
Reincarnated with my friends(DROPPED)

I knew I shouldn't have went on that damn school trip I F-ING died but hey atleast I get to reincarnate with my two best friends

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Getting Bounties/New Quest???

Looking through a telescope marine saw a of pirate ship specifically Jordaine's ship they then took a look at his jolly roger

Marine fodder:"Captain Straightback ,sir do you recognize this jolly roger sir"

Straightback:"No jolly Roger I've ever seen before" he was fairly muscular man had blue hair and pink eyes he had a very menacing face rivaling that of Dio but not as handsome or likeable as Dio even though people hated him as much as Danzo in the first part of jojo

Marine fodder:"I see they must be a new crew"

Straightback:"Whatever just sink them they don't even have bounties as yet"

Marine fodder:"Yes sir" however that was a big mistake as a few seconds later a huge crash was heard on they're ship

Other marine fodder:"What the hell was that?"

As the dust settle Jordaine could be seen with the most pissed of look to ever be seen to man


The Marines then got ready for combat taking out guns and swords they were flintlocks.A Marine ran up to Jordaine trying slash but he was met with a roundhouse kick to the face ,the other marines started to shoot after him but he dodged them all without even looking another marine tried to slash at him again but he blocked it with armamentation haki infusing them into his arm Straightback eyes went wide seeing this he obviously learned about haki and knew about all forms of it

Jordaine:"Ya know I haven't used my Dragon and pheonix style much .Alright then Dragon style-Impact fist a huge blast of air then shot straight at the marines killing most while injuring others

Jordaine:"Tch! I'll sink this ship but not before taking some well deserved loot " but a flying slash came his way he easily dodged

Jordaine :"So you must be their captain are you the one who ordered them to fire my ship?"

Holding Two Huge axes in his hand he said "Yeah it was me who are you"

Jordaine:" Me I'm the captain of the fedora pirates the names Gold D Jordaine"

Hearing this Straightback was shocked " What how are you related to the pirate king Gold Roger"

Jordaine:"Distant cousin"

Julie:[Host you could buy the Gold D bloodline it only cost a thousand system points]

Jordaine:(I'll do that later not right now)

Straightback:"Whatever in the name of the world government your under arrest pirate"

Jordaine:"Bring it on!"(Another absolute justice fanatic huh?)

Straightback swung both of his Axe creating an x shaped flying slash Jordaine countered

Jordaine:"Dragon style- Dragonic barrage" A flurry of dragon shape punches hit the marine captain dead on sending him flying

Jordaine:"Man that was easy guess I better head to the Grand line" he said he said with a smile was similar to Luffy's and Roger's grin before he went to rob every berry off the ship

*Another island on the east blue*

A marine base was burned completely to the ground a downed marine captain asked a mysterious person "Who are you?" this was obviously Ajani he asked for a map of the east blue with all he locations of corrupt marine captains this was the closest one

Ajani:"My name is Gold D Ajani and distant relative of the pirate king" he said while folding his arms he was dressed like Madara with gunbai on his back and his three swords on strapped to his side he was really playing into his Madara side as hew looked down on the corrupt marine who had a look of shock on his face, he didn't gain his position by his strength he gained through connections his family have with people in the world government so he's just an office workers

Kiriya:"Master we've looted the entire marine base and have returned the money that they wrongfully took from the civilians" Kiriya had beautiful pale skin he is currently wearing a beautiful blue kimono it's design seems to have scales on it he had long blue hair and green eyes he also wore a pair of sandals

Ajani:"Good let's go I seriously don't want to be treated like an hero" he said before walking off he turned around and said " Oh you might need to call headquarters" he then takes out a den den mushi and place it infront of humiliated marine and walked off to his ship

Ryuga:"Yo boss you finally finished " Ryuga could be seen playing go fish with Miko and Bilena.Miko had black eyes and sky blue hair it tied into pony tail she wore a green hoodie with an ocean design and corals on it she wore blue converse sneakers, Bilena had brown hair with pink streaks she had pink eyes and she wore a baggy black hoodie with a rabbit jumping over the moon on its shoulder and on the back ,her under shirt had saiyan saga Goku and Vegeta clashing since she's a dragon ball fan and she Jordaine and some of the others normally have debates and discussions about it she wore jeans pants that's folded upto her ankles she also wore brown and pink sneakers

Ajani:"It was nothing much he should be contacting Marine HQ about now so let's get going to Logue Town"

Ajani:"Where are are the others?"

