

Mana abruptly reached Earth, due to the carelessness of Two Gods. As a result of a which Earth will face crisis severe enough to be demolished. The arrival of apocalypse, evolution of Earth, zombies, mutants and everything you can think of will happen. To Save the lives on Earth, A God reincarnated, without his powers, without his memories, but along with him came a boon to all lives on earth, THE SOUL SYSTEM Will Humanity survive? Let's read his journey.... To save the earth...

Nat_Su_8137 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Reincation:The Journey Begins

Time: 5pm

Somewhere in India.

In the village of Rampur, chaos has descended. As untimely storm clouds started surrounding the afternoon sky.

The peaceful villagers were praying in the fear of upcoming storm, so that the Gods have mercy on them.

They were all running from here and there to finish their last minute works.

The shepherds are all bringing their cattles from the fields in a hurry and the whole village is filled with the Sounds of cows, sheeps and goats.

As animals their instincts are far better than us humans, they could easily feel the coming disaster.

Rampur village is a tribal village, though it is a tribal village the people are somewhat better than most tribal people in India. The village

is surrounded by a dense forest, the forest is filled with animals to the brim.

The howls and Growls of beasts could be heard that left lingering fear in the village children as all of them went to their house.

Women could be seen bringing water from the well in the fear of long rain hours. They were all in a hurry, as the sounds of roaring thunder could be heard over all the village.

In a house of the villages far eastern side, a sound of little girl could be heard,

"Mom don't worry I am not going to wander around, I will bring back father quickly so stay calm and don't get off from the bed. "

A girl around 8 years old, said to her pregnant mom.

Anyone could tell just by looking that the girl was on the verge of crying, yet she tried to

stay calm and was even consoling her mother.

Just as the little girl had left, it started raining. Without any thunder or lightning it rained hard. All the noise from. Outside world were stopped except for the noise of rain.

The mother couldn't say anything as she was suffering from labour pain.

In the small hut, which was obviously made up of mud and bamboo, the pregnant lady lied on a bed. Inside the room, the only source of light was lamp, the flame of the lamp flickered and threatened to go off any time.

The lady's name was Urmilla, her eyes were full of teard due to pain. Her forehead full of worries but she held on. The pain she was suffering was not from a normal labour pain. It was far from normal.

She would constantly look at a photo frame hung upon the mud wall, and would question,

" O God, why is this happening to me?"

She clasped her hands and prayed to God for the goodness of her soon to be born baby's health.

As if listening to her worries a gust of cold wind blew through the wooden windows which were clashing aginst each other resounding in the room.

The gust of wind made her feel a little relieved, the cold sweats on her foreheads and face were soon nowhere to be seen.

Within the sound of rain, Soon the running footsteps of some people could be heard and three people entered the room completely drenched.

Upon seeing the people who entered, Urmila broke down in tears and cried.

The three that entered the room and soon went near the bed. The panting sound of an old lady, the sobbing of a little girl and the sighing of a man. It was clear that the three of them had ran in the rain to come here quickly.

Upon seeing the woman's face the man sighed in relief, he went close to her and patted her head. He then asked the old lady with him.

"Grandma, please look into my wife. You have handled so many pregnant women, and I know you can handle my wife too. Please I can't bear to see her in so much pain."

"Pandit, I know how you feel but this is the first time I am seeing such a case." The old lady paused before continuing again,

"As you already know, I had done a check up just two days ago and your wife seemed healthy and well. But the situation now is truly abnormal. The growth of the baby within these two days is almost equivalent to 2 months. So without any choice, Urmila will give birth to the baby tonight. "

Though the old lady said so, she was truly shocked as this is unbelievable.

She had neither seen nor heard anything similar to this before.

She had only heard things like these in Ancient Mythology. In the stories, a certain woman had worshiped a demon God, to give her child his blessing so that it could conquer the heavens and earth. The Demon God had blessed the woman without any hesitation.

But it was not a blessing, as the child, when about 5 months, it grew so rapidly that the mothers belly was torn open.

Shudder!!! (shivering)

The old woman shook her head and told herself not to think about these things.

