
Battle With Russell- Part 1

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>In Lilycove Town's Pokemon Center<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Steven, Wallace and Phoebe were sitting with 6 more Kids of their age in a room in Pokemon Center.

"Who are these guys ?" Asked girl with Blue Eyes and blonde hairs.

"Let us introduce ourselves, I am Steven Stone, he is Wallace Mikuri and that girl is Phoebe Ester." Said Steven.

"So you are Steven Stone, 3rd ranked trainer in world." Asked Another girl with fair complexion and blonde hairs and Steven nodded.

"Let me introduce us, I am Alex Bart, here we have Bill, Cynthia, Elsa, Julius and Lucian." Said boy with black hairs now introduced as Alex Bart, and everyone else also greeted them.

"But why are we waiting here ? We have to go to Fire Paradise." Said Elsa.

"There is risk over head for the act you deed, so please wait as we are here to help you all." Said Steven, in that time Pokenav of Wallace rang and Wallace left the room to take his call.

"But why should we trust you ?" Asked Elsa.

"Because you don't have any options." Said Phoebe.

"We can take care of any problems by ourselves." Said Alex.

"No you can't, you don't know what tension your act created here in hoenn." Said Steven.

"Why should we care ?" Said Elsa.

"Isn't this girl bit rude ?" Asked Steven.

"Yeah I am so what ?" Said Elsa.

"Calm down Elsa, they are trying to help us." Said Cynthia.

In meantime Wallace returned with tension on his face, "What happened Wallace ?" Asked Steven.

"We got into a big trouble now." Said Wallace.

"What problem ?" Asked Phoebe.

"Jason has challenged Russell for a battle as he was planning to kill these people and Jason was angry so he challenged Russell for battle." Said Wallace with low tone.

"What ?" Shouted Steven and Phoebe.

"Hey, are we missing something. Who is this Jason." Asked Alex.

"Jason is a powerful trainer like us of our age and for you people he challenged that Gym Leader whose son you killed." Said Steven.

"Hey guys why should we care for that Jason and these people, lets leave from here." Said Elsa and stood up.

"Why to care for Jason." Said Phoebe in anger whose head was down and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Yes why should we care for someone hot head ?" Said Elsa.

"You people are worse, Jason helped you thats why you survived raid." Said Phoebe.

"Hey we fought in raid, not you friend Jason, so how he helped us." Said Julius.

"He fought more then 60 People single handed, they were of Team Shadow, Team Venom and Team Devil's Horn, they were the people who hypnotized those wild pokemons and sent to attack you and were planning to send more but Jason destroyed their laboratory and killed them so you faced only that wave otherwise you all would have died." Said Phoebe, now her eyes were filled with tears and Wallace held her from her shoulder trying to calm her, "No Wallace, these people are asking why to care for Jason ?" She continued.

Cynthia walked towards Phoebe and sat beside her, "We were really not aware what he went through. We are really sorry." She said and Elsa and others also joined Cynthia.

"Can you tell us what exactly happened there ?" Asked Alex.

"Russell is most powerful trainer and after you executed his son, he was planning to kill you people but Jason with elite four went there to calm him and but Jason got angry and said that if he was in your position he would have done the same, this angered Russell more and he tried to harm Jason but Jason's Lucario broke his hand, After some more arguement Russell Challenged him and Jason accepted it. As league policy says that if a Gym Leader challenge someone out of his Gym Territory then he is questioned for his act if he looses and he can be expelled from that position as well. So Jason planned to defeat him and take his powers so he won't be able to harm you people but if he looses then Russell will kill him." Said Wallace.

"Won't Fiona help him ?" Asked Elsa who was calm now.

"No, as the condition is that if Russell looses then he will be expelled and he will not target you but if Jason looses then Russell can kill him." Said Wallace and his eyes were filled with tears as well.

Alex fell down on his knees after hearing all this, "Why he did all this ?" Asked Alex.

"For us all and for future of regions, he want regions to be in good hands and as per info he has he trust you all alot so he did all this." Said Phoebe.

"Can we do something to help him ?" Asked Cynthia.

"No nothing can be done now, but lets just hope he wins." Said Steven.

"His pokemons are at what level ?" asked Alex.

"He has around 6 pokemon at Pseudo king level as of now." Said Steven.

"What ? Then he must be most powerful trainer of our era, why he isn't in list then ?" Asked Alex.

"Because he asked Prof Oak to not to mention his name in that list. This info I got with help of my dad, Jason is not aware of this." Said Steven.

"What is level of most powerful pokemon of that Gym Leader." Asked Cynthia.

"His two pokemons are at Initial Mid King and he will be using both of them in battle of 2 vs 2 pokemon." Said Steven.

"If only Jason had one pokemon at Advance Mid Level then he could defeat those two pokemons with ease." Said Alex.

"But he don't have." Said Steven and his eyes filled with tears as well.

All 9 kids sat around with sad faces and Phoebe was crying.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>In Fortree Gym<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

All of them reached in the battlefield, Jason and Russell took their respective positions and Fiona became their referee.

"This is official match between Gym Leader of Mosdeep City Russell who Challenged trainer Jason Wood from Gao Village, this is 2 vs 2 battle and if Gym Leader loose then he will be expelled and prosecuted, but if Jason loose then Gym Leader can punish him accordingly. Is it clear ?" Said Fiona.

Both of them nodded. "then begin." Said Fiona.

"Kid this is last battle of your life because after this I will kill you." Said Russell.

Jason's Nidoking was standing beside him now as he called him out to calm Lucario but Russell's word made him angry and now he wanted to finish his pokemons, 'Master let me handle this brat' Said Nidoking.

"Yes you will be going to battle and don't show any mercy, this battle should be complete devastating so that all people around here will never dare to disobey act of league." Said Jason and Nidoking nodded, he had serious expressions now.

"Handle this one, this will finish your both pokemons alone, he is my most powerful pokemon." Said Russell and sent out his first pokemon which was a Blaziken. "Blaziken destroy his pokemons." Russell continued.

"Nido, you are up, don't show any mercy to this pokemon." Said Jason and Nidoking walked to the battlefield.

"Begin." Said Fiona.

Chapter Ends.

Next chapter