
Reincarnation as Obito Uchiha

What will happens if a Naruto fan transmigrated to the Naruto world in the body of Obito Uchiha... as one of the main antagonist of the series Obito now play with the timeline and re-write the entire series. Timeline will be same but situation will be different. Dark character , R-18 scenes inculcated , Over powerd Obito , Uchiha clan heritage , love+hate , fight scenes included , romance as well massacre.

Suryaputra_Karan · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Fighting with Gyuki ( 8 tails )

( Inside kamui Dimension )

Killer B just got teleported here and obito as well.

Obito eyes meet killer B as Obito try to use his Mangekyo sharingan to let killer B fall for his High level Genjutsu.

"As i thought a perfect jinchuruki is really immune to Genjutsu" Obito said.

"Yo, yo, yo! It's the one and only Killer B up in here! Ain't no beat I can't drop or rhymes I can't rock". Stay chill, stay ill,Peace out, will ya!.

I don't want to talk with him he can rap all day I will stay silent for now.

Obito takes out his sword as he let chakra flow through it and it start to embark Spark on it.

The sword is now becaming like lightning saber that just like the one that Sakumo used.

Without letting Killer B any time to talk , Obito charge at him with sage mode on.

Killer B also quickly understood that he is in danger and contact with Eight tails Gyūki.

As killer B take out his 8 swords to defend himself against the mask man.

Two swords of killer B and Obito lightning saber meet with each other which produce a large amount of lighting upon getting in contact.

Killer B now can see Obito Mangekyo sharingan clearly but before he can react fast enough Obito use his sharingan ability to precisely use lightning blade : thunder dragon cut and white Zetsu ( Tobi ) take out his cone like edges from Obito's stomach and attack Killer B simultaneously.

To Obito and White Zetsu no surprise, Gyūki from a large tentacle to protect Killer B whole body.

Obito and white Zetsu don't stop fighting as Obito use Kamui on himself whenever Killer B any sword landed on him.

Killer B continously trying to back of can't able to keep up with white Zetsu sharp edges and obito lightning fast speed.

As Obito is in sage mode his reflex, strength, speed all increased by a lot.

He can predict Killer B next move with the help of his Mangekyo sharingan.

As the fight goes on Gyuki start to use 3 tentacles to help killer B , obito still manages to slash on killer B body which regenerate at a faster rate.

Red chakra starts to appear on killer B body , as he quickly enter 1 stage.

Obito still using sage mode while blocking killer B all attacks as white Zetsu ( Tobi ) trying to take advantage of this situation and attack Killer B time to time.

Obito now also getting serious as he make a hundred Shadow clones ( using Multi - shadow clone jutsu ).

Obito shadow clone start to make many jutsus on Killer B and Gyuki.

Wind release : Wind cutter , vaccum spear , cast net.

Earth release : Earth wall , Flying Thrown Stones.

Lightning Release : Overdrive , Spider Web , Electromagnetic Murder , Thunderbolt.

Killer B still resisting as he enter stage 2 form , Gyuki horn start to appear in his head.

Obito made some hand signs and perform various lightning Jutsu's

Lightning Senbon , lightning spear , lightning current.

At last he jump high up with the help of his shadow clones , Real Obito reach a certain high that is 20 floor tall building.

And combine nature energy with his chakra and use the Jutsu he made

12 lightning dragon falling God formation.

Killer B and Gyuki look above at Obito and 12 lightning dragons beside him falling into their direction.

Gyuki quickly use his tentacles to cover killer B in it.

Although killer B in this fight try to use his clone to make a decoy but my Rinnegan and Mangekyo sharingan can see through it , he also try to use many fire and water Release jutsu specially lightning jutsu but it take some time to use the Jutsu that takes chakra and I am constantly fighting with Killer B all the time without giving him any chance to even breath in peace.

Making a hundred Shadow clones to let him Fully exhaust himself even if Killer B has strength and a lot of chakra that he can go all day long but it doesn't apply when fighting continuously one after another taking hit and even have to stay Cautious all the time of hidden killing moves.

The pressure suddenly increased greatly as the sword in my hand become so fast as velocity i.e speed increased greatly.

As my 12 Dragon falling God formation hit killer B many of my Multi shadow clones vanished who was near him.

The ground crumbles dust and debris start to settle down.

I let got of the sword from my hand as it to much if I fall with it even I can get serious injuries.

My clones block all path of killer B that's why sword and all lightning dragons accurately hit him.

We can see a large hole has been made because of this.

