
Reincarnated with my friends(DROPPED)

I knew I shouldn't have went on that damn school trip I F-ING died but hey atleast I get to reincarnate with my two best friends

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs


(AN/This Chapter have some spoilers for none manga readers be warned)

*Location-Impel Down/Ajani pov/Few minutes after Luffy*

Right now I'm infiltrating Impel Down for Jordaine, seriously the things I do for my brother and with the shit storm Luffy threw it was easy, well anyways he wants to recruit some prisoners....Wait a minute why the hell am I infiltrating this place when I can just sense out the prisoners with 'Observation haki' and teleport them with the 'Space Laws' Dammit! Okay calm down or I might blow my cover'

I then use my haki to sense the location of the prisoners then I teleported them all to a random uninhabited island in the Calm belt. Teleporting there myself I was greeted to someone trying punch me in my face

Ajani:"Well this is interesting?" I easily caught the punch

Random prisoner 1:"Who are you?"

Ajani:"Me I'm-"

Random Prisoner 2:"Big bro who cares let's just kill him and leave we're-"His head however flew off before he could finish a look of fear then struck all the prisoners they couldn't even follow my attack some of the veteran's look like they were about to pass out they knew when they were outclassed especially those from Level Six

Ajani:"I don't like being interupted" the others who were nothing but idiots rushed me

Random Dumbass:"Who cares if one Dumbass died there plenty of us to kick your sorry ass"

Ajani:"*Sigh!* 'Domain' "A bluish white barrier like formed around the entire island and all the prisoners were beheaded blood was every where

Ajani:"What a mess ,seriously Jordaine owes me for this"Teleporting to my ship not before stuffing them in my inventory I then order them to spread towards Marine ford

*Normal Pov*

The war of the best currently occuring it was chaos and pandemonium everywhere pirates and marines were dying left and right, Luffy was running towards a giant and launched a Gum-Gum Giant Pistol


Ace:"Luffy" he croaked out tears were threatening to burst out

Whitebeard:"Marco,don't let that kid die"

Marco:"Aye- Aye Pops" before flying off into battle

The war was heating up Luffy almost met his world's God of death multiple times and like everything went the same as I then original and Luffy was able to reach and free him

However in the sky three ships showed up to the battle on the figure head of each ship was they're captains

Fodder:"Are those ships flying

Jordaine:"Yo Luffy ya need some help dude!" said Jordaine with a confident smile

Luffy:"Jordaine, Ajani and Jeffery you guys what are you doing here?"

Side character:"Oi aren't those the Gold D brothers"

Fodder marine:"Seriously just how much connections does strawhat have"

Ajani:"Heard your brother was about to be executed what kind of friends would we be if we didn't help you out"

Jeffery:"And plus Ace is our family"

Akainu:"Gold D Ajani get down here and face Absolute Justice " the temperature rose as he said those words

Jordaine:"Ajani, Jeffery I'll order my shadows to secure the visual den den mushi we need those to complete the quest"

Jeffery:"Got it"

Ajani:"Bilena I want you to fight Akainu"

Bilena:"Eh?! But why me?"

Ajani:"This is punishment for almost losing to him last time, I don't want to hear any excuses so..." Ajani then picks her up the her hood "GET" and threw her towards Akainu"GOING!!!"



Bilena:"Jordaine I swear when this is over I'm gonna kick your ass!"She angrily spat out before she inevitability landed on the ground and when I mean landed she landed face first

Jordaine:"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"Jordaine then laughed even louder

Ajani then summoned his Susanoo wings and flew down to Jeffery and Jordaine summoned they're and did the same

Ajani:"Your Edward Newgate right also known as Whitebeard"

"Does he have a death wish"is what most people thought when they

Whitebeard:"Whaddya want brat?"

Ajani:"Your spot as an Emperor" The old pirate smiled

Whitebeard:"GURARARARARARARARA! Your an interesting brat,I'll accept your challenge but right now....."His face then turns serious and he looks on to the war" I have something to deal with at the moment"

Ajani:"Sure I don't mind helping out" he replied with a shit eating grin on is face he then jumped into the war

Jordaine then showed up and asked Whitebeard " By the way why do they call you Whitebeard when you've never even have one?"

Members of the Whitebeard crew and marines stopped when he they heard what he said and thought (Yeah why is he called that?)

