
Reincarnation as Asuma in Chinese Naruto Fanfiction

Ahmed, an ordinary student, finds himself reincarnated as Asuma in the world of Naruto. But the biggest surprise is the presence of Gojo Satoru in this world. Why is he here?

TheDevilInAnime · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


**Warning! English is not my native language, so I will mostly use artificial intelligence to translate this novel.**


"That idiot Asuma dared to challenge Satoru-kun and thought he would win. Does he think he's strong just because his father is the Hokage?"

Land of Fire, Konoha, Ninja Academy

A boy around eight or nine years old knelt on the ground, his face covered in tears and bruises.

The boy looked dazed and oblivious; those around him might think he was in shock from his crushing defeat at the hands of the white-haired, blue-eyed boy standing in front of him.

Gojo looked at the boy on the ground with disdain and indifference and left without saying anything.

At the same time Gojo left, a beautiful girl with black hair, red eyes, and a sweet face stepped out from the crowd watching the fight. She glanced at Asuma with some pity but quickly left to follow Gojo.

"It turns out that this guy is so weak he couldn't even take three hits from Gojo-san."

"Shut up, you idiot. You couldn't withstand even one blow from Gojo-san. Asuma-san is strong, but he chose to fight the wrong person."

"That lucky Kurenai, I'm so jealous of her. She managed to catch the attention of the best student in the class and the Hokage's son at the same time."

Murmurs spread among the children, either mocking or pitying Asuma. Some of the girls even felt jealous of Kurenai.

When the students who had been watching the fight saw that things had become dull and nothing new was happening, they slowly dispersed around Asuma.

Before the fight between Asuma and Gojo, today was the final written exam before the mid-year break, so the students hurried home.

Asuma remained alone in the classroom; anyone who saw him would think he had turned into a perfectly crafted statue.

No one knew that at the moment Asuma was defeated, he awakened memories of his past life.

Ahmed, an Egyptian student at the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University in Egypt, during his exploratory trip in one of the pyramids, saw a strange rock with drawings that closely resembled those he saw while watching anime.

Ahmed held the strange stone, which, for some reason, shattered when it came into contact with his hand. After that, he doesn't know why he appeared here in one of his favorite anime, Naruto, in the body of Asuma, the Hokage's son.

Ahmed didn't feel panicked about being transported to the Naruto world, probably due to the fusion of Asuma's memories with his.

Nevertheless, Ahmed was stunned for another reason:

"Why the hell is Gojo Satoru here in this world?!"

From Asuma's memories, Ahmed discovered that there was a student in the class with white hair and sparkling blue eyes like stars. This student had the same name and appearance as a main character from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen.

That character wasn't supposed to be in this world; it was utterly confusing for Ahmed until he suddenly had a moment of realization.

Ahmed remembered recently reading a Chinese fanfiction novel for Naruto. The main character in that novel was a die-hard fan of Jujutsu Kaisen who hadn't watched any anime other than it. That fan was transported to the Naruto anime as a younger Gojo Satoru.

In that novel, the protagonist gained the same abilities as Gojo Satoru, along with an extraordinary talent for chakra control.

He could, in later chapters, merge cursed energy with chakra and create a new legend in the shinobi world.

In the early chapters, the girl Asuma loved, Kurenai Yuhi, fell for Gojo Satoru. Asuma couldn't stand her constant admiring looks at the handsome white-haired boy and her continuous attempts to get close to him, so he requested a fight with Gojo to prove to Kurenai that he was better than Gojo.

Asuma didn't know that by doing so, he caused the beginning of Kurenai and Gojo's relationship. Because of him, Kurenai found an excuse to get closer to Gojo.

"Poor Asuma, in the story, he was destined to marry Kurenai. Although he later died in the story, he won the heart of the girl he loved. But like every clichéd Chinese story, all the beautiful girls of the same generation fell for the protagonist," Ahmed thought sympathetically but suddenly heard a strange voice in his head.

[Ding! Template System from All Worlds activated.]

Available templates:

- Shunsui Kyoraku from the Bleach world.

- Shendu from the Jackie Chan Adventures world.

- Sung Jin-Woo from the Solo Leveling world.


I'll leave it up to you guys to choose which template you prefer to be the first in the story.