experience and test out her new armor. Btw, I'm no good with making armor; I literally can't make a half decent chestplate to save my life. Currently I was waiting on the outskirts of the forest for Pyrrha to arrive. I was in my Muramasa 1st accancion armor which I had been using for a while now. Still cant believe its been almost 3 months since I came to this world.

I felt Pyrrha enter my haki range with Ms. Bella and Mr. Enma.

Ryu:"Yo!Pyrrha ,I'm here." Hearing my words Pyrrha tuned to face me, only to immediately freeze and start to blush heavily while staring at me. Well, I'm basically half naked except my haori, which was hanging from the opposite shoulder of my arm protector. Mr Enma looked as if he was about kill me. As for Ms.Bella, she was busy observing me with slight glances at Pyrrha in between. Also, Pyrrha's armor looked really beautiful and effective. It was mostly red with gold here and there, it also wasn't made out of big solid pieces and instead made with a bunch of small pieces put together. The way it was mounted together was quite well planned as the pieces mounted on each other fabulously which caused it to be very flexible yet solid. So all in all Pyrrha looked as if she was wearing scale armor which hugged her body tightly.

Ryu:"Your new armor is really nice. Both in appearance and effectiveness. It also makes you look quite enchanting." Speaking of enchanting, maybe I should enchant her armor. Hmmm, when she isn't looking.

Pyrrha:"Ah,mm....t-t-th-ank you. You look w-well too." Aww, she was stuttering, cute as always.

Enma:"You....YOU DARE SHOW SUCH IMPROPER WEAR IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER!" Mr. Enma was ready to murder me at this point.

Bella:"Yaa, yaa. You'll need to take responsibility for her. And make sure to bring her home before 7. Have fun out there kids." Mr Enma was about to retort but couldn't because he got his feet crushed by Ms. Bella. She had a small smile with a calculating look in her eyes. She took her husband by the ear and dragged him away.

Ryu:"Soo, where should we go first?" well I had no idea what could be in the forest as I don't really socialise enough to know any of the rumours about this place.

Pyrrha:"Ah!? I-I *cough* I heard there were some ancient civilizations ruins in there." I smell ancient weapons.

Ryu:"Then what are we waiting for, lets go! Let us test our babies on the way!"

Pyrrha muttered:"Our babies.. n-no its to early." she stated blushing again. My heart skipped a beat at what I heard with my enhanced hearing, even if I wanted to tease her so bad I was to embarrassed to do it.

Ryu:"By babies I mean our weapons."panicking a little I tried to clear up the misunderstanding.

Pyrrha:"...kay." was she disappointed. Nah, probably my imagination.

Pyrrha started to lead the way towards the ruins, on our way we saw a small pack of beowulfs. The show didn't do justice on how ugly grimm were. I doubt even a mother could love that face. A beowulf looked like solidified black gue in the shape of a wolf which got a mutation that gave it a more human body with thicker arms and a head that was bigger than what it was supposed to be.

Ryu:"There's about 12 of them. How should we take them out." I might not look like it but I hate going into a fight without some sort of plan.

Pyrrha:"I want to fight them, save me if I need it but that's it." she could use the experience for the future but I feel uncomfortable leaving her in the face of danger.

Ryu:"*sigh*Fine, but I'm intervering the second you start showing signs of losing."

Pyrrha:"I'll be carefull." after saying that she started walking towards the beowulf pack. I stood there dumbfounded as that was the last reaction I was waiting for. What I didn't know at the time as Pyrrha blushing up storm while walking towards the grimm pack.

3rd person

Once Pyrrha was in a good range she took out her spear which could transform to a sword much like the show. 10 meters away from the pack Pyrrha aimed her spear at the beowulf that was the nearest to her and threw it. The spear sailed through the air graciously and soon found its target, burying itself through the eye and into the brain which effectively killed the grimm. Pyrrha who had started running towards the grimm soon after she threw her spear was already next to the falling grimm corpse. She jumped onto the corpse and grabbed her spear to retrieve it. The other grimms whom had just noticed that their comrades death ran towards her to avenge their fallen member. Pyrrha who had transformed her spear to a gladiator sword analized the grimms charging towards her, finding an opening she charged towards a stumbling grimm and decapitated it before it could hit her with its big arm. She retreated a few steps as the grimm stared at her for a few seconds, she had now been labeled as a threat. Beowulfs might be stupid, but they won't just go and ignore their instincts. Pyrrha used this second to make a plan on how to take down the remaining grimm. One of the grimm roared as they started to charge towards her once again, Pyrrha seeing this also charged forward. After the distance between the grimm and her decreased to a sufficient level Pyrrha jumped onto one of the beowulf that was at the front, the other grimm seeing this tried to claw her but missed as she jumped over it. The grimm's missed attack hit its comrade who snarled at it for hitting it. But this was all Pyrrha needed as she cut opened the necks of the two distracted grimm. One by one Pyrrha used different methods ranging from restricting the fighting stage by going into the woods, to tripping them on some trees root to finish them off, killed them all.

Pyrrha:"That was a nice workout." She was drenched in sweat from the fight. Even though she played dirty, killing grimm still took stamina. After all she was still a 9 year old , with or without aura.

Ryu:"Come here and rest a bit." Ryu who had been watching the entire fight unfold on top of trees offered Pyrrha a place to rest next to where he was sitting. Pyrrha who decided to take it jumped to the branch Ryu was on and laid on it with her head on his lap. Pyrrha who soon feel asleep was being stared at by Ryu who had a warm smile on his face. Deciding that he doesn't want to be interrupted by grimm, Ryu used his newly bought skill. This skill was one of the 3 new skills which he had bought, and will be the last for a long time. These skills were Geppo, Soru and Nen. Geppo and Soru were for versatility and Nen was for his physical enhancement since he turned out to be an enhancer. Using En Ryu converted positive feelings in it as grimms would naturally tended to avoid positive environments.

Ryu:'This girl is getting bolder every day.'

5 hours, 5 hours of studying and now, I'm a FREE MAN!! I have been trying to gratually develop Ryu's and Pyrrha's feeling for each other while tring out some new things. Was it good? Tell me if the romance felt forced. I also dont plan to add ANY MORE powers for a LOOONG time, he will first master his current abilities. Also I might add a world travel function once I finish RWBY. But if I feel like I should finish it at that point, I will.

Side note:The reason reason why I added Nen is because I think aura isnt a relaible offensive energy.

Leo_Valdez996creators' thoughts