*With Bilena*

Akainu:"Meteor Volcano!"He launched his lava attack towards her

Bilena:"Shut the hell up!!!!!" She however dodged them all and gave him a powerful kick to the gut which made him spit up bile, some caught her favourite Dragon ball shirt. Bilena looked at her shirt in horror and then rage came(AN/hehe! came😂)

Bilena:"BASTARD!!!" her aura rose as two bunny ears rose from five marks appeared on both sides of her cheeks ,her legs looked like that of a bun rabbit she then launched a torrent of armamented kicks "LUNAR BARRAGE!!!"


Jordaine:"Hey Jeffery look a jojo refrence"

Jeffery franticly looks around and shouts"WHERE!?"

Akainu was then launched towards the wall and beaten and bloodied but a golden beam was then launched at Bilena, she easily dodged the attack she looked on to her attacker and growled "Kizaru"

Kizaru:"That's an interesting devil fruit ya got there" said the Admiral in yellow ,he then asked "Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" he launched a kick at light speed ,but his kicked was easily blocked

Bilena:"Sorry but your kick isn't light speed your body may be made of light but you mentally can't keep up with how fast your body moves making you a considerably faster than sound but not light"(AN/this is just my theory) his face immediately turned to shocked

Bilena:"Piss off!!!" martial energy was gathered into her right leg and and she launched her own kick sending the admiral in yellow flying

Up in the ship the rest of the crew was watching the war with popcorn drinks and many other snacks

Nel:"Way to go Bilena" Nel was a very beautiful woman she's an Onee-san type she had green hair and black eyes she wore wore a beautiful green dress with some plants on it she only huffed and regrouped with the others

Ajani was currently dealing with Mihawk the worlds greatest swordsman well this worlds greatest swordsman.As they clashed they were sparks of lightning in surrounding area as the two swordsman clash there power was making the air shake ,Mihawk had a look of utter joy on his face it's been a while since he could cut loose especially since Shanks lost his arm

Jordaine was being a pain in Moria's ass releasing the shadows from the bodies he reanimated and lets say Jordaine gained a new move it seems he can copy devil fruit abilities as long as it corresponds with the law he has,not only that he was able to retrieve the visual den den mushi and is currently live streaming the war to the entire world Ace and Luffy was currently running there way towards the Moby dick when Marshal D Teach AKA ,Blackbeard showed his face

Whitebeard immediately dashed at the traitor slamming him into the ground and you know the drill meaningless dialogue and then Blackbeard shot a blast of Darkness through Whitebeard's chest and like the original he and his entire crew shot up Whitebeard while he stood there and did nothing Ace seeing this rushed back

Ace:"Pops! Teach you bastard!!!"

Blackbeard:"Zehahahahah!!! Ace come opand join the old man as well help me reach my goal"

Ace:"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Blackbeard:"TO BE THE KING OF THE PIRATES" Ace incredibly pissed dashed at him with a fire fist but it prove futile as he was gunned down with bullets armamented in haki and Luffy let a loud cry releasing a blast of Conquerors haki he was then immediately rescued by Jinbei who escaped with Law.Then that was when a calm but cold and dark voice then rang out through the battle field everyone felt a shiver go through they're body even the people watching from Sabaody

Jordaine was walking slowly towards Blackbeard who was had a confident smile while sweating buckets, Dark armour with red outlines appeared on Jordaine it had a red cape it looked a bit demonic, his Rinne-sharingan eyes were orange this is due to fusing it with not just martial energy but chakra

Jordiane:"Your devil allows you to control darkness right I'll be taking that fruit "

Blackbeard:"Go to hell!!!"he then shot a blast of Darkness towards but it didn't harm it only danced around me like it was having the time of its life

Blackbeard:"W-what but how"

Jordaine:"Good bye Teach " Blades of Darkness then shot up stabbed him and his entire crew before he could even blink,but no Jordaine wasn't done with them yet he dragged they're souls into purgatory he won't ever let them have a peaceful afterlife Jordaine doesn't know the what the afterlife of this world is like he rather not go there, so he doesn't know if he'll piss off this worlds God by taking souls from that was suppose to go to him

Whitebeard saddened by the death of Ace sent a shockwave that nearly destroyed all of Marine HQ in his rage he then told all the Whitebeard pirates to escape and announced that the one piece is real before inevitability passing away

Shanks then arrived late due to a certain storm that was a bit over New World level he and his entire crew wondered if the world just never wanted him to be there. He then announce well more like demand the end of the war

Up in the sky above the dark clouds it was Kiriya with his beautiful dragonic wings out he looked on to the red hair pirates while remembering the conversation he had with his master


Ajani:"I need you to stall the Shanks crew until I deem it ready"

Kiriya:"I don't mean to question master decision it's just that I would like to know why?"

