
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


– Y-you're a Xuan Qi stage cultivator?!" The Grand Elder stammered. Hearing that the former Patriarch is at such a high stage, which can only be found in the capital of the country, the people were more excited than ever. I released the heavenly spirit for a second, learning that my father was actually at the peak of Ling Qi, just half a step away from the next stage, just like the old man, but his control over power and Qi was on a completely different level, allowing him to resist even level 1 practitioners of Xuan Qi! With his usual skill, Batya startled the Grand Elder, making him think that he was at a different stage of development.

Basically, everything is logical, my father is a true Xuan Qi stage cultivator, just the seal from the Duan Imperial clan suppresses his real power! All eight of Xue Yue's young officials have the power and strength to fly and destroy mountains with just their bare strength. Cultivators in the half-step from the Xuan Qi stage, although they are able to fly, but not as freely and naturally as real practitioners of this stage do.

"Uncle, you attacked me with the intent to injure and control my son. From now on, there is no connection between me and this clan! My father said in an icy tone, glaring at the old man with anger. "Come on, Xiao Feng.

With a nod of agreement to my father, we headed out of the Ling clan territory, while the people watched us with admiring glances mixed with respect. The end of the annual meeting and its beginning are as different as heaven and earth. In the morning, they looked at us as if we were nothing, trying not to let out a laugh, but when we showed our true strength and shut everyone's mouths, the family members almost prayed to us, admiring our abilities over and over again.

After walking through the city, filled with a variety of people, we quickly found a middle-class hotel, where we decided to stay for the first time. We paid for one night, and we were given two small rooms with poorly furnished interiors, but Lin Hai and I are not fussy and arrogant individuals, so it was easy for us to settle in there. I was about to start talking about everything that had happened today, but my father was absolutely against discussing anything while I was tired, so I had to go first to replenish my Qi supply-meditate on the bed.

Entering a contemplative state, I decided to replay the last fight in my head. For me, Lin Hong was not a particularly strong opponent: on the contrary, I could influence his mind at the very beginning, and then finish him off with a single swing of the sword. However, the crowd wants bread and circuses, which means that I had to show that I have complete superiority over the opponent, even when he gives his best. As for the participation of third parties in the fight, this was quite expected for me. With the help of the world of darkness, I am able to read a person and understand their intentions, and Lin Qian and the now deceased seventh Elder were always hating me, so I was always on the lookout during the battle.

In general, the art of illusions is underestimated by many in this world, for the most part leaving such techniques to gentle girls. Although my illusions are different from the usual ones, they provide me with a set of much more useful personal abilities, such as transferring memories and knowledge, as well as forcibly extracting them. The second sounds much more tempting than the first, opening up a wide scope in the world of cultivation, but in contrast to this, it is put that such a transfer of information is much more difficult than voluntary-it requires great mental strength and perfect control.

At the moment, my genjutsu is subject to the full influence on the consciousness of a practitioner of my own level. Therefore, I can say with confidence that, if it were not for the desire to show off in front of the people, I could literally kill Lin Hong with one look. However, affecting the mind of a higher-level cultivator will result in my mental exhaustion rather than victory. Okay, perhaps I am too categorical in my arguments, because I can use the illusion in practice of the 2nd level of Ling Qi quite well. To sum up, I would like to achieve the perfect use of genjutsu right in the middle of a fight, bringing real terror to anyone who decides to go against me!

Even at the beginning of my journey, I set myself a goal - to become a god of this universe, a preacher of the will of the Creator. I'm not going to deviate from my goal. It is my duty as the main character to become the strongest, so that everyone in this vast world obeys my own laws. It seems as if there are rules everywhere, if you cross them, you will bring trouble on yourself, but in fact it is not so! Most often, innocent people suffer, who have no influence and no protection. By becoming a Lord, I want to eradicate crime and injustice by improving the cruel world of cultivation!

I'm not a good person, but if I can change something and help someone, then why not do it? My plan is to become such a higher entity that it will take me less than a second to destroy the unwanted ones. Getting stronger while gathering a harem and friends to watch my back is a pretty good plan, heh. I would also like to achieve the opportunity to pull someone's darling out of the wheel of samsara and give her a new life by watching the series called "the adventures of the popadanets"!

In the late afternoon, my Dantian finally filled to the brim, gradually expanding, hinting at an imminent breakthrough to the second level. Feeling unusually fresh in body and spirit, I resolutely made my way to the next room, where my father had been for the past few hours. After knocking three times on the wooden door, I entered the room uninvited, immediately seeing my father sitting calmly on the bed, holding a beautifully painted picture in his hands and looking at it with a thoughtful and at the same time warm look. It was a picture of a young and beautiful girl who could have stunned almost all the men in this world with her beauty. It is noteworthy that on her pale and delicate neck there is a long snake with eyes burning with a dangerous light. Guessing the identity of the person depicted, I still decided not to guess, but to ask directly from someone who knows exactly about this girl.