Obito look at killer B direction as he can now see clearly that his sword has pierced through killer B stomach.

Red chakra overwhelm killer B quickly as a large pressure suddenly fall on obito's body , subconsciously Obito jump backwards.

Gyuki true from appear's a big Octopus like figure big enough to reach a height of 100 meter.

"The real fight begins let's Dance" Obito said.

It's really surprising that he directly enter to full form after partial transformation well good for me.

Obito made some shadow clone to get time as he fall backwards and bite his thumb of both hand to use Summoning jutsu.

Isobu and Chomei also surprise to see Gyuki appear's in his full form to fight Obito.

For Gyuki Obito is just a mask man trying to capture him as he has already seen his mangekyo sharingan but his Rinnegan is still well hidden.

Obito summon Aoda and Manda As he don't stop and summons Katsuyu and Gamabunta.

Gyuki also sense there presence ,

Obito is now sitting above Gamabunta.

"Hello all , you looking at that giant Octopus that's our target" obito say while looking at Gyuki.

Gyuki is still fighting with Obito Shadow clones at this time.

Isobu and Chomei were surprised to see Obito summons as Obito command them to fight with Gyuki.

Aoda look at Obito and said "As you say lord Obito" ,

Manda open it mouth we can see his venomous fangs as he is looking at Gamabunta " I will go after Aoda" ,

Gamabunta "Ribbit! It seems you've summoned the mighty Gamabunta, ruler of the toads! With my massive sword and unparalleled strength, I'll aid you in battle against any foe, even that Octopus Gyūki! Just point me in the right direction, and let's hop to it!"

Katsuyu "as you say obito-kun"

Katsuyu, use acid slime and corrosive spittle to hinder Gyūki's movements! Aim for its tentacles and weaken its defenses while Aoda and Manda coordinate our assault from the front. overwhelming the Eight-Tails with a combination of acidic barrage and relentless physical attacks!

Obito command Gamabunta to jump and use oil attack as he use his chakra to create fire and throw it towards Gyuki.

Gyuki is currently restrained with Manda and Aoda.

Looking at the big flames Gyuki use Tailed Beast Heavy Cannon from his mouth.

Covering the entire battlefield area in it Aoda and Manda As a snake, are extremely fast and nimble, successfully moving through Gyuki cannon range in time.

Katsuyu use Slug Great Division to avoid it as for Gamabunta he jump to other side in time.

I secretly make 15 wood clones that are now near Gyuki.

All of them use perfect SuSanoo at same time and attack Gyuki from behind Gyuki sense them and try to use Continuous Tailed Beast Balls to defend himself.

But to his surprise there are 15 SuSanoo that throw 45 Shurikens at same time and charge towards him.

Manda and Aoda with Gamabunta also attack together with Susanoos.

Gyuki use Ink creation to get out of range and then use Tailed beast bomb.

But to Gyuki surprise that tailed beast bomb he make with all his efforts got vanished as I use my Kamui to let that beast bomb teleport to real world.

( Where Ay and his team looking for Killer B. )

Suddenly the tailed beast bomb come out of nowhere.

Ay as the most skilled one out of all of them notice it quickly as he says out loud "Retreat everyone".

Everyone's eyes quickly fall on the big tailed beasts bomb as they all without any thought started to run away.

The tailed beasts bomb blast as everyone's eyes covered with white light , dust and smoke can be seen everywhere as atleast a big hole of 5 meter in size can be seen where the tailed beast ball blasted.

It a luck that Ay commrades survive as a few of them quickly take defensive measures.

( Inside kamui )

We can see...

Aoda and Manda each of them caught one of Gyuki's tentacles , they have grabbed Gyuki Tentacles using their body which act as to bind it not letting Gyuki Tentacles move.

Gamabunta with his both hands stop one of Gyuki's tentacle as one of my Susanoo clone strike his sword on it.

Gamabunta with his tongue caught one of Gyuki's tentacle as katsuyu make several of himself to fill the gap not letting Gyuki Tentacle to move.

Katsuyu also divided himself to be on the shoulder's of all of my clones as well as real me.

Gyuki has taken 29 of my Susanoos shuriken which has struck on his body as his tentacles managed to deflect 16 of them.

As the remaining Gyuki Tentacles 3 of them already has my clones Susanoo big sword ( like thanos have just bigger in size and made out of chakra it's blue in colour ) have strick on them as each tentacles has 3 Big Sword.

I quickly use wood style to futher trap them not let them move.