Ajani:"Simple if Shanks shows up early the war would end early"

Kiriya:"I see and Whitebeard wouldn't die and we wouldn't be able to train Ace and if Luffy knows he's alive he wouldn't be as motivated to train he wouldn't be as strong as the original timeline"

Ajani:"Yes your right a he might know some of the six powers but a slightly stronger Luffy is better than a slightly weaker one"

Kiriya:"I see....what do you need me to do?"

Ajani:"Remember those magic lessons with Draig and Albion"

*Flashback end*

Kiriya:"*Sigh!* I better return the ship"

Jordaine:"Ajani have you already done it " he asked looking over to his brother Ajani only nod

Jeffery:"Guys we got lots of devil fruits with this one" said Jeffery going through a crate with a lots of different fruits inside it they prepared it for this war since they were a number of marines and pirates who had devil fruits in this war

Sengoku looked at them pissed then entered his Buddha form sent a blast of shockwave towards easily dispelling with simple punch Jeffery then asked his brothers " Can I do the honors?"

Jordaine:"Sure I'll be recruiting see ya" he the honor walked off to get some more soldiers

Ajani:"I got the den den mushi"

Sengoku:"I won't let you escape here alive " Jeffery activating his Golden Rinne-sharingan looked at him and the fleet admiral immediately became unresponsive

Jeffery then looked at the camera (tired of typing den den mushi) and smiled

Jeffery:"Hello there people of the world right now I'll be questioning the fleet admiral about this little dirty secrets and crimes the world government has committed.Oh boy Oh boy this is gonna fun"

Jeffery:"As you can the fleet admiral has changed been put under hypnosis, now what should I ask you first?"

Jeffery:"How about ,why does Nico Robin have a bounty on her head and why did you her home just suddenly dissapear?"

Sengoku:"This was because she could read poneglyphs we couldn't risk her telling the truth to the world , for the disappearance of Ohara a buster call was ordered on her home"

Jeffery:"Oh right there those of you who don't know what a buster call is its when number of marine battle ships attack an island leaving no civilan are any life on the island whatsoever, Nico Robin was any able to escape due to a giant name Saul who was killed by Aokiji"

Jeffery:"Isn't that right Sengoku?"

Sengoku:"Yes it is"

Jeffery:"Tell me everything the world government and the celestial dragons have done"

Everything that came out Sengoku's mouth sent shock and anger throughout the entire world especially Zephyr who heard it was government agents who killed his family and not pirates just because some celestial dragon wanted to bone his wife let's just say the celestial dragons won't be getting away with anything they do anymore, and with that they cut the broadcast

*Sabaody Archipelago*(A few minutes after the broadcast)

A Celestial Dragon was in a store harrasing a worker the poor girl was crying

Celestial Dragon scum:"Oi I told I wanted that one maybe I should take you as one of my slaves" the people looked mortified and angry his guard who was there with him was thinking

Guard:(This is not what I wanted to be fight when I choose to defend my country) with a look of determination on his face he unsheaths his sword and plunges it into the Celestial Dragon's stomach ,the celestial dragons tried to speak but the guard put his hand over his mouth keeping the sound of his screams from getting out, after he died everyone in the store looked at each other and nod not a single word of what happened here would leave this leave this place and similar things were happening all over the world the number of people who was joining the revolutionary army increased even entire countries were joining them after they learned that the world government was sabotaging there development and caused countries to have civil wars

*Marine Ford*

Jordaine:"So what now?"said sitting on the way dead body of Sengoku

Ajani:"Simple this" he activated his blue Rinne-sharingan and looked towards the location of IM and all the world nobels and called down fifty meteors and killed all of them but not forgetting to save all the slaves with the 'Space Law'

Jeffery:"Well that's that"

Jordiane:"I'm gonna go train Ace now see ya" entered his Heavenly soul realm

Ajani:"Anyway way I should go fill Yamato in what happened"

Jeffery:"To think Kaidou has hot daughter"

Audrey:[You already have two hot girlfriends Jeffery]

Jeffery:"I won't hit on her but sometimes it's nice to admire a woman's beauty sometimes!"

Audrey:[Whatever you say big brother whatever you say]

*A few days*

Waking up in a place he couldn't remember he looked around to see was in cuffs and in wagon being pulled by horses

???:"Ah! your finally awake"

Ace:"What where am I?"

