
Reincarnated With The Strongest A.I System

When brilliant scientist Yun Feng dies and is unexpectedly reincarnated into a strange new world, he's grateful to find a family to call his own. But as tragedy strikes again and again, Yun Feng realizes that he must rise above his mortal limitations and become something greater. With steely determination and a fierce desire to conquer the very heavens themselves, Yun Feng begins a transformative journey to become a deity who wields unimaginable power and commands the very elements of the world. But as he grows stronger, so do his enemies, and Yun Feng must face increasingly deadly challenges that threaten everything he holds dear. Can he overcome the odds and emerge victorious, or will the universe continue to take everything from him? Follow Yun Feng on his epic quest to attain godhood and discover the true meaning of power, sacrifice, and redemption in this thrilling tale of reincarnation, rebirth, and ultimate destiny

Pizza_overlord · Eastern
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13 Chs

The Valiant Prince of Xuan

Chapter 7: The Valiant Prince of Xuan

The allure of power was something most mortals in this world found impossible to resist, and Yun Feng was no exception


As he approached the sphere, Yun Feng felt an unbearable pressure begin to build inside him. It was as though an invisible force was crushing his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.

The closer he got, the more intense the pressure became, until he was almost doubled over in pain. It was as if he stood before a primordial beast that was bent on crushing his soul.

But still, he persisted with the help of the pure healing energy that Sorrow was channeling into him. With every step he took, the pressure increased, but so did his determination to reach the sphere.

Finally, with a burst of adrenaline, he reached out and grasped the sphere with both hands.

As his fingers closed around the glowing object, the pressure inside him reached a fever pitch. It was as though his entire body was being compressed by an unseen force, and he could feel his bones and muscles straining under the weight of it. But even as the pressure threatened to overwhelm him, Yun Feng refused to let go.

Just as he was relishing in the joy of finally laying his hand on the prize, the red floating spear shook vehemently and disintegrated into millions of red lights that surged into Yang Kai Gabella..

The sudden situation caught him off guard.

It happened so fast that he couldn't even wave his hand to stop it, even if he could.

As the speckles of light entered his brain, he felt the most unimaginable pain he had ever experienced before. It felt like countless needles were piercing his brain as several pieces of information he had never seen before gradually emerged in his head. Yang Kai eventually couldn't hold it anymore and fell unconscious.

What came after was very weird: the unconscious body of Yang Kai suddenly became like a black hole that began to suck all the life energy from nearby trees and countless speckles of lingering red dust. It made such a big disturbance that everyone a mile away could see.

Time trickled by as the unconscious Yun Feng body mercilessly devoured the life force and spiritual energy around him like a black hole.


Meanwhile, millions of miles away from the Blue Valley Forest of Monsters, a dramatic event was unfolding in a gigantic palace that seemed to tower over the entire night sky.

In the Kingdom of Xuan, the royal family were not just rulers, but renowned martial artists. The king himself was a master of the art of the sword, while his son, the prince, was a prodigy in hand-to-hand combat.

The prince had always been a source of pride for the kingdom. He had inherited his father's skills and had trained day and night to become even better.

But one day, everything changed. The prince had taken up a new cultivation technique he had uncovered in an ancient ruin from a powerful civilization. After practicing the technique, the prince's cultivation soared by leaps and bounds. He easily unsealed one realm after another, quickly reaching a height that none of his peers could ever hope to accomplish in their lifetimes. With ease, he defeated several experts from different nations and even sects. becoming a powerhouse among powerhoise in Xuan kingdom.

His achievements in such a short period were so astonishing that even sect masters of powersects were dancing around him like fireflies, intending to make him their disciple. A wish none of them ever got, after all he was the great prince of Xuan Kingdom.

The king, queen, and countless subjects of the Xuan household all rejoiced at the accomplishments of their prince.

They all saw him as the country's ticket to rise above the nations surrounding them in a few decades at most.

Even the surrounding kingdoms were beginning to notice his talents. Some tried their best to suppress the Xuan family where they could, while others expressed goodwill. Some even went as far as sending their finest and most talented princesses to the Kingdom of Xuan in hopes of forming an alliance through marriage.

Finally the Young prince's talent caught sight of The Celestial Temple, The Hegemon sect of the North and things were suppose to go on up from there on out.

Unfortunately, a bout of misfortune befell the young prince as he delved deeper into the technique. He began to show strange symptoms. He would spend long hours in his chambers, muttering to himself and occasionally letting out guttural growls like a wild animal driven by hunger.

At first, the king and his council thought it was just a phase, a result of the intense training the prince was undergoing. But as the days went by,The symptoms only grew worse. The prince's once calm and focused demeanor was replaced by an erratic and aggressive one.

