
Chapter 4 Saving a man with iron will

On a island filled with snow*

When I look around all I see is snow all around me it's like i'm in a snow globe it's so cold. I don't think i've been this cold in my entire life it's like being in a freezer on full blast.

"I wish that the cold won't effect my body and that i'm invisible plus I can't be heard by anyone but the ones I want to hear me."

I then take off my mask which is pointless scene no one can see me it feels good to feel the wind against my face again after having my mask on for so long. I then start walking towards a ship I see far away it looks like a pink bird which I laugh at because I found kind of funny. When I get closer my smile fades fast because a really sad scene is happening right in front of me it's when Donquixote Rosinante was shot 6 times by Doflamingo*watched the video sounds like more but only saw 6 so*

**BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM**. It was a sad thing to see because when I watched it in my old life I cried like a baby such a man shouldn't die like a rat on the side of the street. I was so mad my blood was boiling but now wasn't the time Doflamingo is way more important than some rotten fish I can't just kill him like Arlong. When I saw that Law was walking away crying quietly I made my move.

"I wish that a body that looks like Donquixote Rosinante without a soul is put in his place and that the real one is put in a pocket dimension healed."

After that it played out like in the anime it did and none where the wiser Frankenstein looks at Doflamingo.

"You will get your for what you done and i'll make sure of that you little shit!!!!"*pretty mad*

After that he sees Tsuru battleship coming from the sea then Doflamingo also sees it and gets ready for a fight. Once they started shooting cannonballs at them and I thought of something and took a coin out of my bag on my belt. I don't put much strength into it and hit doflamingo's ship just to make his life a little more of a mess and then I went to my pocket demminsion where Donquixote Rosinante is so that we can have a little talk about his future.

once in I see Donquixote Rosinante looking around like he was on a walk in the park.

"Hello young man." *deeper voice*

"Who the hell is there!!!!" Donquixote*Full name to long*

"Calm down young one you won't be able to see me no matter how much you look because you are just a soul right now and yes you died."*lie*

"So i'm died huh that sucks I kinda wanted to do more."

"Well you did end up saving a lot of people's lives by you putting your life on the line for law so you have a lot of karma points."

"Karma points?"Donquixote

"It's like money the more good you do in life the more money your soul has and the more bad things you do in life the less money your soul has at some point a soul can even go into debt which means they will most likely be reborn as a bug or a chair whichever is more available."

"Ohh I think I understand so What can I buy with my soul money?" Donquixote

"Well I can recommend something to you or you can get basically whatever else you want because your soul money is pretty high and if you want to hear the recommended it doesn't mean you have to have it after I tell you what I recommend you can still get whatever you want later if you want. "

"What do you recommend for me?"Donquixote

"I recommend that you let me heal your body and I seal you in Laws body until he defeats a certain man with one of his friends once he defeats him you while be unsealed from him and get to see him again and be free."

"So what's the ketch to it it sounds too good to be true." Donquixote

"Very smart the ketch is that you will have to watch as law struggles through life the whole time no talking to him just watching until he defeats that man with his friend what you say?"

"Sounds hard but not undoable so I choose to be sealed in law until the time."Donquixote

"Ok well best of luck and hope you don't give up hope while watching."*SNAP*

"It sure is hard acting like that and I feel bad for the ketch at the end but I can't let him mess with Laws path oh well i'm tired guess i'll sleep in here for now. "

"I wish for a bed and a night light in here."

It really is to dark in here gosh gives me the creeps.