
Reincarnating in a New World, I Decided to be an Adventurer

In an empty space, Derek met a god who tells him that he will live his new life in a world where magic exists. After being subjected to an extremely difficult life, with his new life and name, Arthur, he decides to embark on the world full of magic and beasts.

Shuaro · Fantasy
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9 Chs




The goblin fell down after stabbing it with my handmade stone dagger. I have killed three goblins a few hours after waking up in the morning. Since I can't linger around the area for two long, I have to get to the road outside the forest as soon as possible.

[You have leveled up!]

Finally, I am now level four. It took me three goblins to level up and it certainly wasn't easy to deal one, let alone three. I am not used to fighting because to begin with, I was born in an era of peace. Fighting goblins with a stone dagger without any form of training is difficult.

"But since my parameters are higher, it was way easier to deal with them even if there were three of them."

Goblins are predictable creatures which makes them stupid. The moment they see me, they come charging straight without any regards for defense. It was easy to dodge and counter. The problem was, however, were there numbers but it wasn't really a problem since there parameters were low to begin with.

"Anyway, I need to allocate my points. I have five points so I need to focus on both strength and agility."


Name: Arthur

Race: Human

Level: 4

HP: 300/300

MP: 200/200


Craftsman Lv. 1

Twin-Blade Specialist Lv. 1


Strength: 8 (+3)

Vitality: 5

Agility: 5 (+2)

Mana: 4

Endurance: 3

Attribute Points: 0



Appraisal Lv. -- (MAX)

Map Lv. -- (MAX)

Inventory Lv. -- (MAX)

Fireball Lv. 1


Magic Control Lv. 1

Magic Visualization Enhancement Lv. -- (MAX)

Detection Lv. 1



Gives the user the ability to detect certain presence from a limited distance. The higher the level, the more likely for [Detection] to spot targets using stealth abilities within the area of effect.


Specialize in crafting weapons and items. Higher-quality items require higher level of the job.


Specialize in wielding twin-daggers. Users who have this job will have better proficiency in using daggers.


I have two new jobs. The first one is [Craftsman] which I got from crafting a stone dagger. As the description stated, [Craftsman] is a job that specializes in crafting weapons. The second is [Twin-Dagger Specialist] that I got from killing goblin using a dagger. The effects of the twin-dagger specialist jobs made me able to wield daggers proficiently regardless if I wield only a single dagger. And the last is [Detection], a passive ability that allows me to detect and spot targets from within a certain distance.

I finally have a good set of abilities and I even got two jobs. Also, considering that I got them easily means that I might have more jobs I can acquire and more abilities that I can learn.


I close my status board and head towards the road. After an hour of walking, I've finally reached the road. I met several goblins, dealt with them and reached level five.

"Finally, the road. Now then, which direction should I head?"

I opened the map and check the surrounding area. Looks like there aren't any towns or villages around the twenty kilometer radius.

"Hmm? Looks like there's a village around forty kilometers east from here. Okay then."

Storing the daggers in my [Inventory], I head for the village. It's going to be a forty kilometer walk from here which is very far if I think about it. Then again, I have three [Endurance] points which means that I have more stamina. The status board sure is convenient to have.


With my passive ability [Detection], I sensed several creatures running towards something up located up ahead of me?

"This reaction, humans? And a group of them? Just on the other side of this hill."

Somehow, I am able to discern monsters and humans. Judging by the direction those monsters are heading and the location of the humans, they're probably going to attack the group of humans ahead of me. This ability is amazing.

"Wait, now's not the time to be amazed!"

I ran and head towards the group that is about to get attacked. Shit, they are already attacking them. I ran faster, finally reaching the group. They seem to be defending the carriages.

"A kid?"

"What are you doing here, kid?! Get out of here!"

This'll be the first time I'm fighting a monster aside from a goblin. The wolves are much bigger than the goblins which makes me anxious. But, I can't turn back now that I've gotten some of the wolves' attention. I open [Inventory] and grabbed my dagger.

"I'm here to help! Haaaah!"


I stabbed the wolf around its stomach, causing it to crumble and fall. Damn, looks like I need more strength to completely sink the blade. Their hides are tougher than a goblin's skin.



One of the men in the group got bitten on the shoulders. I readied my dagger and was about to help the man but I was stopped by a certain wolf. Its bigger than the rest of them, I got a bad feeling about this.

"An alpha wolf!"


Alpha Wolf

Lv. 15

HP: 600


Strength: 14

Agility: 10

Endurance: 20


I broke out a cold sweat.

This wolf is definitely an alpha. Its parameter is higher than mine.


