
Reincarnated with my friends(DROPPED)

I knew I shouldn't have went on that damn school trip I F-ING died but hey atleast I get to reincarnate with my two best friends

ShaggyJoestar69 · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

*Title at the end*

*Normal Pov*

Reading the news of what Jordaine did at Enies Lobby Jeffery couldn't help but smile he was sitting on beach chair with an umbrella

Jeffery:"Guys ya read what Jordaine did let's party!" he was planning on having a good time with his crew when hew gained a text from Jordaine ,seeing the text he smiled

Jeffery:"Gurato activate air ship mode we're going to water seven"

Fairen Si:"Why are we going there" Who was playing with Sven

Jeffery:"I just got invited to a party"

*Another part of the Grand line*

Ajani was lifting extremely large weights while also using the law of gravity to increase gravity by 200 times he then got a notification from the system he then smiled and walked out

Ajani:"Guys we're heading to water seven activate air ship mode"

*A few hours later*

A huge party was going to celebrate kicking CP9's ass walking towards the strawhats was Jordaine and his crew

Jordaine:"Yo Luffy wassup" I was wearing a t-shirt with Hinata's name on it on some shorts with alot pockets and a pair of sandals

Luffy was stuffing his face with meat " Oh Jordaine how are you?" While Sanji was cooking

Jordaine:"I'm fine I'm just here to enjoy the party my brothers should be coming here soon though"

Nami:"Your brothers? you don't mean Ajani and Jeffery right"

Jordaine:"Who else"

Chopper:"What are they like?"

Jordaine:"Well Ajani is serious type but he has a great sense of humor he's an awesome chef to boot and he also fight with three swords like Zoro he's a great strategists" Zoro hearing this was interested and Sanji hearing about Ajani's cooking also gained some interest

Ussop:"Well what about your other brother"

Jordaine:"Jeffery he's more of a ranged fighter and a damn good Sniper when he wants to be but that doesn't mean he isn't physically strong he's the strongest out of all of us ,but he's a bit more laid back than Ajani though"

???:"What your now talking about me" Jordaine looked over to the voice

Jordaine:"Ajani you made it"

Jeffery:"Yo wassup bro"

Jordaine:"Yo Jeffery what up the party just started"

Jeffery:"I can see that "

And so like the original timeline they partied hard Ajani Mikazuki Serena and Sanji had a cook off , while Jeffery and Ussop had a sniping contest which somehow ended in a draw and it seemed like Ussop apologized to the crew already .Draig Abion, Nami, Zorro even Serena had a drink off , Jordaine had to deal with three drunk Dragons that's close to strength with Ophis just imagine that. Sven was playing with some other kids but was being watched by Karin of course she wouldn't be a good Mother if she didn't he could sink the entire island if he wasn't careful the girls(their lovers) also had good time

Everyone was currently asleep tried from all the partying except three who was wide awake

Jordaine:"So what now ?"Asked Jordaine they wonder what they're next move is gonna be they're wondering if they should become Emperors are just wait a bit

Jeffery:"Well me I think I'll be heading to see Big Mom soon I'll meet you at the war of the best"

Ajani:"Kaidou is your target Jordaine isn't he "

Jordaine:"Yeah I guess he is also I think we shouldn't save Ace" Ajani and Jeffery then looked at me in shock

Ajani:"Do you know what your saying"

Jordaine:"I don't mean it like that I mean I take Ace in my 'Heavenly Soul Realm' heal him and try to convince him to train for the two year Timeskip while you and Jeffery reveal all their sins and can Ajani slowly cements himself as the new Emperor that takes White Beared place then..."

Jeffery:"Then what?"

Jordaine:"Then we kill that bastard IM no we send him to 'Purgatory' we make him suffer torture for millions of years with the time dialation"

Jeffery:"By the way you never really explained to us how purgatory works"

Jordaine:"Well it's quite simple baby brother Purgatory is based of the hell from the 'Lucifer' series there are multiple rooms millions at this point in that dimension each room is where every prisoner will be held and be tortured through multiple different means and the Warden is omnipresent in that dimension so he can keep track of all the prisoners and I also plan on using this for a project"

Ajani:"What project?" he asked with a questioning look

Jordaine only smiled

*A few days later*

Franky was able to complete the The Thousand Sunny which is now named The Million Sunny with help of Jordaine, Ajani and Jeffery who stuck around to help and to say they all thought Franky is a genius if he only met Vega Punk much and was able to teach Franky he would be inventing fucking time travel by now well that's what Jordaine thought any way not only that they were able to reinforce the Going Merry so now she can atleast handle small New World level storms not only that the straw hats now have a talking ship that can communicate with other ships isn't that cool The Sunny is a bit bigger than its original counterpart it can even hold the merry inside of it , but as all good things are it comes to an end

Luffy:"Do you guys really have to leave"

Ajani:"Well we have to we're heading straight for the second half of the Grand Line the New World"

Jordaine:"You could follow us if you want we'll be flying over the calm belt though so we won't get attacked by Sea kings"

Luffy then took a thinking pose and answered " Nah it's not good I want to have my own adventures I don't want to join yours so I'm alright"

Ajani:"Just know that this isn't good bye this is a see you later and Zoro Sanji it's been fun"

Sanji/Zoro:"It was fun"

Sanji:"Don't copy me Moss head "

Zoro:"What the hell did you just call me you shitty cook"

Jeffery:"Welp see ya guys we should party again sometime"

Jordaine:"Oh and Robin"


Jordaine:"Cherish your friends always"

