
Chapter 6 Let's go shopping

*Town with a bunch of bubbles everywhere*

I was walking around the town just to look around because I still haven't taken a day for myself yet in this world. I never really got a chance to look at just how beautiful this world is the air is so clean and it feel lighter here than my old world. Plus the people so different in my old world people usually went to work with a frown on there face but everyone here smells it's so nice.

"Hey mister do you have any bread." Small child

I look down and there was a little girl that came up to about my knees maybe a little taller.

"No but I can buy you some are you hungry little one."

"Yes i'm really hungry can you buy me some bread." Small child

I went to a nearby vender that was selling bread then I didn't have any money so I put my hand in my pocket and wishes for enough money to buy two pieces of bread.

"Hey sir can I buy 2 pieces of bread from you?" I hand him the money

"Thanks for the business." vender

"Here you go little girl."

I went to hand the girl the bread and I look at her eyes and it looks like there shining and I think that's pretty funny because it's my first time seeing that.

"Thanks a lot mister!" Small child

As I see her run away I see her hand 1 of the pieces to another child that made me happy i'm also kinda glad I bought 2 of them. As I keep walking looking for stuff to do I come Across a clothes store that's when I remember that I am still just wearing normal clothes. I start thinking about what to wear and I want to wear something black so I remember a certain anime and I walk over to a alley and make sure i'm alone and make my wish.

"I wish for Hei clothes and mask from darker than black."

Then they appear on my body and I walk out the alley as i'm walking I was thinking that it was about time to get a new power to have a little more fun with life.

"I wish I had Tatsumaki power from one punch man."* The power of Telekinesis*

I feel a snap in my body and my mind feels sharper it feels like I could practically do anything with just a thought a weird feeling. I feel like I have to give this power a test drive so I walk over to the auction house for so fun. The guard just asked me money to get in so I just wished for it and went in after walking in I see that it has already started and slaves are being sold. Everyone in here is ether smiling or laughing and it kinda makes my blood boil but I sit down. When everything was done and everyone had spent money on the slaves they wanted I very quietly made a wish.

"I wish that all the slaves that are here to be returned to there home healed and when they are teleported home a coin purse of gold coins be lying next to them so they can do what they want with their lives."

It was funny watching all of them panic when they realized that there slaves they just spent there money on where no were to be seen they were all barking orders for the auction house to explain but of course they had no idea. I just walked out and disappeared in the street.

I'm kind of bored I think i'll move on to the next person I want to save the next one really made me cry and he really looked like a fun guy to be around!!

"I CAN'T WAIT IT'S GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!!!!" *randomly screams in the street*

"....That guys crazy stay away from him honey..." Worried mother