She clearly didn't indicated or cursed the child as a demons reincarnation.

For her Pandit(The 40 yr old man) and his wife were one of the kindest people in the whole village.

They would not let anyone return with empty hands or empty stomach from their house. They would alwasy be there for the help of others.

Seeing the panicking husband and crying daughter, she seriously thought and told to the little girl, " Quickly, go and warm some water and bring some clean clothes. Pandit hurry and bring some women from the neighbourhood I alone can't handle it hurry before the strom begins."

Upon hearing the Old lady's words, Pandit left like a gust of wind, he didn't even cared for the rain and begged door to door in the neighbour hood. Around 5 women got ready and went with him. They all came running to Pandit's house and told him to wait outside,

" Leave it to us Pandit and pray to Lord Ram and everything will be fine" said a woman as she closed the door.

The speeding wind that seemed to uproot trees calmed down when a lighting fell with thunderous noise. Then everything came to a calm, the whole village was silent as everybody was in their home praying for the storm to recede.


The sky was often lighted by the lightning and the noise of thunder could be heard loud and clear . .

Outside the house the anxious Pandit, couldn't even sit as he walked around the veranda in circles.

He was having a bad feeling so, he went to the nearest temple to offer prayer, to pray for the wellness of both his wife and the baby.

He went on his kneed and bowed. Then soon with a resolve in his eyes he started ringing the temple bell.

He kept on ringing the bell and prayed and prayed till his hands bled due to constant ringing of the temple bell. Blood flowed down from his fingers down to the hand and soon his whole hand was drenched in blood.

He knew the condition of his wife Was not normal at all, so he came to the temple wishing so that no harm came upon his wife and newborn.

The rain had stopped already and the village was silent, and only the ringing of his bell resounded.

After who knows how much tine had passed he finally felt that he should return in case of some emergencies.

Unbeknownst to him almost 4 hours had past, and he didn't even have the slightest idea that this action of his will soon comeout as a boon in the near future.

When he returned to his house, the door was still closed. So He waited outside and sat against the wall, covering his face with both of his palms.

Fortunately nothing bad had happened within the time period, in which he was out.

He thanked the God and waited patiently.

The sound of the women could be heard, as they were encouraging Urmila to push.

""Push!!! Push!!! Yes, only a little more, don't sleep Urmila, just a little more.""

After 20 minutes, he heard someone calling him, from the room and chattering noises filled the room


" O lord what a beautiful child. "

"Such a cute boy has been born. "

"It seems that many ladies are going to be heartbroken in the future."

A woman opened the door to let Pandit in,

the clearly anxious husband, before hearing any news went to his wife, seeing her fine he hugged her showing how high his affection is for her, then he kissed her forehead.

He turned and all the women looked at him with eyes filled with compassion.

A woman even sighed under her breath saying "Only if my husband also loved me like him!!"

Laughter broke out and the old lady congratulated Pandit,

"Congratulations pandit, It's a baby boy."

But Pandit was anxious as he pointed out something, "W-why isn't the baby crying??"

The old lady said with a chuckle,

"Oh, it's nothing I guess he is sleeping, wait let me wake him up. " and she slapped the soft and tiny butt of the boy.

The opened his eyes and let out a loud cry

"uwaaan uwann"

Suddenly the silent storm started to roar again, the wind blew at a terrifying rate uprooting trees and building around the world. LIghtnings filled the sky and the whole world seemed to rock under the thunderous noises.

Mind you this happening was not only happening here but also the whole world.

At the same time everyone on earth heard the loudest thunder and saw a lightning that almost made the night look as bright as a day.

Soon, everything stopped, and at last it rained, it rained heavily. It rained so hard like there is no tomorrow.

All the ladies exclaimed in shock and said in unison, "Oh My God!! This child."

Like letting the world know his presence, he declared his birth with a stormy night.

The storm, the rain & the thunder could only indicate 'THE DESCENT OF A GOD'.

(A/N: AS our mc has no memories of past and he is a baby he doesn't have an active consciousness, he is literally a baby born, so unless he is old enough mentally we will not see our mc talk or interact directly with anyone)