With its loud howling, it caused me and the group to cover our ears. Then the wolves regrouped and attack the man who was bitten earlier.




A group of three wolves pounced on the man. One of the wolves bit the man's right arm that was holding a sword, causing him to let go of his weapon. The second wolf jumped towards the man, causing him to fall. The third wolf bit the man's left arm. Then the second wolf who was on top the man bore its fangs towards the man's face which killed him.


The alpha wolf dodges the spell. Then soon after, the alpha jumps and closes the distances between it and me with its claws about to slice me apart.

"Shit! You're fast!"

I managed to dodge the attack sideways by only a hair's breadth.


"Wha- kuuh!"

This wolf is no joke! After failing to land a direct attack on me, it rammed its head at my side after landing its feet on the ground. I got blown away five meters.

"Haaah... haaah...."


I took a quick glance on the group. It seems like they are having a hard time dealing with the pack. Seven of them have already fallen and five are heavily injured. Judging by my [Detection], there are at least twenty of them with three hiding in the carriage.

There are over twenty-one wolves, eight of them have already been killed. There are still twelve that they are dealing, and one alpha. I managed to kill a wolf but then the alpha showed up and is now facing me.


It growls at me, filled with intense killing intent. I have never felt so shaken ever since my first encounter with a goblin. If I don't kill this one soon, I'll be one that's going to die.


POV: Captain of the Guards

Damn it! This is not going well.

The wolf pack managed to attack us and killed six of us before we could even react. We managed to kill at least eight of them at least, with one being killed by that boy. It seems like he is having a hard time against that alpha.

Krono, Mary, Julius, Albert and me are the only ones actively fighting the pack. Roberto and the others are heavily injured. Shit, that damn marquis really set us up!

"[Heavenly Strike]!"

I activated my [Heavenly Strike] skill and cut down two wolves. The third wolf dashes forward with its claws swinging down towards me. I dodged it and prepared my sword, slashing the wolf in half.



"Take this! Haaaaah!"


"Man, these wolves are no joke! Julius, behind you! [Rapid Slash]!"

"Woah! Thanks, Krono!"

"Please be aware of your surroundings! Haah!"

Krono managed to deal with a few wolves. Looks like he's getting better than last time. He also is able to keep his composure despite facing multiple monsters. On the contrary, Julius is still as careless as ever. I'll need to discipline him later.

"Mary! How are the injured!"

"I managed to got them out of a life-threatening condition at least! They still need to get medical attention!"

If we had noticed it sooner, this wouldn't have happened. There is a wolf pack near this area, over twenty wolves strong. We had to close this high way because despite being weaker than a pack of Forest Wolves, they are still strong as a pack. And since this territory was under the jurisdiction of Marquis Hambert von Oaklahile, he sent a letter saying that the road has now been opened and are cleared of wolves.

"Haaah! This is the last one!"


"Shit! The kid!"

We managed to kill all the wolves. All that's left is the alpha that's fighting the kid. But the kid got his lower abdomen bitten. He stabbed the wolf at the neck which prompt it to let go of him. The wolf wriggles and squeal in pain, opening an opportunity for me to attack.

Not missing the opportunity, I dashed forward and activate [Heavenly Strike].



The alpha wolf who turned its attention to me couldn't react fast enough. I slashed the alpha at the base of its neck, separating its head from the rest of the body.

"Mary! The kid!"


Mary runs towards the kid.

"He's got bitten pretty badly. [High Heal]!"

Light surrounds the boy's wounds. [High Heal] is a higher class of healing that is capable of healing serious wounds but it can't restore lost body parts.

"He got done in pretty bad, huh? I'm surprised that the boy managed to hold his own against an alpha wolf. Well, the wolf is pretty weak though."

"Can you even say that when we got done in ourselves, Krono?"


"Quiet down, Krono, Albert. You two check our perimeter. We still have to burn the bodies so that we won't attract monsters. Even though this is an open area, the keen senses of a beast is nothing to underestimate."

"Yes, sir. Come on, Albert."

Krono and Albert begin to check the perimeter.

"Hans, is it over?"

"Marquis Roland! Please do not leave the carriage. We are still checking the perimeter to ensure that there aren't any nearby monsters."

"Who is this boy, Hans?"

Marquis Roland looks over the boy.

"He tried to help us in dealing the wolf pack. He killed one and got badly injured fighting the alpha of the pack. He managed to held his own back there."

"I see...."

The marquis shows an expression of sadness. Despite his rough appearance, he is pretty gentle with children and often times visit the orphan in Luvi to take care of them in his free time. Seeing a kid whose appearance is really young causes the marquis to tear up.