– Can you tell me who's in the picture?" I ask my father with great curiosity, coming closer and sitting down next to him.

– Xiao Feng, you've become much stronger this year. Sooner or later, your path will cross with the capital, so I think you are ready to learn the secret of your origin – " my father began to look at my face with a serious look, looking for signs of indecision before such a question.

With a firm nod and a sharp voice, I confirmed that I was fully prepared for the upcoming conversation.

– Your mother, Yue Ming Hye, is depicted on this canvas. She hails from the Yue Clan, which is one of the strongest in the entire empire. This clan is famous for its blood spirit called "heavenly fang". This spirit is able to absorb the beast, giving the practitioner an extra spirit! He told Lin Hai about the true bloodline of this body, while also explaining the workings of the heavenly fang. After hearing about the blood spirit, I had a couple of associations in my head, but I still couldn't remember the exact meaning of this term. Although I have a knowledge of the canon, it does not give anything if we are talking about small details that were mentioned in the novel a couple of times.

– I realized that my mother is super cool, and you're not a weakling, but what does 'blood spirit' mean?" I looked at my father with a puzzled and questioning look.

"Oh, yes, I didn't even tell you about it," Lin Hai replied, foolishly rubbing the back of his head, " The blood spirit is a unique spirit that is passed down from generation to generation. All of its power is contained in the blood flowing through the practitioner's veins. The purer the cultivator's blood, the stronger his spirit.

As I digested the information, I began to realize that blood spirits were not uncommon in Xue Yue, much less in the Nine Clouds Continent. For example, the city of Yangzhou is run by the Na Lan clan, which stands out for its strong spirit of the divine hand. It is this blood spirit that has helped this family to take a leading position among the other three clans – Gu, Wen and Ling, which are just not distinguished by their spirits.

– So that weak snake is actually the blood spirit of the Yue clan, right?" So, I can absorb the beast right now, with any additional spirit I need? So, when my snake eats a wild animal, my arsenal will be replenished with the third spirit, right? I asked, watching my father's reaction. Realizing the vast expanse that Sky fang opened up in front of me, Lin Hai forgot about the serious conversation and began to laugh with a joyful laugh. Ah, his poor little heart would definitely break if he knew the real truth about the three spirits and their full potential.

"Looking at your terrifying talent, I seem to be getting jealous," Lin Hai gave me a warm fatherly smile, " I saw with my own eyes how the sword of the despicable Ling Zhen passed through you. Is this the ability of your second spirit?

"It's true that impalpability is the strongest ability available to me, but it's terribly energy-consuming, so relying on it constantly will be fraught with death," I explained to my father my skill and its main disadvantage. I believe that there is nothing wrong with revealing some of your capabilities to your family and friends.

"Son, I am sure that with such powerful abilities, you will soon easily conquer the capital. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to the Imperial city, straight to the Lovesick Forest to see your mother. The Duan clan has sealed my powers, forbidding me and Ming He from meeting, but I have a way to sneak into the capital and finally reunite with it, but you should be careful with the Imperial clan members. They are powerful manipulators who do not skimp on the murder of the innocent, " my father warned me in a serious voice, at the same time cheering me with the news of his future meeting with my mother.

In my previous life, I was raised only by my grandfather, who hammered strict discipline into my head, but no matter how hard he tried to take care of me, he could not replace my parents. Therefore, I would be extremely happy to receive full parental love and support this time.

After talking with my father for another hour on various topics related to cultivation, I went to my room to meditate further, at the same time imagining various fights and situations in my mind. You must always be prepared for unexpected events that can happen right in the middle of a battle! This often happens when the elders interfere in the battle of the younger ones in order to save their student or family member from being beaten, and in the worst case, they also attack.

While our protagonist was in the hotel, the funeral of the young genius Lin Hong was taking place in the Lin clan. Although he couldn't compare to Lin Feng, he could still be considered an important fighting unit of the family. But the saddest thing is that the strongest representative of the younger generation in the family left irrevocably, spitting on everyone.

After the defeat, the Grand elder went to a closed training session, hoping to break through to the Xuan Qi stage. Ling Ba Dao was no longer happy, having gone deep into himself, sinking into the abyss of hatred. His most talented son was killed. He died at the hands of an elder, and it was all because of that damn Lin Feng. These were the thoughts that swirled in the head of the newly minted head. Lin Qian managed to bring him out of his depression by saying the cherished words that cheered up Lin Ba Dao's state.

