
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


The fight between Lin Qian and Lin Heng was quite entertaining. Only a couple of moves have been made, but in all the time I've been improving, I haven't seen any long battles at all! Either everything ends in one impressive hit, or in a couple of impressive moves. I don't see anything wrong with equal fights, and I would love to fight against a talented and impressive person, but unfortunately, there are no such people in the city of Yangzhou! A practitioner who can easily deal with a cultivator of his own level is considered gifted, such a person is well treated and cherished in sects, but if a cultivator is able to defeat an opponent who is at a completely different level, then such a person is recognized as a real demon of the world of immortals. While I was thinking about the hot battles where I would have to squeeze all the juice out of myself for the sake of winning, I was immediately overcome with anticipation about the future events! I wouldn't call myself a combat maniac, but half of my entire past life consisted of training, so I'm no stranger to it.

In general, Lin Heng opened up well in this fight, showing himself from a new side. The guy is not afraid of the fight and shows his determination not to retreat, it would seem, in front of a terrible opponent. Ling Qian is feared by almost everyone in the clan, flaunting his servility, but he did not give up on the duel, accepting such a development as a given. It is for this that he can really be respected, I like such people, but you can not go far on one will. In my opinion, luck comes first in our lives. Someone has more luck, someone less. Either you're born into a poor clan, or you're born into an imperial family with access to a treasure trove of resources.

My rebirth, in fact, can be considered a manifestation of the highest level of luck, and more luck than I have in store, it will be extremely difficult for others to achieve! Lin Heng is limited in his potential and above the Xuan stage, he will not be able to advance for sure. In this case, the guy can only comprehend the world around him in order to advance in the knowledge of the laws of the universe, or look for "happy opportunities" like the tests of an extremely strong cultivator with a prize at the end, or a buried tomb with treasures left after the death of a powerful practitioner.

These thoughts flashed through my mind for just a couple of moments, without taking up much of my time. By this time, Lin Heng had already left the arena, lost in the crowd of newly recovered students, while Lin Qian followed him with a haughty look and a slight smile on her lips.

- A rematch in the future? Better forget it, you'll never beat me, no one will beat me today! In addition to her usual haughtiness, there was also a steely determination in her words this time. Apparently, after losing to me, she became much more determined, cultivating even harder than before, but unlike Liu Fei, who accepts defeats with honor, the honor in her tone did not decrease at all. Ling Qian is still the same arrogant bitch as before, which means she'll never get my mercy!

"Lin Feng, Lin Hong, it's your turn now –" the sixth elder said after waiting for the girl to come down from the stage, nodding at the two of us in the middle of the arena.

Lin Hong immediately climbed onto the platform without delay, while I took my time, looking at the students, the elders, and my father. Three months ago, I won here for the first time. The victory was even over the trash, even by the standards of the Lin clan itself, but the main thing is that it brought me anticipation and excitement, which showed me the way ahead! The events that took place in the clan paved the way for my initial ascent! So much has happened in such a short period of time, and there are thousands and thousands of years ahead. That's the truth-this is the fate of the main character. Sometimes I wonder if my ultimate goal is too typical.

– Are you so scared, Lin Feng, that you can't even step into the arena?" Lin Hong called me to action in a mocking tone. This time I went into myself for a whole couple of seconds, looking at one point with a blurred eye.

"Fear?" For your information, insects only disgust me! Lin Hong's face was red with anger. Some of the clan members laughed at my insult, adding fuel to the fire.

- Do you think this is funny?! The guy shouted with rage in his voice, turning his gaze to the crowd. The people, under the murderous intent coming from Lin Hong, had to be forcibly silenced. "Your life will end here, Lin Feng!"

Behind the enraged Lin Hong, his ice spirit appeared. Frosty Qi surrounded the guy's body, a blizzard rose on the stage, blocking some of the view of what was happening.

"Lin Ba Dao's children are the real jewels of the clan!" Both daughter and son were able to break through to the Ling Qi stage, while showing brilliant control over the awakened spirit! Lin Feng will not be easy in front of such an opponent! - the audience immediately became alarmed, starting to discuss among themselves what was happening in the arena.

– In the final, I will fight with my sister, you are just a snack before the real battle. Your crippled body will be my gift to my father – " Lin Hong said with a nasty grin on his lips.

Angering an impulsive teenager of seventeen is quite easy. One insult was enough, and the guy instantly forgot about all caution, attacking straight ahead, without thinking about his defense. Above his head, Lin Hong gathered the Ice Qi, creating five sharp icicles that were half a meter long. With a loud shout, he hurled them at me, sparing no effort, putting enough power into the projectiles, thus revealing his intentions to kill me in front of everyone. In the mountain village of Xue Ying, where the guy is listed, they only accept cultivators of water, ice and snow, which is why, focusing all their attention on ice techniques, they have made the most impressive progress in them in the entire kingdom. Lin Hong, unlike her sister, who presses most often with superior strength, is distinguished by a good control of the ice energy.