Miko:"They're in in the training room having a small spar"

Ajani:"Good I'll be cooking a bit of everything with about side of everything" they all just gave him a look as if he were retarded

*Another part of the East blue*

Jeffery could be seen fighting a marine captain he was rather huge he was also weilding an equally large sword the large marine captain then took a swing at Jeffery but dodged to the side causing a huge crater to be formed where the blade landed the marine captain seeing Jeffery easily dodged his attack then tried to pick up his blade but couldn't his entire body then fell on the floor causing a small crater to form

Jeffery:"Man this fight has just been boring but I'm glad to see the gravity law is great for restraining enemies that was just three times gravity guess I better head to the Grand line Huh?"

Marine captain:"Who are you to defy the world government " the man grunted and paused inbetween words

Jeffery: Names Gold D Jeffery peace " he only said before meeting up with girlfriends and they're demon spirits but he stopped when he gained a notification for a quest this was weird since they turned off the quest options and because laziness and the author completely let a bunch of opportunities for Quest pass

Audrey:[This isn't me it's seems dad was the one who issued this quest]

Jeffery:"He's been watching us damn I know he's our father now but that doesn't give him the right to spy on us *sigh!* whatever just show me Quest"

Audrey :[Quest/ 1 Save Ace during the the war of the best/2 Completely Humiliate Akainu /3 Completely Destroy the world government and IM to the entire world/4 Become 1 of the 4 Emperors (time limit 2 years)/5 Reveal all the sins committed by the world government/Failure/:you and all the male demon spirits you own become impotent and for females they're hymen will be reformed and be so strong not even so Zeno are the Grand Preist will be able to damage or erase it ,when having sex no pleasure will be felt but it will be so painful they will feel as if they're being torn apart you all will become extremely horny you can never climax no matter what] good thing all his demon spirits are male except Laika and she haven't been tought the birds and the bees as yet even though she's 911 years old


Jeffery:"What the hell did I do to deserve did I do some thing like was I unfaithful to you I didn't worship any other God why dad why?????!!!!!!"He cried while looking upto the skies hoping for an answer but what he saw next pissed him off so much he could probably achieve super saiyan 5 blue ,a giant version of the One Above All could be seen coming out of the clouds and he flipped Jeffery off and said

"Whachu gon do about it bitch!"

Jeffery:"WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"this however didn't last long as gamers mind kicked in and calmed you down

Audrey:"Jeffery you still haven't checked the rewards " still seething a bit on the inside he fully calmed down and check it was well worth it

[Rewards/ Original Nephalem bloodline (DMC variant)- posses both the power of Angels and Demons from Spardas bloodline]

They've seen it before but it cost hundreds of billions of points they even saw some things like the Grand Preist legacy that costed in the trillions and Zeno's and Saitama's legacy which costed costed in the quintillions

Returning to his ship the he informed his demon spirits about the quest the male demon spirits didn't take too kindly however Laika the only female seemed a bit pale but not worried that they couldn't handle the quests Karin and Fairen Si however raped Jeffery every night so that they could get enjoy him just incase he might fall the quest they had faith he would pass they're just using it as an excuse

*Jordaine's location*

He and his demon spirits were pale

Jordaine:"What the hell old man not even I would wish something like this on anyone not even Danzo and I'd rather give him a quick and painless death and that's the kindest thing I'm willing to do"

Draig was on the ground crying in a fetal position while Albion was laughing his ass off rolling on the deck of the ship the other demon spirits which belonged to my girlfriends gave his a look of pity and pat on the back Neko exe. stopped working Blast the shark dragon dived into the aquarium to cry Kurama who doesn't see what's wrong since he never done it before was dragged off by Ember seemed she liked him and Draig was also long dragged off by Serena seems they also wanted to do it just incase they fail Hinata and Yue then stared at him with the most lust full stare he's ever got honestly it scared him and aroused him

