
Reincarnated With Unlimited Powers

For as long as he can remember, Hiroshi has been fixated on becoming as strong as possible, which has led him to undertake all kinds of rigorous training. This wish, however, does not stem from a desire to be recognized by others; rather, Hiroshi does everything he can to blend in with the crowd. So, while pretending to be a completely average student during the day, he arms himself with a crowbar and ruthlessly thrashes local biker gangs at night. Yet when Hiroshi finds himself in a truck accident, his ambitions seemingly come to a sudden end. In his final moments, he laments his powerlessness—no matter how much he trained, there was nothing he could do to overcome his human limitations. But instead of dying, Hiroshi reawakens as Ravi, the second child of the noble Sharma family, in another world—one where magic is commonplace. With the power he so desired finally within his grasp, he dons the moniker "Absolute" and establishes Eternal Moon: a group whose sole purpose is to combat the enigmatic Cult of Diablos, an organization born from Ravi's imagination. However, as Eternal Moon grows in both membership and influence, it becomes increasingly apparent that the Cult of Diablos is not as fictional as Ravi had intended.

RSisekai · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Birth of Eternal Moon

"So, my dear Ravi, have you given any more thought to your future?" My father's voice boomed through his study, a place I normally tried to avoid. Too many books on history and politics—heavy, boring stuff.Today, however, I held my head high. "Of course, Father. I intend to enroll in the Royal Academy of Magic."The silence that followed was heavy. My parents exchanged a long look that spoke volumes about what they thought of my 'average' magical ability. Eventually, my mother spoke, her tone laced with overly cheerful encouragement: "Perhaps a career in the ministry would be more suitable, darling?"The Ministry is a bureaucratic hellhole destined to crush my soul. No, thank you. My magic might not be flashy, but I knew its true potential. I just needed a stage. Or rather, a secret organization meticulously crafted in my own image."My future lies in uncovering the mysteries of the world, Mother." I injected a hint of mystical wonder into my voice—just enough cheese to convince her I wasn't being difficult on purpose.My father cleared his throat uncomfortably. "My boy, surely you don't want to become one of those adventurers? It's a dangerous line of work."Ah, the perfect opening. "There are dark forces at play in this world, Father," I said gravely. "I've read reports of strange creatures, of mages corrupted by forbidden knowledge. Someone needs to fight against them."And with that, it was settled. The Royal Academy offered the perfect cover: access to ancient texts, potential recruits, and, most importantly, distance from my overprotective parents.--The academy bustled with life, a cacophony of noble heirs showing off their latest spells. I ignored the displays of showy light shows and crackling fireballs, slipping through the well-maintained halls like a shadow.My objective was simple: find like-minded individuals. Not allies—pawns. And the library, that bastion of neglected knowledge, was fertile ground.It took three days before I unearthed a gem. A slim, bespectacled girl hunched over a dusty tome titled 'The Rise and Fall of Forbidden Cults'. Her muttered curses mirrored my own sentiments."That Grimoire of Shadow Whispers is a load of nonsense, right?" she grumbled.I cleared my throat. "Indeed. Contradictory theories have no basis in verifiable fact."Her head shot up, and she stared at me as if I'd just sprouted an extra eye. "You think so too?"Perfect. "My name is Ravi Sharma," I said smoothly. "Would you care to discuss these texts in a more private setting?"And so, it began. Under the guise of an academic study group, 'Eternal Moon' was born. Anya, as it turned out, was a treasure trove of obscure magical lore—just the type of person I needed to flesh out my imaginary organization, the Cult of Diablos. With me as the enigmatic Shadow, leader of Eternal Moon, and Anya as my brilliant strategist, the stage was set.My next recruits came in the form of a pair of brawny twins, orphans from a minor noble house. Their magic was weak, and their brains were even weaker—perfect candidates to be molded into my loyal enforcers.Over mugs of cheap ale and far-fetched tales of the Cult of Diablos, Eternal Moon grew. Our 'investigations' mostly involved breaking into abandoned ruins to etch dramatic (and completely made-up) cult symbols with my invisible magic.It was ridiculous, absurd, and utterly exhilarating.

Every great villain needs a nemesis, even a fictional one. Ravi might be playing make-believe now, but playing with fire can have some very real – and dangerous – consequences.

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