Drawing my sword from its scabbard, I took off and released the heavenly spirit. My gray eyes turned black, becoming a real abyss, and the dark purple lines around my eyes shone with a gloomy light. The usual bright world, filled with various colors, disappeared, exposing a world of darkness and gloom in its place. In this terrible and desolate space, I am able to feel the spilled power of the universe in the atmosphere, and also have limited control over it! My senses have reached a different level, allowing me to see and hear everything that is happening much more clearly than before.

My weapon shone, overflowing with sharp sword Qi. Without much effort, I destroyed all five icicles flying at me, striking Lin Hong with it. After creating five more of the same projectiles, only this time the size of a whole meter, the guy began to give everything in full, causing the icicles to immediately start in my direction.

Pausing, I began to pour a huge amount of Qi into the weapon, saturating it to the state of a real Jedi lightsaber. From the overflowing energy, it even began to crack in some places, hinting to me that it was time to stop before the sword finally fell apart. Swinging it towards the icicles, I released all the Qi that had accumulated in a couple of seconds, completely destroying the air shells. The remaining strength from the release was enough to throw Lin Hong to the edge of the arena, scorching his clothes along with his flesh.

There was a piercing silence, in which Lin Hong's heavy breathing could be clearly heard, catching his breath after my attack. The silence didn't last long – maybe four seconds. Suddenly, the crowd erupted in heated discussions, praising my unexpected power and ruthlessness. Lin Ba Bao's face darkened, revealing his unpleasant side.

- Well done, son! Lin Hai gave me a thumbs-up, flashing a happy smile. I smiled back at him as I looked at Lin Hong, who was catching his breath.

The guy was covered in dust and soot, showing burnt flesh through his torn clothes. Ling Hong's whole appearance gave him away more as a dirty ragamuffin from the street than as a young cultivator of the Ling clan. The cold eyes and the angry grimace on his face spoke of all his feelings. He promised to cripple me, but in the end he was forced to retreat to the edge of the platform, humiliating only himself.

– I've played enough with you, it's time to end this battle, and I promise that it will end with the fall of your lifeless body!" I informed Lin Hong in a cold voice as I slowly stepped on him.

– You wouldn't dare!" "Ice sphere"! Frost Qi swirled around the guy's body, turning into a dome made of energy. – This is my strongest defensive ability, and no other attack will harm me, Lin Hong!" - being in absolute defense with no weak points, my opponent without unnecessary delay went to meet me, without fear of taking damage.

– There is no power that can handle my sword, no defense that can defend against my sword!" With that, I launch several quick attacks with the weakened Rankyaku, destroying Lin Hong's defensive sphere. The penultimate slash broke through the defense, and the last one hit the guy, cutting off half of his arm.

"Aah! – a shrill and heart-rending cry rang out throughout the manor. The audience was once again arriving in shock. At first, they were surprised by Lin Hong's skill with ice, but now I demonstrated extremely strong attacks that completely destroyed the defensive power of the guy. Lin Ba Dao, looking at his son's pitiful appearance, was in a real rage, his desire to kill me became a hundred times stronger. My father looked startled, but still with the same confident and proud smile on his face.

"AARRRGH! Lin Hong was going crazy, grabbing onto the already frozen stump with his whole hand, he was screaming like a madman, trying to create another snow barrier like this.

"Don't shout like that, I'll end your suffering now, my dear cousin!" - with a devilish smile, I inform you about my next actions, waiting for the events that are necessary for me

With a single swing of my sword, I destroy all of Lin Hong's attempts to create the dome, leaving many shallow cuts on his body. I could have ended it all with one quick blow of "Exposure", but in my prepared plan, this enemy will end up in real dirty shame, having tasted clan manipulation.

"You're an animal, Lin Feng. Don't you dare touch my son! Lin Ba Dao shouted furiously, standing up from his seat. But before he could take a step to prevent Lin Hong's death, half of his body was instantly frozen. "What are you doing, Lin Hai?!"

"Shut up, Ba Dao! Your son wanted to kill mine from the start. Now that Lin Hong is at a disadvantage, do you want to step in?! - two pairs of eyes burning with hatred met, starting in the literal sense of a fight of views.

"You can take my post, brother, I don't care, but you won't dare kill my son, I won't forgive you for this!" – It was with such resolute thoughts that Lin Hai stopped his own brother, freezing him to the floor.

Distracted only for a moment by the conflict between my father and Lin Ba Dao, I continued to advance on Lin Hong, morally pressing him with murderous pressure. A mangekye sharingan spun in my black eyes, drowning the poor guy's mind in a terrible illusion.

– Your family will bathe in their own blood, Lin Hong, your father won't be long. So what am I going to do with your sexy sister… Mmm, just imagine! Ha-ha-ha! I laughed the most horrible laugh, and the image of his dead, decapitated father flashed before my victim's eyes, and Ling Qian was kneeling beside him with a lustful face and a blissful smile.

Lin Hong's eyes were empty, and he was currently in genjutsu, where he saw a not very pleasant future for his family. Although I'm not sure about the accuracy of these events. Is it even worth killing Lin Ba Dao? He could be quite useful as a security guard, if, of course, you bless him with some resources for raising talent, which I will have in abundance in the future, heh.

