
Reincarnating in Fanfic as a Side Character (Hiatus)

The Fanfic and Anime Characters are not mine only the OC. I'm just a new writer not fluent in English so sorry for the inconvenience. The fanfic I use is Start by Becoming a Mangaka from Akikan40 And the anime characters are from their respective creators -------------------------------------------------------- (╯︵╰,)

Just_Change · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


Next Day

Asia has introduced herself in class, looks like she picked to become a devil. She was seated next to Issei and now talking with our classmate.

The lunch break came in and I walk to the rooftop to meet Koneko

"Hi, Koneko-chan" I was waving at her and sat right next to her

"Hello, Sora-senpai are you that masked man last night?" Koneko confirming it because she can't feel any magic or anything to him like he was pure human.

"Yeah, I was" I summon the mask and put it into my face. "I know you're thinking that I'm a pure human right" She just nods

"I put concealment magic into myself so I won't be bothered that much" I smile at her

"So do you know that I was a..."

"I know that you are Devil and a Nekomata or Nekoshou" I didn't let her finish talking

I saw her turns stiff and look away when I say that she was a Nekoshou. So I hug her and she looks at me.

"I know that you are traumatized but you will know what happened when you see her again with him" She just nod but she didn't know who is she I talking about

She thought about something until she sits into my lap and snuggled at my chest, she looks so cute.

"Are you asking me a date yesterday?" Koneko was asking me blushing while looking at me.

"If you think about it like that then it was" I was patting her while she was still snuggling at me.

When I say that we both got silent, we don't say anything only eating until we hear the school bell.

"See you tomorrow Koneko-chan"

"See you Sora-senpai"

We say goodbye to each other and walk to our class.

I was now walking back home after the class end. When I was back home, I'm thinking about what I gonna do.

I visit Raku in their house and talking with the Yakuza members they always welcome me here because I was sometimes helping Raku to cook for them.

And then I visit Yuuki apartment. I was always talking with Yuuki about random things while he was working and helping both Tsubasa and Eriri in their drawing, sometimes talking with Utaha about her novel. I say goodbye to them and go back home and sleep because I can't wait for the date tomorrow.


(3rd POV)

Sora was now preparing for the date and text Koneko about we're they gonna meet. Sora was wearing just a nice outfit for a date.

Sora was now waiting for Koneko in their meeting spot. Some girl and lady were looking at him but heed no attention to them.

"Sora-senpai l was here"

Sora hears Koneko voice so he looks where he hears her voice and he was mesmerized by Koneko because she was wearing a cute dress.

Koneko sees Sora not moving and just looking at her, she blushed but tap Sora's arms. Sora is out of her entrance.

"You look so cute and beautiful on your dress right now Koneko-chan" Sora praised her

"Akeno-senpai pick it for me" Koneko blushing hard

"Akeno-senpai picks the right dress for you, it was suited to you" Sora praise her more

"You're handsome in your outfit" Koneko trying to praise Sora

When they finish praising each other they start their date.

'Looks like somebody like to watch our date, well they can watch if they want' Sora spotted somebody watching their date.

The one who was watching them didn't know that they were already spotted.

"This is the first time I see my cute Koneko-chan blush like that" Rias who was watching both Sora and Koneko, was shocked because Koneko doesn't show any emotion to them.

"Ara ara looks like are cute Koneko-chan is growing up already *fufufu*" Akeno giggled at Koneko reaction when she saw him praising her.

"Come on Akeno they already leaving let's follow them" Rias already following them called Akeno

"Wait Buchou" Akeno running to Rias


While they were walking they planning of what to do first they plan that they are gonna eat first before going to their other destination, so they go to a restaurant and order some food. When the food was served they start eating.

"Is it good Koneko-chan" Sora asks

"It's good Sora-senpai" Koneko answered Sora

"This is good too, here try it" Sora trying to feed Koneko

Koneko blush and just nod and Sora feed her. Koneko to feed her too so

"Sora-senpai try this too" Koneko motioning to feed Sora too

"Okay," Koneko feed Sora too "It was really good, feed me again" Sora opening his mouth again waiting for Koneko to feed her again

Koneko feeds her again and they were eating happily.

"Ara ara look like they were a couple in this sight right Buchou" Akeno looking at the happy atmosphere of the two then ask Rias

"My cute Koneko-chan gonna get stolen from me" Rias rumbling while looking at Sora and Koneko

Akeno shook his head and kinda jealous of both of them but she didn't know in the future someone will get her.

When they finish eating they now go shopping, they were looking around if they will buy something. Sora found a necklace for Koneko and buy it, he will give it later. When they were walking to their next destination Sora hold Koneko hands and he didn't realize it.

Sora now realized that he was holding Koneko hands.

"Sorry Koneko-chan for holding your hand" Sora was gonna remove his hand from Koneko hand but grip it hard so that he won't let go

"It's alright you can hold my hand" Sora just nod and didn't let go.

So they were walking holding hands. Then they go to the arcade.

They were playing games when he saw her looking in the claw machine. When Sora look inside the claw machine he saw a white cat plushie.

"Do you want it?" Sora asks her if she wants it she shooked her head but Sora know that she wants it

"Ok I get it for you" Sora try but he fails then he gets it when it was his fifth try and gave it to Koneko.

Koneko was blushing while she was hugging the plushie in her hand it was a bundle of cuteness.

Then when they finish playing they were now walking back home. When they gonna split up the way home Sora gave a necklace to Koneko. Koneko was happy and kissed Sora and run away. Sora was just standing in the way and shock because Koneko kisses her on the lips even the one following them.

Then he goes back home.