"The perimeter is clear. No signs of monsters... for now at least."

Albert and Krono have already finished checking the perimeter. All that's left is to take the wounded to the other carriage and burn the bodies.

"Okay, then. Albert and Krono, you pile the wolves and the fallen soldiers and burn them using magic. Mary, help me carry the wounded to one of our carriage. We need to return to Luvi."

"Eh? We're not heading to the Marquis Hambert's city?"

"Don't be ridiculous. With our current condition, there are still five more days worth of travel. Who knows what we will face in the upcoming days. There is also a forest that we have to go through if we want to reach our destination. A forest full of monsters. It takes about a week of travel to reach Oaklahile from Luvi. And considering the relationship between our lord and Marquis Hambert, it's too dangerous to go. Rather, having only 17 soldiers escorting Marquis Roland and his family is an extremely risky move."

Marquis Roland comes to us. Both of them placed their right hand at the left side of their chests with the left arm behind their backs.

"My Lord!"

"I agree with Hans on this one. In fact, when Hambert sent me a letter, it stated that I need to meet him in his city, Oaklahile, to discuss about matters. I wrote him a reply asking about what kind of matters are we supposed to discuss but he only replied that it is risky to tell what matters it is in a form of a letter."

I place my hand on my chin. The marquis might have guessed what I was thinking. I take a deep breath and shift my gaze to Albert and Krono.

"We have to hurry now. Pile the dead bodies and burn them. Marquis Roland, my lord, please head back to the carriage. We can't have you be out in the open."

"Okay. Take care of things as quickly as possible."

I nod my head. I head towards Mary who is carrying the boy to the carriage.

"He's got a lot of guts for a kid."

"Yeah. Normally, at his age, kids would be peeing their pants the moment they see a big scary wolf. Oh, and I found this. I thought you might be interested in this, captain."

Mary gave me what it seems like a dagger. It's pretty crude and the way its made is way too rough. Then again, the blade is made out of stone.


Noticing my reaction, Mary smiled.

"That kid probably made it. I found this under the alpha wolf's body. It must have belonged to the kid."

"He managed to stab the alpha wolf's skin using this?"

Even though it's a normal alpha wolf, its hide is nothing to scoff at. The hides of alpha wolves are pretty hard for a stone with a dull edge to penetrate, let alone stab. And this kid managed to stab the wolf despite having a tough hide.

I look at the boy and noticed something. I widen my eyes at an interesting discovery. Since we were battling earlier, I couldn't notice.

"You noticed, huh?"

"Yeah, this kid is pretty interesting."

Mary, who was busy loading the injured, smiled at me again. She must've known that this kid is really strong despite his age.

"Anyway, let's head back to Luvi. We can't afford to stay camp at here since there are too many blood scattered around."

"All the bodies have been burned now."

"Good. Albert, take the reigns of our lord's carriage. Krono, you'll be with him. Mary and I will be on the other carriage. We will have to take camp a few kilometers away from here."

"Yes, sir!"

All of us got into the carriage. The sun is setting down. Normally, we would set a camp once the sun sets down, but setting camp in a battlefield is too risky.

"Move out!"


At my order, we set off. A couple of days later, we arrived at Luvi.



I decided to change some things like the attribute [Defense] will be replaced with [Endurance] to represent both his defense and stamina. I thought it would be more appropriate to use [Endurance] instead of [Defense] for a better translation to his overall abilities.

Next, the monsters having some stats not showing. I thought that it's better to simplify their stats depending on what monster they are and what type are they. Like the alpha wolf in this chapter, I didn't write how much MP it had because it doesn't have mana. The alpha wolf and his pack aren't monsters that have magic and are all proficient in physical attacks so it's better to not write any attributes or stats regarding magic. If it's a monster that can use magic, however, I'll definitely write down their status.

Finally! 4th chapter is done.

I wanted to let Arthur head to the village there and establish contact with civilization. However, as I was writing this chapter, my mind just went for an encounter between Arthur and a Marquis. I thought it's much more progressive if the series of events led him to meet someone important.

Don't worry, though. The encounter itself is pretty much what I really wanted to convey. And since we want Arthur to have a solid ground once he becomes part of society, I'd made it so that he could have at least some backing.

Is Marquis Roland evil or good? I'd say we will soon find out probably on the next chapter... don't expect it lol.

Anyway, I am reaaally, tired. Writing this chapter have squeezed me dry so I'll continue uploading at Sunday. I need to have a rest you know. So, it's been a fun and hopefully, I can flesh out the world and the characters within it as Arthur encounters them through his journey. Thank you for reading! And see you all in the next chapter! <3

Shuarocreators' thoughts