
Reincarnation: Death after Death

If you don't like a boring Ff, then I think this will disappoint you, my Friend. --- English ain't my first language ---- --- Cover Photo is not owned ---

48ba · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


"Oli, wake up you idiot" Arthur said wearing the Academy student uniform.

* Snore * Snore * Oliver who's still sleeping didn't wake up but scratch his abdomen.

Seeing this, Arthur along with Elijah who was hiding behind the door gives a wry smile. Arthur didn't hesitate to do some annoying as he goes to Alice and told them about Oliver not waking up.

Hearing this, Alice directly goes to Oliver's room and gives him a punishment that makes Oliver obedient. Oliver was ready as Arthur and Elijah waited for him for 3 minutes.

The Trio arrived at the entrance of the academy where students hurried. They proceed to the wide gym as tons of students were talking. Some of the students when the trio passed by in the search for vacant seats were looking at Oliver, seemingly confused why was a cripple attended this Academy. Though they ridiculed Oliver silently how abusive connections were used to enter this Academy.

The trio was seated as minutes later a woman appeared on the stage where she cast a spell that cancels all noise in the whole building. The gym was silently quiet as she spoke about welcoming all of the students and introduced the student council that attracts all the students when seeing a beautiful Elf that introduced herself as Tessia Eralith and President of Student Council.

They listened to her while they were mesmerized by her looks. Though unknown to them Arthur lightly smiled as to how big changes she had since he left the Kingdom of Elenoir.

But no one noticed Oliver who was getting asleep and by the time the speech was done till afternoon they go to their respective classrooms and dorm.

There were some instances after they got out, as some arrogant nobles discriminate that was lower by them. The trio watched the play happening as a dwarf duel and the noble accepted.

Their fight was what Oliver can call a 'Childs Play' even when back on the earth. Getting bored Oliver excuse himself to go home as Arthur and Elijah smiled. The dwarf was defeated, earning him ridiculed by the noble and as the dwarf was lying down on the floor, the noble arrogant decided to teach him a lesson by moving his foot to break the dwarves arm.

Elijah stopped it, as things were getting heated that Oliver who was not noticed since he arrived here was being blocked as they identified him to be a companion. Arthur was pissed mentally since these spoiled brats got into the school.

"I'm tired bro, can I go?" Oliver said earning him glances at the student's, surrounding them to look at this. The 2 lackeys of the spoiled noble laughed as they see these weaklings attend this Academy.

Some were thinking as they looked at Oliver's situation if the reputation of the Academy was lowered since a cripple gets to attend this School.

Before Arthur's killing intent slowly spread in the direction of the ones who blocked Oliver. The students who looked blocked Oliver was confused that even Arthur sighed in relief when they give Oliver way.

The 2 lackeys who blocked Oliver was also confused as they looked at Oliver's back. They ignored Oliver after that since they didn't know what happened and looked at the approaching student council's.

After that stupid play as Arthur got angry since he was misunderstood by Tessia, accusing him to find trouble after the first day of school.




Oliver who arrived home greeted his Mother and Sister who were talking. They talk about how's his day in school and tell him to make friends, Oliver asked if he could eat early to rest since he'll be busy tomorrow.

Alice smiled as Eleanor helped her prepare food along with Tabitha who arrived with Vincent as Oliver greeted them.

- - -

[In an Unknown World]

In the location of Japan where its town school was covered a "Dome Spell" that isolates them and does not affect the outside world.

"Kyaaaaa! Pervert!" 3 girls shouted simultaneously as they covered their private places with her white hands.

This distraction was taken advantage of as a petite girl with what seems a "Cat Ears" in her head rushes to them and knocking them.

"Pawn Number 3, 4 and 5 of Riser Phenex is out." a voice announced inside the dome.

"Hehe isn't it awesome? I discovered this and practised it multiple times with Asia." a brown-haired boy said as his nose was bleeding with his proud smile.

"Doesn't matter and if you try that to me. I will not hesitate to kill you." A girl with staff behind the boy, wearing a robe but inside her robe was a school uniform said.

I'll post another chapter later. Thanks for reading and hoped you enjoy it.

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