
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


There are many sects and clans in the Xue Yue Kingdom. Most of them don't represent anything worthwhile. They don't have much power, only limited resources. However, there are some clans and sects that, united, can conquer the whole country. There are many worthy contenders in the territory, but the Duan Imperial Clan has held fast to its throne for several hundred years. With the support of one strong Yue clan, they would rule the country for a long time to come. The Yun family holds a large monopoly of food items. Their blood spirit is unusual, but rather weak compared to the Yue and Duan clans. Well aware of their weaknesses, they gained a huge army by absorbing the weaker families of the capital.

Outside of the Imperial City, all the sects are located, including the five most influential and powerful of them: Wan Shou, Hao Yue, Mountain Village of Ice and Snow, Luo Xia, and Yun Hai. Perhaps the most dangerous sect on this list is Wan Shou: It is famous for taming the wild beasts of the Xuan layer. In the ranking of the eight Xue Yue officials, their main disciple is in third place. However, the rest of their practitioners should not be underestimated. They all have a bright future in which they are highly likely to reach the Tian Qi stage.

Nan Gong Ling had been worried about Yun Hai's future for a long time, but the appearance of Lin Feng changed his view of it. Looking at his disciple, the Patriarch recalled himself in his youth. He and Liu Kang Lang were like brothers who would rush headlong into any fight without fear of getting hurt. However, after becoming the Head, the man was completely mired in routine, having stopped improving. Watching the last match today, Nan Gong Ling once again thought about the conflict between Lin Feng and Wen Ren Yang. Knowing their bold and arrogant nature, he knew that they would fight again, perhaps in the near future. The head didn't want to see their differences, on the contrary, he saw them as two future brothers with limitless potential that would help them achieve the highest position in Yun Hai.

"Mo Qi! Nan Gong Ling, the son of the Grand Elder, called out, " Keep a close eye on Lin Feng and Wen Ren Yang. They will definitely have disagreements. Don't let them get hurt!

The elder nodded and proudly accepted the personal assignment from the Patriarch. His mood immediately improved. It is not every day that he is ordered to become the guardian of two geniuses.

In a short time, the first round of the exam was over. The second one, which will take place in three days, will be attended by the most experienced Elite who have reached the fourth level of Ling Qi. The goal of the first round held this afternoon was to recruit new Elite students, the goal of the second round was to recruit new Core students. Having decided to visit the Gorge in three days, the main character and the others hurried to get the uniform and the certificate of an Elite Disciple.

"Lin Feng, Han Man, Po Jun, I won't be able to attend the second stage of the exam," Jing Yun said with a little sadness, clasping her hands behind her back.

– Why not?" Lin Feng asked in bewilderment. In the months since they had met, she had never left the sect, practicing in her room.

– The young master of my village is going to the capital. I must take part in his escort, as a personal servant ... " the girl explained, not daring to look into her lover's eyes. She was ashamed that she hadn't mentioned her social status earlier.

"Okay, you don't have to worry, no one's offended. The main thing is that you did tell us. I will be happy to visit your village after the exams and meet that gentleman! Lin Feng replied dispassionately, remembering who the young noble was. The kid is from the Duan clan. In the story, he was very kind and naive, but had limitless potential. In the future, he will become a disciple of a Saint. Leaving him with Jing Yun didn't worry him in the least.

- Good luck! Han Man and Po Jun said. They themselves came from ordinary families, so they didn't care about anyone's status in society.

- Thank you, friends! The owner of the water spirit exclaimed with joy in her voice. After hugging Lin Feng, she flew away towards the living rooms. She needs to get ready today urgently and take a horse to get to her home.

After seeing the young girl off, the group of three went to Mount Cold, where all the Elite Students lived. It was there that a unique cliff was located, which is popular with every practitioner. At the top of the cliff, there was a huge list carved into the rock, which contained the names of the eighty strongest Elite Yun Hai disciples. Absolutely everyone hoped to see themselves in this ranking in order to gain respect and fame.

"Lin Feng!" "halfway through with the others, the guy heard his name. Turning around, he saw the beauty catching up with them.

"Hello again, Liu Fei!" The protagonist bowed elegantly, surprising Han Man and Po Jun. They had no idea that Lin Feng knew the most popular girl in Yun Hai.

