
First Feed

When he was out of the sun he slumped to the ground—weakened and embarrassed. His skin was bright red and charred in some parts.

"I thought I was supposed to be an evolved hybrid? Why does the sun affect me?" He asked, words seething with pain.

[Hybrid, yes, but evolved? That's debatable master. Remember your bloodline is yet to awaken.]

He groaned. "What was that? The blade, it just..."

[Right, I wasn't sure, had a hunch—or you know a hypothesis since I'm not a living being. The hilt is Zodiac Bronze, an alloy crafted by gods themselves. And the cave seemed to be under an illusion.]

Levi was confused. One minute his dad was trying to murder him, the next he sends him a weapon. He stayed there a while, wondering why a god was trying to help him—even if it was his parent it can't have been because it felt like it should bond with its child.

"Let's go deeper into the cave, at least now I know the entrance is here. I still need food and it seems it will be a long time before it's night again." He said getting up and dusting himself.

[That's very good master. Days here are forty eight hours. Meaning you get twenty-four hours each of day and night.]

That seemed to stress him out even more. There was just no relaxing, it was constant survival. In his old world vampire folklore was abundant, he just needed to try every method to walk in the sunlight.

"Work seems to be expanding more. I guess this cave will be my home for a while...how come the sun in my Hub does nothing to me?"

[That's your Hub master, everything made by you there cannot hurt you. The current, terrain will not hurt you either, you just have to get used to it.]

Levi sighed noticing that his weapon was back to being just a hilt. "How does this even work? I swear there was a blade just then..."

But he was still hungry, so his next stop was to hunt for food. Levi wasn't in the mood for anything else, the properties of the sun seemed to weaken him even further.

'I have to figure the sun thing out. Maybe I can take something from the fictions of my old world? Let's see.' He pondered about the many books and TV shows of Vampires there were.

'There was that one they wore rings to walk in the sun, well I don't have any witch with me so I guess that's futile.

'What was that one? They just sparkled in the sun. ahhhh this is useless.' He was a bit frustrated.

[Master, you'll think much better if you have a full stomach. Let's take this one day at a time, you at least can go out at night and it's a whole twenty-four hours.]

He grinned to that. Lilith was right, there was no point rushing anything. More than anything he was looking forward to the outside world, a fantasy world should be much more beautiful—that's what he thought anyway.

The cave was damp, he was walking towards the water he'd heard when he first came here. With all the training he was doing, his physical body felt really dirty.

The cave was dark and moist, he was barefoot but didn't slip once. Being a half god was great, at just eight years old he could do so much and his body wouldn't break.

His stomach was beginning to complain more treacherously, its had been many years since he ate that bear. Even a half god such as himself needed to eat, even if it was once in a while.

"What do Maukin eat anyway?"

[Normal food, I suppose?]

"Right, what about demons?"

[Look within you, what are you craving? I'm here as your guide Master, some things you have to figure out yourself though.]

Levi closed his eyes and listened to his stomach complain, he reached deeper within to see what would satiate such hunger he was feeling.

"Meat, Blood, Raw." His eyes were still closed, his nose was doing the work for him.

It was leading him to where he'd find what he was looking for, he knew it in his gut, so he followed the trail his nose was dragging him in.

He hadn't even walked that far when he heard squeaking. It was the most strange feeling, it didn't feel like he heard these noises through his ears, it was a sense of some kind.

"I'm not gonna eat rats, no sir, I'd rather die, starve."

[Those aren't rats Master, they're rodents — magic rodents. Lots of nutrition, lots of blood. Did you know? They have more blood than the biggest being in this world. You can just pop the neck and drink away.]

"You said there was no magic here, you can't fool me Lilith."

[You're reincarnated as a half god, if that's not magical I don't know what you'd consider magic master. While yes Gi isn't magic, that doesn't make what's happening to you any less magical.]

"Dammit okay, you win." The hunger was twisting his insides, he was being stubborn for no reason at all.

He tiptoed, reaching a clearing. He saw a dozen of them, they looked too clean to be in such a cave. Rodents that were as big as rabbits.

His body moved on its own, he swore it. Seeing food that it was dying to eat, he reached the first and the third before the rest realised that they were under attack.

He stood at the top of a small rock, the neck of the three he'd caught snapped at the same time. His eyes shone red as he brought one closer to his mouth, his fangs grew longer.

Levi didn't need to do much, his fangs popped the jugular vein with great precision. He propped his head backwards, readying his insides for the blood that was coming.

He'd eaten human flesh before so naturally he had drank human blood—but this didn't taste like any blood he'd ever drank, this was like the luxurious drinks only the rich could buy.

It was definitely prime blood. He was lost in draining the animal completely dry, when that happened he tossed it aside and started all over again.

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