Hinata:"Hey Jordaine why don't we have a little talk in the captain quarters"

Xian Yue:"Yeah let's do that it might be fun"

Jordaine:"Uh I need and adult"

Hinata/Xian Yue:"I am an adult"

*Ajani's location*

Ajani wasn't pleased he took his frustration out on his girls again during this time they both loved he thinks he might've turned them into masochists his demon spirits didn't take it well Ryuga was so so but the others were lying in fetal positions crying like Draig the others could only look on in pity let's just they're thinking coming here might've been a mistake

*Marine HQ*

Fleet Admiral Sengoku has been sitting in office finishing up some paper work while Vice Admiral Garp was annoying the crap outta him by stealing his rice crackers the two was currently in an argument

Sengoku:"Dammit Garp stop stealing all the damn rice crackers"

Garp:"Oi Senny you should calm down you might raise your blood pressure"

Sengoku:"How many times do I have to tell you don't call me that" As he was about to punch Garp his den den mushi than rang answering it he then answered

Straightback:"Sir this marine #2002311 my name is Carlos E Straightback I was positioned in the East blue I have urgent news!"

Sengoku:"What would this urgent news be?" he asked

Straightback:"Sir I've received confirmation that Gold Roger has an extended family I've fought a distant relative of his!"


Sengoku:"Tell me everything you know about him"

Straightback:"Yes sir while I was on patrol I noticed a ship with a jolly roger with a pirate skull wearing a fedora it had sharp teeth it had a plethora of mythical beast on it we didn't recognize the flag so we fired at the ship hoping to sink them but then next minute we heard a loud crash on out revealing Gold D Jordaine I will fax over his image from the image den den mushi " the image was then faxed over with Jordaine's cheeky grin

Garp:"Yep that smile ,that's definitely Roger's relative alright kinda reminds me of Luffy too"

Straightback:"Sir as he landed he then yelled something about us spilling his food"

Garp:"Bwahahahahhaha!!! that's definitely Roger's family member"

Straightback:"That's not all the way he fights he uses a weird martial arts called Dragon and Pheonix style though I've only seen the dragon variant but the most terrifying part is that he knows haki I saw his arms turn shiny black"

Garp and Sengoku eyes widen at this Sengoku then replied with " Thank you for your report Captain Straightback you will be compensated for this information"

Garp:"Sengoku what should our next move be"

Sengoku:'We should-"He was however interrupted by a den den mushi and he received a similar report about Jeffery then a another one about Ajani

Sengoku:"Dammit Gold D Jeffery, Gold D Ajani and Gold D Jordaine, there's just no way these three aren't connected" he said holding a picture of all three

Garp:"I think I'll call the others at this moment"

The meeting to say was as usual they decided to give the three of them a bounty of 50,000,000 beris as a starter they can't just give them a billion beri bounty like that even if they are the pirate kings relative Akainu went off to hunt us down while Aokiji just left to take a nap ,Kizaru just went off to the who knows what I could never get a read on that guy ,the others were worried they were family of the pirate king they needed to prepare somehow

*Two weeks later/A few miles away from logue town*

Jeffery,Ajani and Jordaine ships were anchored together side by side they panned to meet up a day before luffy left for the Grand line all of them had bought the Gold D bloodline during this two weeks they took out all bounty hunters who were stupid enough to come after them like bruh they have that a huge bounty for a reason, they're reaction to the bounties are as follows

Jordaine:"Guys my first bounty and it's huge let's party Serena cook up a feast!"

Jeffery:"Guys my first bounty it's huge let's party Mikazuki cook up a feast!"

Ajani:"Guys my first bounty and it's pretty big set the tables I'll be cooking up a feast!"

They however met up to party with each other and they were having good Luffy's crew should arrive by tomorrow evening so they right now they're just parting and trying to drown they're sorrows because of the quest