"Don't you dare touch him!" A woman's angry voice came from the left side. A large fireball burst from Lin Qian's hands, heading towards me. The attack was not unexpected for me. Why would it be interesting if I can see the entire territory of the estate through the heavenly spirit, and together with the sharingan, I can react to any danger!

With my free left hand, the "Nine Heavy Waves" burst out, instantly extinguishing one of the girl's strongest fire attacks, in addition to throwing Lin Qian herself directly into the wall.

Without paying any attention to it, as if nothing had happened, I calmly walked up to the pale and morally half-dead carcass, while raising my sword over Lin Hong's head, truly deciding the fate of the arrogant and stupid guy.

"Die, Lin Feng! a voice shouted from behind me. Without even turning around, I already knew who was attacking me right in the back. With his sword, Ling Zhen intended to pierce my throat. Unfortunately, it is not possible for me to dodge his sword. This old man is at the 5th level of the Ling Qi stage, so I'm only forced to watch in slow motion the approaching weapon aimed at killing me.

No matter how talented I am, but to skip as many as four levels, unfortunately, is unrealistic for me right now, but does anyone think that I do not have a trump card up my sleeve for such cases?! Everything is thought out, everything is planned.

The seventh elder's sharp sword passed through my neck LITERALLY without any resistance. I used Kamui's impalpability, and the weapon failed to deal any damage to me, but the whole effect is temporary and has a limit of only a second, so after kicking ten times, I appeared at Ling Hong's side in a flash, pushing his carcass right into the sword of Ling Zhen, who was stunned by such events.

Lin Hong hung limply on the seventh elder's sword while I, all pale, tried to catch my breath from the tremendous loss of my Qi supply. Shivering with cold and shock, Lin Ba Dao stared at the corpse of his beloved son. Ling Hai released his brother, and in the blink of an eye, he stood in front of the completely colorless Ling Zhen, who understood his fate. He failed to kill me: instead, he made a huge mistake, after which he will not survive in any case.

"Seventh Elder, you wanted to kill my son from behind. The infernal frost burst out from his father's body, freezing Ling Zhen in one brief instant, after which the ice immediately began to crack, and in a short time, the elder's body shattered into lifeless and frozen pieces.

Everyone watching was shocked, to say the least. Lin Feng somehow managed to survive an unexpected attack in the back, exposing a nearby Lin Hong to it. To escape the sword of a Level 5 Ling Qi practitioner while still only at level 1 is truly amazing. Ling Hai's strength made everyone even more afraid of him, and he stopped Ling Ba Dao, who was famous for the highest cultivation in the clan after the Patriarch, without any effort. Lin Feng's father had destroyed the elder's body completely in one attack, without hesitation or even a second thought!

– Ling Qian, you are a despicable girl who attacked my son while he was fighting against Ling Hong!" If I could, I would gladly kill you! A terrifying murderous intent burst out of Lin Hai's mouth, crushing the newly recovered girl into the ground. Ling Qian bit her lips as she endured the pressure and humiliation that had suddenly befallen her.

"Father, I think we should leave now, stop wasting time on these insignificant people. Lin Ba Dao and Lin Qian will get what they deserve, " Lin Feng reassured his hot father in a weak but determined voice. Exhausted, the main character immediately turned off the mangekye along with the heavenly spirit, so as not to faint from exhaustion.

– Who gave you permission to leave?! "After leaving the manor, the father and son encountered a formidable voice in the sky. Those who had followed behind them to watch the two stars of the annual meeting leave also heard this powerful shout. Looking up, the crowd saw an old man of great age floating in the air. His long white hair, along with an equally long white beard, fluttered in the wind, and his wise old eyes looked straight at Lin Feng.

"Great Elder," Lin Hai greeted the elder calmly, " what do you mean?" I am no longer the Patriarch or a member of the Lin clan, my son and I are on our own from now on.

– Your son is a real genius, he is much more brilliant than Lin Qian, I can't let you take him away!" A powerful Qi practice of the peak level of the Ling Qi stage burst out of the old man, swirling menacingly around his body.

"Ha-ha-ha! "Do you want to make a slave of my son?" the former head of the clan laughed at the top of his voice. Over my dead body, old man! Lin Hai's eyes lit up with a fierce fire. Right now, Lin Feng was very proud and glad that his father had finally stopped humiliating himself in front of the clan and got out of the shackles called "kinship".

Gathering all the energy he had released into space into one large, icy fist, the Grand Elder launched it in the direction of the calmly standing Lin Hai. The man took a step forward, unafraid of all the power before him. At the moment when it seemed that the destructive fist was about to reach and kill Lin Hai, a torrent of violent energy burst out from the latter's body, which instantly destroyed the old man's attack.

– Y-you're a Xuan Qi stage cultivator?!" The Grand Elder stammered. Hearing that the former Patriarch was at such a high stage, which can only be found in the capital of Xue Yue, the people were even more excited than before.