Random man:"It seems you were trying to cross the border" Ace eyes widens as he shot up again

Ace:"The hell!?"

Jordaine:"Yo sleepy wassup"

Ace:"Your Gold D Jordaine"

Jordaine:"Yep I saved your life"

Ace:"But h-wait what about Luffy the crew, the-" tears started to fill his eyes

Jordaine:"Ace I know your hurting but" Jordaine passed him a news paper with Luffy 'paying respects' ,with 2Y 3D on his arm

Jordaine:"Luffy plans to meet his crew in two years three days that and the world government is destroyed"

Ace :"Wait What!!??"

Jordaine:"Yeah my brothers and is have been helping the revolutionary army and what's left of the marines to try hold down the chaos that's been brewing in the world with Garp as the fleet admiral"

Ace:"What how?"

Jordaine:"Majority rule he tried to out vote us by voting himself out it was funny seeing his face"

*Flash back*

Dragon,Garp,Jordaine Jeffery and Ajani with some from they're crews some from revolutionary and the marines and some leaders of some countries were having one of the the many meetings they were having in the the past few days ,the first meeting was tense but after a few of them things started to become a bit less tense

Dragon:"Why don't you become the new fleet admiral father"

Garp:"Wha?! Hell no"

Coby:"Why not leave to a majority vote " Everyone agreed

Dragon:"Those who agree with my father becoming fleet admiral say 'Aye' those who don't way 'Nay'


Garp:"Damn all of you!"

*Flashback end*


Jordaine:"Serves the old man right huh?"

Ace:"But what do I do now?"

Jordaine:"Simple I'll be training you for the next two years you'll be so you'd be able to beat Kaidou easy even though I've already killed him"

Ace:"Wait you beat Kaidou what about Yamato?!"

Jordiane:"Oh she's fine she's told us about you"

Ace:"Well let's start this training

In the two years of he- training Ace had made great progress ,the revolutionary army with marine became the new government who will lead the world, Ajani gave them some ideas from there world of how the new government should run so yeah democracy is now a thing ,the number of pirates have gone down a bit and Zephyr and his neo-marines has rejoin the marines but another division so it's now being run by both Zephyr and Garp the red scabbards has also showed up and Momonosuke has taken over as the leader of the country well Kinemon is now doing the heavy lifting until he's eligble so. Ajani has defened all the island under Whitebeard protection and put it under his protection with with the help of shadow clones other than that the Xian family was actually with the revolutionary army

The strawhats have safely meet up on the Million Sunny read to set off to fish man island

???:"Oi don't forget about me!!!" said someone it was Ace who had a huge smile on his face he was flying on a shadow dragon

Luffy seeing Ace burst crying when landed Luffy flung himself at his brother crying

Ace:"Seriously Lu after all these years your still a crybaby" Ace was then bombarded with a number of question

Jordaine:"Guys I'm here too ya know"

Nami:"Holy crap don't scare me"

Robin:"Jordiane I have a question"

Jordaine:"Okay shoot"

Robin:"You seem to have a number of abilities that doesn't seem to be from devil fruits would you mind explaining"

Jordaine:"Eh okay sure Nami set sail cause this I has gonna be a long one" as Jordaine there was a myriad of expression especially when Luffy heard about space travel has thought Jordaine promised he would upgrade the Sunny and merry to spaceships soon

Franky:"This is seriously freaky infinite versions of our selves does that mean anything is possible "

Jordaine:"Yes Franky look you see its like any scenario you've imagined it has happened ,every lie Ussop has told it's technically true since it happened in another universe"

Luffy:"Whoa! really like a universe made out of meat!" he shouted with drool on his food

Jordaine:"Yes Luffy anything" Jordaine, Ace and the strawhats kept discussing about about the multiverse Jordaine showed Sanji a genderbened versions of the entire crew which had an.....interesting reaction

Arriving at Fishman island peacefully, Hordy and Vanderdecken tried taking advantage of the world government destruction so there taken out

Standing at the underwater forest Jordaine his brothers the demon spirits and the Xian family along with the strawhats were having a going away ,after the party the captains if they're respective crews were staring at each other

Ajani:"It's been fun but again see ya soon"

Luffy:"Shishishishi! see ya guys soon too!"

Jeffery:"Well let's leave Audrey" mid teleportation Jordaine said

Jordaine:"Oh yeah Sabo is alive he's working for-" before he could finish