His eyes, once calm and peaceful, became red with bloodlust and a pure lust for human flesh. His nails gradually grew longer, like claws of beasts, and his snow-white skin began to show a hint of redness.

These symptoms were unlike any the king had ever seen. Soon, several maids fell victim to one of his episodes. Some had their bodies gruesomely ripped into shreds alive before being eaten by the prince.

After witnessing that gory scene, the king locked the prince in the deepest corner of the palace dungeon, where not even the rays of the sun could touch. The king felt immense fear and worry.

His most talented son, the one who he planned to give the throne to, was now nothing but a monster. Although he and the queen hid the prince's condition under wraps, with only a few other trusted officials of the Xuan family being aware, rumors were beginning to spread due to the prince's disappearance from the public scene. Unwilling to see his son continue to change into that monster-like creature and desperate to save his son, the king consulted with the most renowned physician in the seven kingdoms, Master Lei Wang, at great cost, high enough to raise several powerhouses for the Xuan family.

After examining the prince, Master Lei Wang determined that he had been devilized by the cultivation technique. It was a rare condition caused by the imbalance of yin and yang in the body that even he was at a loss to cure completely.

"It's truly a pity such a talented prodigy would fall into such precarious traits at the time when his talent should be blossoming. It would take the rarest Yin Ice oddity treasures to completely help him stabilize. Since those treasures would take too long to gather, the only option we are left with is taking a woman with a Yin body constitution. Hopefully, their Yin essence would be enough to balance his excess Yang energy rampaging in the prince's body. This way, he can maintain his rationality before the treasures are gathered, the greater the purity of the Yin body the longer the Yang energies would be kept at bay," Master Lei Wang explained to the king and his officials with a condescend look on his face.


The king's face and the officials all darkened upon hearing his words. Although he put it simply, everyone present could infer that anyone that had their essence would, without exception, die shortly afterward.

Bringing innocent girls to the palace to die in exchange for the prince's rationality was something Dark Deities were known for. The kingdom of Xuan and its king were known to be people with high moral standards. If news of them committing such a deed was leaked to the world, their reputation would be greatly damaged, a stain that would forever stick .

"Let us take time to think about this a little bit more," the king finally spoke. His every word boasted a certain swagger only those who have bathed in the waters of immense power could possess.

"You already did, your grace, this is the only way, and you know it, rumors are that his highness as agreed to the to a marriage alliance with the celestial Temple in a year or so, such a monument event should shoot your Xuan kingdom to its greatest peak since its founding.... what do you think your inlaws would do If they find out about the situation of the prince" Master Lei Wang replied, with a confident look on his face.

The King, the queen and all the trusted aid in the royal court all had a look of shock on their faces as soon as they heard the words of Master Lei , the marriage proposal between the kingdom of Xuan and the celestial temple was a thing of great joy which they paid to little attention to hide.

What shocked them was that Master Lei Wang was made aware of this news despite the face that it was only concluded a few days ago and hasn't been announced yet.

"Right you are about this, our Son is to Wed the Saintess of The celestial temple in exactly 9months from now" The King didn't deny the matter , he replied in a straightforward manner, his shrewd eyes carefully observing this unassuming and mysterious physician before him. "What do you require as your payment Master Lei" The King asked.

"what I ask in return for my assistance is to make this lad my disciple" Master Lei Wang replied with a smile on his face. His voice carried a hint of concern. He was genuinely impressed by the immense talent the prince possessed. The shock he got from seeing his meridians and detecting the real cultivation of the prince still hadn't faded, the young prince cultivation realm far exceeded what the world believed it to be!!

He was even dying deep down to make him his disciple. There was no way he would allow such a talent to waste. If this kid was his, he would have captured all the girls with unique Yin body constitutions in this world for the prince.

The king fell silent for a while, on her throne by the side, the queen looked at the King with a desperate look only a worried mother could have yet there was still a confident look on her face in her husband's decision.

Her child was just too talented , no one in their right mind would dare risk loosing such a talent.

"We have heard you, and appreciatey your help, and for that we will reward you accordingly" The king ignored the latter part of Maatwr Lei Wangs sentence he had no intention to send his son under the tutelage of someone who apart from his talent in medicine and alchemy had a very questionable reputation.

Master Lei Wang said no more and retreated to the side, he wasn't so worry about the current refusal, soon enough he would get what he came here for.

"head our words, Every vassal of our kingdoms including sects must immediately set out find maidens with Yin Body Conditions, and her to invite them on our behalf to the palace, for every girl brought a vast amount of compensation would be awarded " The king cold gaze turned to his officials said with a low yet oppressive voice , his tone not leaving any room for discussion.

"we hear abs heed your orders our king!!"

The officials present chorused loudly as they all fell to their knees acknowledging his order.

Master Lei Wang smiled. and the queen heaved deep sighs of relief .