As for the last tail that remain Gyuki lift it up and then with full force trying to smash it into the ground so to let his tails got free somehow.

As my remaining clones jump above to physically stop it and remaining clones Susanoos throw his swords up aiming for the last Tentacle.

As I release Adamantine Sealing Chains from my body which quickly move towards Gyuki direction to bind it.

As SuSanoo swords strike and my shadow clone bind the last Tentacle of Gyuki.

A few clones quickly take out sealing scrolls and make some hand signs , Gyuki body finally stop moving.

Gyuki still trying hard to resist the sealing formation but have not effect on it.

Gyuki the 8 tails finally started slowly going inside my stomach where the nine tailed beasts sealing formation lies.

After a movement i successfully extracted Gyuki from killer B , as i quickly goes up to the body of killer B and inspected it.

"Lady Katsuyu i will perform a medical ninjutsu on killer be can you let few small katsuyus to heal killer B body constantly" I say to katsuyu.

"Yes , as you say obito-kun" katsuyu replies to me.

Gamabunta , Aoda and Manda you can go thanks for the help.

"Yes , lord Obito please summon me anytime again if you need help" Aoda says as he vanishes in a pufff of smoke.

"Obito i will go now then" Manda said.

"Heh, don't get in too much trouble without me, kid. If you need my help, you know where to find me. Until next time" Gamabunta said.

As i quickly made Yin and yang sings to stop the unbalanced flow of killer B heart , my shadow clones also run towards killer B as they take out another scroll and started performing forbidden sealing technique.

"I know this may happened so I come prepared" Obito said to himself as he fall back and starts to meditate, Obito entered his mind.

Where he saw Gyuki inside a prison

Gyuki is looking at Isobu and Chomei currently.

Suddenly Gyuki eyes fall on me "You have Mangekyo sharingan who are you, killer B will die as I am not longer inside of him , How on earth are Chomei and Isobu here am i halluci.."

Obito don't have time to listen to Gyuki as he move his right hand forward and started to absorb Gyuki chakra by using his Rinnegan ( Preta Path ).

Gyuki inside the prison turn silent as seen obito not listening to him and absorbing his chakra , finally after a few minutes Obito put his hand down and look at Gyuki "Isobu and Chomei will tell you everything i need to go now so I can save Killer B from dying".

Obito finally comes out of his meditation and stand up walk in front of killer B body as he saw his clone trying to balance yin yang energy inside his heart and sealing scrolls on the ground lying as many seals appear on killer B hands.

Obito move his right hand forward to transfer some of Gyuki's chakra constantly inside killer B body.

Seconds starts to pass by as Obito is constantly maintaining the output of chakra.

While Obito clones has changed seal formula on killer B body , it's a formal seal which obito come up with.

With time as remaining Gyuki chakra inside killer B merge with his chakra and his heart remains balanced he will not die out.

At last the seal will get broken and will vanish and killer B will survive from extraction well its complicated but will work.

As Obito let killer B inhale the mist that he created which put killer who is already unconscious get into deep sleep for a long time.

"Alright work is done thanks for your help katsuyu" Obito says as Katsuyu all the time helping him keeping killer B keep getting healed.

Ok obito-kun I will go now then , please be safe if need my assistance again don't hesitate to call me.

Katsuyu also vanished in a pufff of smoke.

Obito release all his clones and grab killer B by his shoulder ,

Use kamui on both himself and killer B.

As he appear on real world Ay and few shinobi's from kumogakure quickly sensed his arrival.

Ay with lightning fast speed run towards Obito as it took even less then a minute to confront him.

Obito got surprised by Ay lightning fast speed , Ay really is fast it took him less then a sec to cover 20 meter of distance when he is in his prime form.

But I can still manage to see him with my sharingan.

I don't make any movement all this while , As Ay comes in front of me to confront me i simply throw killer B body towards him.

"He is alive don't worry he will not die"

I say to him , as Ay quickly caught Killer B body and is inspecting him to see if he is ok or not.

"The First Hokage Hashirama gave out 8 tails beast to Kumogakure ( hidden lightning village ) to form peace but you use him as a weapon I will be taking away 8 tails from him" I said to Ay out Loud as I use Kamui on myself to teleport away instantly from his side.

Ay heard what the mask man said as he stop examining killer B at the same time all the kumo Ninja's also reached his side.

Obito has already use kamui and vanished , Ay only remember how a mask man throw killer B at him and his saying as he also can't able to tell how that man suddenly comes and goes away.

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