– Chu Zhang Peng told me in confidence that the Emperor has decided to open the Xue Yue Courtyard in the capital, where young talents can get the best resources. By training there, I can easily surpass Lin Feng and end up killing him to avenge my brother's death! Wait, Father! Ling Qian hissed viciously at the end, spreading an eerie murderous intent.

At the same time, the two floors of the Whistling Wind restaurant were completely packed with people who had come. All the talk and discussion was about the recent news that turned the whole city upside down. The trash of the Lin clan, which was famous for its slow development and weak spirit, achieved impressive results by killing the genius Lin Hong, who had recently broken into the ranks of the Elite disciples of the village of ice and snow. On the second floor, where high-ranking people usually sit, five young guys were sitting at the same table, famous for their unusual status and strength, of course, by the standards of Yangzhou.

– I think you all here have heard the news that has spread like a storm throughout the city. Tell me, Lin Yu, is this true? the young man holding the fan asked. Everyone else looked at the Lin clan guy questioningly.

– As much as I hate to deny it, Lin Feng is a real monster, capable of incapacitating Ki stage practitioners with a single murderous intent. I'm not sure if Na Lan Feng has a chance to fight against him – " Ling Yu said in a dark tone, recalling Lin Feng's eerie, glowing, bloody eyes that were etched in his memory forever.

After these words, the air was filled with tension. No one thought that Ling Yu would lie, it was just not profitable for him to disgrace himself in the circle of members of other clans. Na Lan Feng is the princess of the city, intoxicating many with her beauty and sweet character. At the age of 16, she was able to break through to the Ling Qi stage, startling everyone in the town. To many of the listeners in the restaurant, it was unthinkable that there was anyone else in Yangzhou who was more talented than her.

- The annual Yangzhou Tournament is coming soon. This time, the Head of the city, Na Lan Xu, allowed not only representatives of the four clans to participate, but also other practitioners who will come to us from all over the country. Qiu Lan, do you understand what this means? Lan Hai broke the oppressive silence, waving his fan and addressing the only girl at the table. Her beautiful appearance and cold aura attracted the eyes of guys from all over the city. Being an orphan without any influence, Qiu Lan did not participate in the last tournament, but this year the main family of Yangzhou, Na Lan, decided to hold a full – scale event to recruit as many talented and promising people as possible.

Qiu Lan nodded her head, confirming her participation in the event. In addition, she really wanted to know how strong the disciples of the four strongest clans were.

– I wonder if Lin Feng will participate in the competition?" It would be interesting to see his fight with Na Lan Feng! The young man from the Wen clan asked. Before Ling Yu could answer the question related to a former member of his clan, Qiu Lan's thoughtful voice was heard:

– The meeting will be quite exciting without Lin Feng, I promise you for sure ... - the girl's eyes mysteriously flashed an ominous light, but no one noticed it, and everyone continued to communicate on various topics.

Mingling with the crowd coming out of the big gate, we made our way out of the city without attracting any attention. After standing and looking at the boundless horizon for a couple of minutes, I was even more determined to continue on my way. Before me now is an insurmountable boundary between heaven and earth, which I must tear down with my strength in order to soar into the firmament! Barely able to tear myself away from the wonderful view, I gave my father a final hug and, putting all my strength into the embrace, achieving only a crunch of his spine, wished him good luck on the journey.

– Xiao Feng, practice more, and when you become much stronger to be able to cut through the dark manipulations of the government with the light of your sword, come to the capital city to meet me!" Looking towards the city of Yangzhou, my father said goodbye to me as he mounted the horse that had already been prepared.

After waiting for Ling Hai's figure to disappear over the horizon, I activated the right mangekye, from which a spatial vortex emerged that distorted and engulfed my image, moving me to the Black Wind Mountain, so that through it I could enter the vast Wild Beast Forest, which is home to the most powerful and ferocious beasts in the entire Xue Yue country. My goal today is to find a worthy Ling Stage beast and consume it, having already obtained the fourth spirit in my arsenal. It may seem like a lot of cheating to have so many spirits, but recently, after going through my memory, which sometimes fails me when it comes to all sorts of small things, I remembered that starting from the Emperor stage, spirits no longer play any important role. The exception, of course, is the heavenly spirit, which is incredibly impressive with its future capabilities (like creating a whole world inside itself). However, when I think about the possibilities of Rinnegan, I realize that I have chosen perhaps the best bun of all possible, because the six paths will be useful at any stage.