"We need to talk in private," the girl said sweetly. She understood the ambiguity of what was being said, but there was no other way she could invite them to talk.

"Han Man, let's go, we need to hand over all the treasure we got from the beasts," Po Jun said in an indifferent voice, taking the big man with him. He decided not to interfere with Lin Feng and his personal affairs.

"Damn, with this exam, I completely forgot about my blood and sweat-earned resources! Han Man cursed as he nodded goodbye to the main character.

"Let's go to a more private place to talk," Liu Fei said, losing her embarrassment.

Using the agility technique, she accelerated towards the quiet and desolate mountains. With a shrug, Lin Feng took advantage of the Soru and began to catch up with the girl. Finally, after finding a quiet place, Liu Fei stopped, expressing her willingness to start a conversation.

"What a place, of course... - the main character looked around, - just don't tell me that you are... you brought me here to tell me you love me?! The guy asked with mock shock.

- What?! Liu Fei exclaimed in surprise. Hearing such nonsense, a brutal rage slowly but surely awakened in her.

– You know, I already have a crush, but I think there's a place for you, too!" Lin Feng flashed a dazzling impudent smile.

"Die, you pervert!" With a face red with embarrassment and anger, the girl picked up her bow, releasing the spirit of the arrow. Three shells immediately flew in the direction of the impudent man in order to punch a couple of holes in him.

- Calm down, calm down! I was just kidding! You don't understand humor, do you?! Lin Feng shouted in an anxious voice as he dodged. But inside, he wasn't the least bit sorry, drowning in a woman's embarrassment.

– If I hadn't agreed to help my father, I would definitely have killed you today!" Lowering her bow, Liu Fei said with false calm.

"No more jokes!" I give up! Lin Feng raised his hands above his head. – So what did you want to talk to me about?" Still in a good mood, the guy asked with interest.

– Do you know who the strongest man in the country is?" "What is it?" the warrior asked, ignoring the other's foolishness.

"The Emperor," Lin Feng replied without even thinking for a second. No one, absolutely no one, except himself, knew the true strength level of Ruler Xue Yue. After losing in a love match for the heart of the main character's mother, he went into closed cultivation for many years and eventually broke through to the highest stage in the country – Tian Qi!

- Wow. I didn't know you were so knowledgeable. The Imperial clan is the most powerful in the kingdom. However, the Emperor still decided to open a Sacred Court in the capital. Many outstanding disciples from all influential sects will practice there. Best skills, best teachers, and tough competition. Not interested? Liu Fei summed up, fixing her gaze on the already gloomy Lin Feng.

– I don't care about the Emperor! I'm not going to betray Yun Hai! Clenching his fists until they crunched, Lin Feng replied too emotionally. The unknowingly activated mangekye sharingan swirled in his eyes, intimidating the girl. The guy was adamant in his decision.

"I'm ashamed! It's a shame that I really thought about leaving the sect. Just don't show up, don't make enemies, damn it! But who will I be after such a betrayal?! We must go to the Patriarch. Urgent! " Heavy thoughts appeared in Lin Feng's mind. He felt as if he was being sucked into a dark hole made up of all sorts of problems.

"Really?" You're talking nonsense! - the girl swore, fixing her eyes on the guy's back. After standing still for a few seconds, she still followed Lin Feng as he made his way to the Mountain of Cold.


A tall guy with spiky red hair was looking at the cliff with the Elite Student rating. A crowd of practitioners gathered around him, discussing his persona. Tu Fu had broken through to the fourth level of Ling Qi a couple of days ago while waiting for the second round of the exam. At the age of eighteen, he was highly regarded by the entire sect and stubbornly held his way to the Foundation. His name was second on the list, right under the Giant.

"Wen Ren Yang is sixteen years old, and he has already achieved such results! the disciple said admiringly.

– He's only sixteen?" He looks to be over eighteen! another student asked in shock.

After looking at the crowd with an indifferent gaze, Tu Fu instantly disappeared, heading to the mountains for further training.

