
Reincarnation in Rising Of The Shield Hero with wishes

A insane man is reborn in the world of Rising of the Shield Hero with Alucard Abilities.

Persin · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


On the ground, a handsome man in abnormal clothes was thinking, "Damn it, how did I get caught?! Was I sold out?!" This man was David Johnson, and he was currently bleeding out.

David's life was not a good one. Born in New York, David was the son of William Johnson and Hannah Johnson. As a child, David had smooth beige skin, a naturally cute face, a result of his mother's genetics, and blond hair that spiked in all directions, with the tips of his hair being black. He was also born with the same blood red eyes of his father, a fact he grew to hate as he grew older.

As a child, David was constantly subjected to all sorts of abuse by his father, William. William was an American with white skin and smooth blond hair. He also had a handsome face, which was ruined by his terrible personality. From whipping, beating, and putting out his cigarettes on them, William took out a lot of his frustrations on his son and wife. This terrible behavior was due to William losing his job at a factory, with him not being able to get another job due to his low education. He was also irritated by his wife's consistent reminders of him trying to find work. He constantly took his wife's money to get drunk and go gambling, always resulting in him coming home with no money and the scent of booze. And while he wasn't the smartest person, he always made sure to only hit his family in places they could be covered by clothing.

Hannah had long black hair, a beautiful face, and blue eyes. Her body had curves in all the right places, making her a very attractive women. She was the opposite of William in personality. She went to work as a teacher in a kindergarten, and she never mistreated David in any way, shape, or form, always giving him extreme love and care. David truly loved his mother, as without her, he probably would have been killed by his father. You see, when David was beaten by his father, his mother would take the majority of the hits to protect David, otherwise, he might have been beaten to death.

Her large amount of kindness was a life saver for him, however, it had its limits. Hannah would often give her terrible husband chances to change, to become better. She did this for him until David was 9 years old, and when David was confused and angry about why they stayed, his mother always told him, "Even though things will look bad for now, always keep smiling. If you smile, you'll be able to get through anything!" These words gave David the strength to survive his father's abuse, but his mother couldn't take it anymore and planned to bring him away.

One day, when William was coming home in his drunken stupor, Hannah told him, "William, I'm leaving with David. All the physical and mental abuse hurt us terribly, and while I loved you before, you're not the man I fell for." William, who was enraged with what she said to him, punched her in the face hard! "You bitch!" he yelled. Seeing this, David ran over to stop him from hurting her, but his father just grabbed him by the face and flung him into a wall. "David, no!" Hannah screamed. William then put his hands around his neck and choked her, attempting to kill her. David, who was dizzy from his head hitting the wall, watched with tears as his father slowly killed the only person he ever loved. Right before she breathed her final breath, Hannah stared at David and mouthed the one word that would forever keep him going in life, 'smile'. She then closed her eyes and fell into eternal sleep.

This is what made David snap. As William looked at where he threw his son to kill him too, he realized that David wasn't there. Using his small child body, David had quitely snuck in the kitchen and pulled out a kitchen knife. "C'mon David, if you just come to me, I promise I'll make your death quick and painless," William said in a creepy voice as he walked to the kitchen. Just as he was about to enter, David flipped the knife in a reverse handle and stabbed him in the gut! "Shit, shit, shit!" William cursed as blood started to seep from his mouth. David then pulled out the knife and continued to stab William even after he died. He did all this with an insane smile on his face.

After stabbing William repeatedly for 10 minutes, David finally realized what he was doing and threw up on his father's corpse. He then looked at his mother and smiled with tears rolling down his face. He then spoke to his dead mother, "I'm sorry mom. If I wasn't so weak, maybe things would have been different. If I had just gotten to him sooner, maybe I could have saved you, but I couldn't. I failed you, but I'll always smile, just like you told me to. Goodbye mom, I'll always love you." He then walked out of the house into the night, with blood staining his body.

15 years later, David had changed significantly. His black tips reached deeper into his hair, his face became devilishly handsome, and he became much taller and more muscular. He had become a very kind and carefree person, only being serious when the situation called for it. He started to watch anime, being incredibly fascinated with the isekai escapism genre, so he was pretty mad when he saw how Naofumi was treated in The Rising of the Shield Hero, even though he still liked the show. However, David wasn't a big fan about Hellsing, as the blood and gore hit a little too close to home for him. However, he definitely had a connection to Alucard, as his life was ruined due to someone else's actions as well. He also had a weird habit of almost always having a smile on his face. It was quite ironic if you knew what his job is.

