

Zen is a young assassin who started his training at the age of 10. one day after his mission unfortunately he met his demise but that doesn't end his journey as he gets reincarnated in ATG with 3 wishes and a system. follow him through his journey as he changes fate of people, face slap young Masters and find his true love all the while getting stronger. [It is my first time writing a fanfic, their can be grammatical mistakes and spelling errors, this story in no way will be perfect!!] The cover doesn't belong to me...

Cute_lama · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Fishing for resources

"So, from where should we start, my love"

Zen inquired as they were walking away from floating cloud city.

"Cyan Forest town is the nearest settlement from here, we could go there and form our future plans there." Qingyue suggested.

"By the way, why are we going in the opposite direction? There is only mountains and forest ahead of us." Qingyue asked curiously, she knew that he won't purposely waste their time.

"Ahh, that? You know, I told you that I'm not planning to join any sect, right?"

"Hm, you told me that already many times." She answered.

"So tell me Qingyue, why do people so desperately want to join those so called sects?" He asked as they continued walking.

"There are many reasons for that like, resources, cultivation arts and also for protection." Qingyue replied with a puzzled look on her face.

"The main reason that I don't want to join a sect is that I simply don't have the need to." He said as he finally stopped walking and turned to face her.

"I have already given you one of the best cultivation art there is, with enough strength we won't need anyone's protection and as for why we are here" He turned his back to her facing the mountains.

"We are here for fishing of resources."

"What do you mean??" The puzzled look on her face her increased several times as she couldn't make head or tails of this situation.

"Just wait and watch" Zen said with a mysterious smile as he raised his hand to shoulder level and sent a wave of his primordial energy.

What he was trying to do is making use of primordial energy like a sonar to detect any object with large amount of energy underground.

From the novel he knew that there is approximately 50kg of purple veined divine crystal near floating cloud city but didn't know the exact location. He wasn't sure if this technique will work but it was worth a try.

Unsuprisingly he sensed a large amount of energy concentrated at a certain area. He motioned to Qingyue to follow him and sprinted towards the point located before the primordial waves dissipates.

Arriving at the area where the crystals are supposed to be he waited looked around to sense anyone, even if he didn't sense anyone he still drew some runes in the air to make a illusion of the area, so even if someone of higher cultivation than his won't find anything strange.

Once that was done he looked at the ground and drew another set of runes and sent them to ground. The runes changed the state of matter of the ground to mud.

Using his dense primordial energy he lifted the now converted mud in mid air, Qingyue who was till now watching him curiously finally sensed the concentrated profound energy and was amazed.

Using his one hand to make the mud floating midair he used his other hand to draw another set of runes of runes in air which converted to a some type of magic circle.

Using his hand he guided the mud to the circle and dropped it effectively separating the divine crystal from the rest.

"Little yue, use your spatial ring to store these crystals" She nodded her head and stored the divine crystal in her spatial ring.

Unlike Qingyue who received her storage ring on her birthday from her father, Zen didn't had a spatial ring.

"Is that all?" She asked him while he started laughing "If those sacred grounds found out about these crystals then they will even willingly wage war against each other to acquire to them and you are disregarding them so easily."

"I was just asking if our business here is done." He pouted at him and he just continued laughing.

Calming himself down a few moments later he saw his girlfriend glaring at him "sorry, sorry I was not laughing at you, I just found it funny that those high and mighty people from sacred grounds would go to such heights just for these measly resources" He hurriedly explained hoping to save himself.

"Hmph, whatever" Zen sighed in relief as he heard that. She can be really scary sometimes.

"So, are we done here?" She asked again with a casual manner.

"Yeah, we have enough resources for now" He replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Why do we even need those crystals, we can cultivate in your cultivation room anytime and we won't have any lack of profound energy. From what I sensed those crystal are just highly concentrated profound energy." She asked nonchalantly as they were walking out from the forest.

"It's never right to waste resources, I knew their location so I just took them, aside from cultivating we can just sell them in Black Moon Merchant Guild" he replied in a calm manner but all of a sudden a realization hit him.

'Jade, you said that I could gain SP by exchanging item, right? Then much SP will I get for these crystals.' he asked in his mind.

Unlike other system in the novels he read, Jade wouldn't bother him with ridiculous quests too much, well she did give him those weird daily quests when he was a baby but he didn't got some type of final mission he had to do in this world. He amounted that to him getting some sort of special system and shrugged it off.