After his disappearance, a group of people headed by a real Giant was heading towards the rating. He had long arms and legs. His purple robe fluttered in the cold wind. Venomous eyes scanned the cliff, reveling in the first place. Behind him, his faction was grinning at the commander's success.

"Ching Xing," Wen Ren Yang called in the calm voice of a nearby practitioner.

"Y-yes?" The named guy asked, trembling. During the day, he proudly rushed into battle for his leader, but suffered a crushing defeat, disgracing his name. Chin Sin was afraid, because the giant was really scary.

"You lost," Wang Ren Yang continued in a cold tone. His eyes turned serpentine, causing the others to be intimidated to the core.

"Please don't!" I will definitely return the prestige of the snake faction! I promise! Chin Sin swore in an anxious voice. If the Giant wants him dead, then no one will help this guy.

"Great, I'm glad," Colossus said with a friendly smile. Liu Fei is mine! If any of you go to her with your pitiful feelings, he will simply die! A venomous voice spread across the mountain. Wen Ren Yang's goal is to become a Patriarch by marrying his teacher's granddaughter!

The protector who trains him is the wife of the former Head. Liu Kang Lang was a top student at Yun Hai before his career as a general; he married the Patriarch's daughter. After giving birth to Liu Fei, she died, bringing grief to her relatives. Her father died of heartache, and her mother became the Guardian of the sect. The old woman did not stand on ceremony: she gave the task to her disciple – to become the husband of the daughter of Liu Kang Lang, whom she hates so much.

"Wen Ren Yang is a madman! How could he compete with Liu Fei's fans? Many are on the Main Student lists! - a random practitioner expressed his thoughts.

– You don't understand anything!" He reached the top of the rankings in one year! Two more years, and he would be the strongest in the sect! Another disciple, who was looking fanatically at the tallest boy, answered him.

The rest of the audience mentally agreed with him, continuing to dream of becoming just as talented and strong.

– You're a nobody spreading false rumors!" I, Liu Fei, will never be yours! A woman's angry voice rang out. The people began to look around, looking for a suitable group.

Liu Fei and Lin Feng met Han Man and Po Jun on their way to Mount Cold. Taking them with them, they came in silence to the famous cliff. Wang Ren Yang's voice spread throughout the entire area, startling Liu Fei. Unlike the girl, the main character remained absolutely calm. At this point, he only needed to get his uniform and go to Nan Gong Ling for an important conversation. The rest doesn't concern him now – there are worse problems on the nose. Han Man and Po Jung also looked at the couple strangely, wondering what kind of relationship they might have, since they first went alone and then decided to go together.

Seeing Liu Fei in a rage sent chills down the spine of many. Murderous intent swirled around her. Han Man and Po Jun had to move a couple of meters away to avoid being suffocated by such an aura. However, Lin Feng and Wen Ren Yang felt at ease under the oppressive pressure, continuing to stand with their heads held high. The two guys locked eyes, ignoring their surroundings.

"Calm down, Liu Fei," Lin Feng gently patted the girl's shoulder, hoping to calm her anger. To everyone's surprise, his method worked. Liu Fei stopped spreading the killing intent and stood behind the main character.

"Get away from her!" Wen Ren Yang ordered in a sharp voice. His acid eyes were full of indignation.

- Whoa. What we strrrashnye! Imitating the tremor in his body, Lin Feng sarcastically replied. He was amused by the conceit of the strongest Elite disciple.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" You're funny! The giant laughed loudly. "Die!"

A wave of poisonous Qi came out from the tall body, rushing straight at the figure of the protagonist. Liu Fei screamed and covered Lin Feng with her body, hoping that this way Wen Ren Yang would stop his attack.

"Don't you dare! An old voice called out. The flow of Qi easily extinguished the giant's attack. The vines wrapped around Lin Feng and Liu Fei, stretching them closer to the fifty-year-old man. Everyone watching recognized him as Elder Mo Qi.

"Excuse me, Elder! Wen Ren Yang bowed to him calmly. He understood that Mo Qi had come to protect the newly revealed Elite Disciple. Moreover, the status of the son of a Great Elder is much higher than his own.

– I'm glad you realized your mistake. You can swear, take offense, but not fight! Mo Qi said in a menacing tone. He then turned his gaze towards the other Elder, who had arrived much earlier than himself, but did nothing, only observing the conflict.

