

Leon the personification of an average human but with a mind of a genius that he could not express in today's day and age. A mind of a emperor and general.

While Leon was walking down the streets he spotted a truck running at full speed but Leon could not care less. But when he saw the truck heading towards a child his mind suddenly stopped and everything froze.

'Ah fuck it at least I can save someone's life before I kick the bucket' Leon thought.

After thinking Leon ran to the child and pushed the child to save him while in the process killing him.

"Call an ambulance!!" a stranger screamed.

"Is he okay?!" another stranger screamed.

"I think he is not breathing!" another stranger said.

While they were screaming and shouting the man they were talking about was already dead.

A soul was floating in the dark space for few minutes before it spoke or thought.

'So that's it huh' Leon thought.

[System activating..1%...2%...3%]

'So it's the common trope of reincarnating with a system after being ran over by truck-kun' Leon thought.

After a minute the system finally finished activating.

[Hello host I am your assistant to answer your questions] the system said.

'Oh a not annoying system that talks every minute and annoy you every single time with the system being a lady which in later chapters the protagonist marries her' Leon said.

[Yes host I am your imagination of a perfect system] the system said.

'So what are your functions other than what I know?' Leon asked.

[The following functions are the unique functions provided by the system] the system said.

[Kingdom Territory]

A map of your kingdoms territory and all of its uses and advantages.

[Kingdom Units]

All the numbers of army and troops of your kingdom.

[Kingdom Population]

List of the population of your kingdom and races that reside in your kingdom.

[Kingdom History]

The list of all major and minor things that happened on your kingdom.


A list of your relations of other kingdoms and your popular opinion of your kingdom's people.

[That is the list of the new functions by the system. Also your stats will increase from your kingdoms population and the opinion of them] the system said.

'That's easy enough to understand' Leon said.

'Let's check my status' Leon said.

[Name: Leon blank

Level: 1 0/0

Race: Human


Str: 10

End: 10

Dex: 10

Int: 10

Wis: 20


A/n: Stat points.


A/n: Skill points.


A/n: Shop points.


'Okay I like it basic' Leon said.

'Wait system where is Shop and Missions?' Leon asked.

[Those can only be unlocked on a certain level] the system said.

'So system when are we going?' Leon asked.

[When you are ready host]

'So system can you skip 4 years of my life it could make my life easier?' Leon asked.

[It is possible] the system said.

'Okay do it' Leon said.

[Reincarnation will proceed in 1...2...3]

Then Leon vanished from the dark space.

We can see Leon's soul travelling from planet to planet before setting it's eyes on a planet that's just like earth but 100x bigger than earth.

After a few minutes Leon's soul suddenly speeded up to the planet before suddenly landing on a sleeping kids forehead.

Suddenly the kids eyes opened with confusion on his eyes.

'Where am I?' the kid thought.

[You're in your new life's body host] the system said.

'Do you have this body's memories stored?' Leon asked.

[I do have it host] the system said.

'Is it gonna be painful?' Leon asked.

[Only a little bit because it's only four years of memories] the system said.

'Okay I'm ready do it' Leon said.

[Memories will be received in 3...2...1]

Then Leon's brain suddenly received 4 years of memories. the system shut down Leon's body to minimize the pain.

After a few minutes Leon stopped receiving memories.

'That was not that painful' Leon said.

[It is because I shut down your body to minimize the pain host] the system said.

'Thanks for that even though I did not ask for it' Leon said.

'System can you alert me when someone is calling me or something so I can review my memories?' Leon asked.

[Done] the system said.

'Thanks' Leon said.

After the conversation with the system Leon reviewed his memories.

Leon Lionhart the son of king Vlad Lionhart and his wife queen Elaine. king Vlad was a vampire ruler of a small kingdom of vampires with about the size of Texas. while queen Elaine was a werewolf. queen Elaine hid her bloodline from the world. vlad and lycan met six years ago when they were fighting monsters. when the two of them learned about each other's bloodline they were ready to fight to the death because there ancestors were enemies but the two of them were evenly matched. because they could not kill each other they agreed on a truce. but after spending time with each other the two of them eventually fell in love and married. Vlad chose to hid his wife's bloodline because of his kingdom's citizens which were vampires.

after there marriage lycan was pregnant. which surprised both of them because it's not normal for a vampire and werewolf parents having a child.

Leon was born with silver hair like his mother with red eyes from his father.

After being born Vlad announced to the kingdom of his son's birth. which the kingdoms population were happy about.

When Leon turned one year old his wings started to open and his nails getting sharper.

After his birthday Vlad started teaching Leon swordsmanship and blood magic while Elaine taught Leon close combat fighting and we're wolf transformation.

For the rest of his 4 year life Leon enjoyed his childhood. he also enjoyed training with the guards and reading in the library.

'Status' Leon said.

[Name: Leon Lionhart

Level: 10 0/1000

Race: Vampire, Werewolf

Titles: Prince of vampires

Str: 3100

End: 2100

Dex: 3100

Int: 1200

Wis: 300

Stp: 100

Skp: 10

Sp: 0


Passive Skills:

Night vision

Enhanced senses

Enhanced strength

Enhanced Speed

Swordsmanship lv:10

Hand to hand combat lv:10

Blood magic lv:20

Active Skills:

Werewolf transformation

Racial traits:

Thirst for blood (Vampire)

Burn in the sun (Vampire)

Turning into a werewolf at the full moon (Werewolf)]

[Vampire bloodline: Every level up you earn 100 str, 100 dex, 100 int]

[Werewolf bloodline: Every level up you earn 100 str, 100 end, 100 dex]


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