
Land of Whirlpools

As it was still quite early in the day, the old Ryu lead Kayle and Maru to an old Hangar where he retrieved his old bot, the wooden boat was quite simple, it has enough room for four or five people, and even though you could easily notice that it was quite old, it was still very well preserved and clean, you couldn't even find one spec of dust on it as it has been cleaned every single day.

Old Ryu: "Get in quickly or I will leave without you guys!"

Both Kayle and Maru jumped onto the boat and sat as Ryu lowered the sails making the bot move forward, old Ryu looked more closely at the place the merchant ship was supposed to start its route from and commented.

Old Ryu: "Land of Whirlpools... when I was a kid this was one of the most prosperous places in the whole world... but in a span of a few days, the whole land of whirlpool got destroyed while the few remaining survivors scattered..."

Kayle: "That's strange...why would a merchant ship go there, is there still anything valuable there?"

Ryu clenched his fists tightly with clear hatred emerging from his eyes as he remembered the past before continuing.

Old Ryu: "There isn't anything really valuable they can get from there unless you are an Uzumaki all you can get are a few ruins, rocks with the Uzumaki or Land of Whirlpools symbol on it... that those vultures would resell to the nobles so they can decorate their mansions with a part of history"

Kayle: "And what if you are an Uzumaki? or was part of the land of Whirlpools ?"

As Ryu noticed that he got too emotional and that he may have talked about a few things he shouldn't reveal he started laughing idioticlly.

Old Ryu: "What would an old fisherman like me know about this anyway? it's just the rambling of an old man... you don't have to worry about that"

Kayle smiled cunningly as he laid on the boat with both his arms working as a pillow behind his head.

Kayle: "Oh okay... too bad, as I know of two Uzumaki, I taught I may get something valuable if I cooperated with them"

Old Ryu: "Wha-What did you say ?!! Do you really know where to find descendants from the UZUMAKI CLAN ??... I mean... well...who would believe you..? do you have any proof of what you are talking about?"

Kayle: "Oh didn't you hear about the fourth Hokage? his wife was an Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki and they had a son... he lives in Konoha but he isn't treated very well there"

Old Ryu: "Is their son even alive? I heard that both the fourth and his wife died, I also heard that the Lady Kushina was pregnant when she died... is he really alive? and why would anyone treat a kid badly?"

Kayle: "Well he is the jinchuriki of kyubi... that's why a few people resent him..."

Old Ryu looked a little sad as he seemed to understand a little bit more about the situation, in konoha the Jinshuriki was an open secret, every adult knew about it and only the new generation didn't know about it due to the third hokage instructions.

After a little while Ryu regained his spirit and asked a question.

Old Ryu: "You said you knew two Uzumaki? what about the second one?"

Kayle: "Old man you seem to care too much for something that is none of your concern... I don't knew why I should be telling you any of this"

Old Ryu: "Well the situation is a little complicated...Did your father tell you how we met?"

Kayle shook his head, all he knew was they were both aquitances for several years and trusted each other quite a lot.

Old Ryu: "To tell you the truth, I'm from the Land of Whirlpools, I was saved by your father as I nearly drawned... since my home was destroyed and I didn't have anywhere else to go, I when to the closest fishing village and started living there"

Kayle: "What ? really ? where you a Ninja ?"

Old Ryu: "haha no, ofcourse not, I was a just a civilian, working as a fisherman while my family was all servants of the noble Uzumaki clan with me being one of the few exceptions, the night the dram happened, I was out in the sea trying my luck fishing... when I came back it was already too late... a few Ninja stole my boat as they were escaping and I would be dead if it wasn't for your father..."

Kayle: "So tell me can the Uzumaki get anything valuable from there?"

Asked Kayle as an island finally started appearing in the distance, old Ryu smiled brightly as he said.

Old Ryu: "Well bring me an Uzumaki and I might give you both a little surprise"

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