'As much as I know, these crystals are even rare in divine realm... Shouldn't I get more SP?' he complained to Jade internally while being calm from outside.


Hearing the slightly feminine monotonous voice in his head Zen grumbled internally and decided not to sell the divine crystals yet. It won't be late in future if he wanted to after all.

Finally leaving the woods, Zen turned to Qingyue and said "Qingyue, would you mind waiting for me here... I have something to do before leaving."

Qingyue looked at him "What do you want to do now?" She asked rather casually.

Zen furrowed his eyebrows ".... I have to kill someone." He finally decided to tell her after a moment of silence.

Qingyue's eyes widened as she didn't expect that answer "I'll come with you." She said resolutely.

Zen looked in her eyes without saying anything for a few minutes and then nodded his head.

Zen walked ahead and Qingyue silently followed him from behind without asking any further questions.

'She didn't even care who and why I wanted to kill someone?.... Guess that's the cultivation world for you, strong can kill the weak and non one will care' He shook his head and continued to walk in a certain direction.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived at the back of the mountain beging the Xiao clan. Qingyue was surprised by this as he hurriedly said

"Zen, do you want to kill someone from Xiao clan?" The answer was obvious but she still asked to be sure.

"Yeah... There is a boy named Xiao che, we are here to kill him." Zen drew some invisibility runes on both of them.

"These runes will make us invisible for other for half an hour, only someone whose cultivation is higher than earth profound realm will be able to see us" Zen ignored the bewildered look on her face as he explained.

"B-but he is around the same age as us, not to mention I heard he is a cripple an-" Zen cut her off and said "listen Qingyue, you may think that he is innocent as he is around same age as us but you have to trust me on this, killing him will save many."

'Of course, I wouldn't let him live to r*** chu yuechan and mu xuanyin, it's better to kill him now as he can be a trouble in the future... Not to mention the fact that in the novel Qingyue was married to him pisses me off.' Zen knew that he was being unreasonable here but who cares, in this world only someone strong can survive.

They infiltrated Xiao clan and we're casually walking inside because there was no one with the enough strength to see them.

He as a skilled assassin was even able to reduce the noise of footsteps, to their luck they were walking on grass so their were no footmarks.

They have visited Xiao clan with Xia hongyi a few times before so they were not exactly foreign to the place.

They managed to find Scum che's room easily, they sneakily made their way to a window and took a look inside but what they saw made Zen had a surprised expression while Qingyue had a disgusted expression and started puking a moment later.

The scene inside can only be described as gruesome, blood covered the floor and walls, the room was in a mess itself with a single corpse was lying in the middle of the room.

After taking a glance inside Zen ignored it and focused on Qingyue who was still puking. He crouched down behind her and patted her back gently. I took quite some time to calm her down and he told her to wait for a second.

Zen jumped inside the house and examined to examine the corpse.

'This is indeed Yun che, but who killed him? He wasn't supposed to die yet and not in this manner' he pondered seriously.

'The blood is still fresh, it has been less than an hour, and it seems the person who killed him knew of sky poison pearl and has taken it' he shook his head in disappointment.

As for how he knew all this, it's simple... His appearance matched from how it is described in the novel so he knew about his identity, as for sky poison pearl he guessed that is is taken because his left hand is cut and he still has an hateful expression on his face. He knew that Yun che in his 1st life is supposed to be timid, but it seems that his death resulted in him transmigrating early and he was killed again, this time taking his treasure.

This left Zen with many question marks in his head... Either the person who killed him came here for his treasures specifically or he was here to kill him but found sky poison pearl coincidentally... But the possibility of second case is low as mirror of samsara is also not here.

Leaving these questions into the back of his mind he jumped out of the window and landed beside Qingyue.

Seeing that Qingyue was doing better now he said to her in a firm voice "there will be many cases in future when you will see a similar scene like this one, this is also an another side of this world... You were hesitant in killing him but he was already killed by someone else. So he would've died today one way or another, stay strong and think about the future" She weakly nodded her head but I knew that she got my point.

"Let's go now, we have waited enough time here." He took her hand and retreated from the same path they came.

But Zen couldn't shake off the feeling that something is off about the whole situation.

'i have to get stronger fast.'




Hey readers, author here. Before you start commenting that why MC didn't get sky poison pearl, I will answer it myself..... it's for plot. As for Jasmine, you will see in future what happens.

And can you guess who killed scum che.

next chapter will come tomorrow.

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