"Lou, explain yourself!" The man shouted, attacking with his vines. The spirit of Mo Qi gripped the Elder in a vise, intending to squeeze all the juice out of him.

– I-I'm just r-confused!" Elders Mo Qi, please let go! Lou shouted breathlessly.

– Give Liu Fei and Lin Feng and his friend the certificate, then get out of your post, you idiot!" Mo Qi ordered, releasing the old man.

Lu quickly moved to the stone cabinet that was located in the cave nearby. Taking out three forms and three badges, he immediately stood in front of the others. With heavy breathing and beads of sweat on his face, he gave everything to Lin Feng's group. Shaking his head in frustration, he left the Mountains of Cold, cursing his arrangement with Wen Ren Yang.

Looking at Elder Lu walking away without any life force, the crowd began to realize that Lin Feng was not to be trifled with. When it seemed that he was about to dissolve under the giant's poison, one of the most influential Elders appeared. His mere presence weighed on the souls of the other practitioners.

"Apparently, Mo Qi was sent by the Patriarch. Heh, if it wasn't for his appearance at the last moment, the people would have seen the death of the strongest Elite disciple. Anyone who attacks me with the intent to kill me will end up dying! " thought Lin Feng as he stared into the snake-like eyes of the tall guy with determination.

"Be careful next time, kid," Mo Qi said to Lin Feng in a serious voice. Using his spirit of the vine, the Elder began to move quickly through the high mountains, impressing the audience with his maneuverability.

"Elder is wildly cool! He had stopped Wang Ren Yang's attack so easily. Eh, what a pity that I didn't have time to check what level it is at, " Han Man said sadly. The big man wanted to gain even more strength, so that he could help Lin Feng if necessary.

– He's at the eighth level of Ling Qi – " the protagonist said dispassionately. With the help of the first page of the heavenly spirit, he had no problem figuring out the power of Mo Qi.

- Strong! Po Jun expressed his opinion in a cold voice.

"Lin Feng!" Wen Ren Yang spoke up as he walked slowly towards the group.

"What do you want?" Do you want to have a battle again? Liu Fei asked, glaring at the tallest guy. She hadn't liked him from the start. His personality, his manner of speech... the giant was a real snake in human skin.

"Don't be a coward and get out from behind my girlfriend!" Wang Ren Yang persisted, getting closer and closer to his opponent.

"Shut up," Lin Feng stepped forward, fearlessly approaching the Giant, " Liu Fei is not a thing to be owned by anyone.

His calm and indifferent tone depressed everyone on the cliff. Compared to Wen Ren Yang, who was more than two meters tall, he was completely inferior in size, but Lin Feng's bravery and masculinity fully compensated for such a huge gap in parameters.

"You will die..." the giant hissed, showing his snake-like fangs. Then, turning away, he left the cave with his faction.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng said to his two friends. They nodded in response, agreeing with the main character's suggestion.

After exiting the stuffy stone room, they finally relaxed and breathed in the fresh air.

"Okay, brother, we still have a lot to do. Meet me in the Gorge in three days! Han Man waved goodbye. Po Jun confirmed his words as he followed the big man's footsteps.

"I already have a headache from today's events! Lin Feng thought in a panic, as if he was starting to go crazy.

"Listen! Hearing a woman's voice, the boy started.

"Speak up, Liu Fei," Lin Feng said, recalling the rescue mantra that his grandfather had taught him in his previous life.

"Wen Ren Yang is dangerous. If you see him, try to avoid conflict with him. He has an extremely high status in Yun Hai, " the girl warned the main character.

– You don't want me dead, do you?" Heh, you still like me – " Lin Feng said in a cheerful tone, raising his hands in different directions.

- You! Your jokes again! Yes, I can't let you die, because we both have to become Xue Yue's Inner Court disciples – " Liu Fei said with an air of importance, spreading her hands at her sides.

– Daga kotowaru!

- What?! - the beauty was taken aback, beginning to doubt the adequacy of the main character.

– I refuse!" - the guy put an end to the conversation, turning his back to her. Now he should find a secluded corner to teleport to the Patriarch and start an important conversation with him.