He was currently working as an assassin in a group named the Red Executioners, a assassin group that worked incredibly well. They focused on killing targets such as corrupt politicians, gang lords, and all other sorts of criminals of society. They could be considered a necessary evil, killing those in the dark to help others stay in the light. This made part of the public view them as heroes, much to the confusion of David, since at the end of the day, they were still murderers. They didn't have a lot of members, but their leader, Thomas Lione, always made sure to get people with talent.

Tom was a man of Italian descent. He had short brown hair that was slicked back, brown eyes, and a crowbar mustache. His physique was not normal for a man his age, with him having the build of a professional swimmer. He was 68 years old and was the definition of 'with age comes wisdom'. He worked as an assassin in his younger days, being an up and coming super rookie. He eventually worked his way up the ranks in the assassin business, even creating the Red Executioners group at age 37. He was skilled in all kinds of combat and had great experience with all kinds of weaponry, easily being able to kill a man much younger than him with his bare hands. As he never had children before, he considered the members of Red Executioners to be his family, caring to each and every one of them like his kin.

Tom took David in after finding him sleeping in a abandoned house with his kitchen knife next to him. He soon learned that, while he had no experience as an assassin, he was incredibly talented with his knife, and offered him training, food, and a place to call home. David wanted to refuse, but since he didn't have anywhere else to go, he reluctantly accepted his offer.

In these last 15 years, David has been rigorously trained by Thomas in hand to hand combat, weapon mastery, stealth, and assassination. He was also trained to take large amounts of pain, as well as survive terrible poisons. He also got a normal education, since Thomas wanted to make sure that he wasn't just a killer. He even got his own assassin outfit. It was a crimson leather coat similar to Joker's from Persona 5, black leather gloves, black leather boots, and a mask that covered all of his face. The mask had two holes where his eyes were, and a large smile on the bottom half. He was later given the title 'Smiling Demon' by the public, due to his habit of making a mess of his victims, much to Thoma's chagrin.

When killing targets, David typically used a knife. He could use many other things, but he was most comfortable with a knife. He was naturally talented as an assassin, and with Thoma's training, he quickly became one of the top assassins in the Red Executioners. He even became the primary candidate to become their next leader!

However, not everyone liked this, and so some of the higher members of the Red Executioners decided to stage a coup against him. The idea was to give an anonymous tip towards the cops about David's next heist. There was no doubt that the police would look into this, as the Red Executioners were a big thorn in their sides. This plan was highly secret towards Thomas, David, and the more loyal members of the group, so no one besides the traitors knew what was happening.

One night, David was inside the room of a CEO named Robert Smith, who ran a human trafficking buisness on the side. His room was quite fancy, and David thought, "Maybe I should take some things from this guy's room after the job. He won't be needing it soon anyway." Right when Robert was walking into the room, David quickly grabbed him and stabbed his knife into his windpipe, causing a a large amount of blood to fall from his neck. Robert wanted to scream, but he couldn't gather the air, so after a few seconds, he quickly died with a horrified expression on his face. After killing the corrupted CEO, David quickly took some money from his room and went to the window to escape, but was shocked by a terrible surprise.

Multiple helicopters and police cars were currently pointing their lights at the window he was going to come out of. The police chief yelled from his megaphone, "Smiling Demon, come out with your hands up! We have you surrounded! Try to escape and we will shoot!" Letting out a crazed grin under his mask, David yelled to the cops, "Alright then, try to capture me you stupid donut eating justice addicts!"

He then ran downstairs to go through the back exit, but was quickly stopped by 5 policemen that were already there. He quickly chopped the head off of one of them, stabbed another in the neck, and jumped away from where he was standing, just as that area was shot full of holes. Pulling out a pistol, David shot two of them in the head, but was shot in the left shoulder by the last one. David didn't even flinch as he shot the last person.

He ran back upstairs, but was met with some SWAT team members. "I don't think I can get through them. I'll have to make a risky getaway," David thought. He ran to a window, broke it with his gun, then jumped out of it! He then smoothly rolled on top of a building and started to run. It looked like he would be able to run away, but then he was shot through the gut by a sniper.

While it was definitely painful, David kept running, but he was then shot multiple times by snipers, and he fell on the ground.

As he laid on the ground dying, David's life flashed before his eyes. His childhood abuse, the time he killed his father, his meeting with Tom, and everything that he ever did. Looking back at everything, David thought of something before he died, "I hate my life." He then bled out with a smile on his face.

I was watching Hellsing Ultimate abridged and I got the idea for this novel, so go watch it, IT'S REALLY GOOD!!!

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