Robin:"I will" she replied with a small smile

*Jeffery Pov*

It's been a few weeks since I've been in the new world the weather is crazy we had destroy giant raindrops, giant ice berges you name it.The straw hats at they're level right now wouldn't be able able to survive as they are now, right now we're flying towards Whole Cake island I'm sitting on my ship's figure head with Karin and Fairen Si and Sven in my lap right now I think it's about time to become an Emperor

Looking down I saw a caked shape island using haki I sensed Big Mom seems she's having a tea party .All of her children seems to be there with her singing and dancing still I should be careful of her devil it's one of the only ones out there that has the potential to kill us

Sven:"Papa can I fight?" he asked innocently

Jeffery:"Sure but only if your mothers are watching you kay" he may be able to body everyone in this world but he's still my child even if he's not related by blood I don't care if he's was even fighting a mouse I would still make sure he's safe..... wow I'm starting to sound like an helicopter parent

Jeffery:"You guys coming?" I asked everyone else

Fairen Gon:"No we'll be staying here " Gon was a muscular man he had white hair with black stripes he had golden eyes wore white and black cultivation robes except they were helluva lot cooler than your ordinary ones he seemed to take a bit of inspiration from the clothes they wear in dragon ball heroes well the games that is.He was playing poker with Vent and the others

Vent:"You guys have your fun I'm whooping Gon's ass in this game"

Fairen Gon:"Oh haha*sarcasticly* you suck at bluffing "

Ignoring they're banter we jumped off the ship we landed safely outside her castle the guards noticed us but I used Conquerors haki and forced so extreme that it killed the guards the Charlotte family easily notice our presence since they have never sensed such terrifying haki before all of them were on high alert ,I simply walked in while they were preparing once inside I saw large amounts of sweets and the entire Charlotte family seeing me

Katakuri and Oven dashed fist armamented in haki and mochi while the latter armamented in haki and flames I easily caught both of the two brothers punches

Jeffery:"Well this is a nice welcome" I said with friendliest smile I ever had on my face if you were to see it my face looked similar to Gin from Bleach and Hazama from BlazBlue and this scared them

Big Mom:'MAMAMAMAMAMA!!!!! I didn't think one of the infamous Gold brothers would show up to my tea party"

Jeffery:"Haha Well yeah I always like to suprise people"

Sven:"Dad you said I'd get to fight someone" he said pouting some of the female in the room cooed at this

Jeffery:"Okay why don't you fight Katakuri he seems strong enough for you" The Charlotte family hearing this was shocked and then they started laughing even the homies was that what they're called ,while some of the females look worried I better watch out in the future I don't want Sven to get Ara Ara'd by some Onee-san Jordaine told me about it he was traumatised he said it was as if he didn't have any power at all and Julie said there weren't even anything wrong with him so I wonder how they were able to over power hi-.... Dad

Big Mom:"MAMAMA!!! Brat go to hell "She then used Zeus to launch a huge bolt of lightning towards me

Jeffery:"Ya know using lightning on me is a very bad idea" I say gathering it in the palm of my hand I then pointed my right hand to side and fire off a plasma blast Jordaine flames and my lightning can reach plasma level and trust me once already powerful lightning or flames reach there your screwed and Ajani he can make ice below zero and freeze every cell in persons body, the blast destroyed that was entire part of the castle even the forest and some caked shaped mountains were gone everyone was scared shitless except Big Mom who was seething in anger

Big Mom:" BRAT!!!" She then took her giant smiling blade sorta wish I had Jordaine here his law of death would come in handy to see how her power worked she swung her blade downwards her hair was on fire she was clearly impatient she wanted to go back to her tea party, I coated my arm in haki and blocked her attack easily I then turned to Sven

Jeffery:"Why don't you go play uncle with Katakuri okay" he smiled widely

Katakuri who was silent this entire time

Sven:"Okay" Black and gold lighting then shot out of the child he then shot towards Katakuri so fast that everyone could barely keep and trust me he can force to us go super saiyan 2 especially when threw temper tantrums Ah good times Sven threw punched coated with his lightning and haki Katakuri could only block the attack due to his future sight he was thrown put the castle and into the wilderness outside while Karin went out to see watch the fight incase

*Normal Pov*

Katakuri:(What the hell is this kid? no child should be this strong)

Sven:"Wow mister your really strong" he said cheerfully as he fused with his lightning law ,black and gold lighting danced around the nine year old his hair then became more spikier and lightning bolt shaped his right eyes glowed black while the other glowed gold , whiskers appeared on his three tails emerge from behind him they were disconnected and made out of black and gold lightning.Sven took the turtle school fighting stance he's observed all how Jordaine,Ajani and Jeffery fights he didn't have a human body to try it out but now he's gonna have a field day

Katakuri threw multiple punches that are made out of mochi Sven dodged them while around due to his speed Katakuri kept sending punches as the trees and landscape keeps getting destroyed the dual haired wolf jumped on Katakuri's elongated rectangular arm and he ran up to the man who saw this he then summoned spikes on his arm but the boy was able to dodge them Katakuri then threw a multitude of punches towards the boy but he only hit an after image he learned this from his uncle Jordaine

He appeared behind the man and countered with a roundhouse kick but Katakuri's future sight helped him to predict his movements and he ducked

Katakuri:(I can barely keep up with him my observation haki is the only reason I've even lasted this long is because of my observation haki) he took out his spear and coated it with haki

Katakuri:"I REFUSE TO LOSE TO A CHILD!!!" Katakuri then sent hundreds of thrust creating shockwaves


Sven was dodging all attacks thrown at him until a bored look appeared on his face

Sven:"Mr Katakuri sir this fight has been fun and all but it's getting boring now isn't there any cool tricks you know?"

Enraged the Mochi man unleashed his Conquerors haki on the boy but he was then suprised when this young child no older than nine years old sent out his own blast of Conquerors haki

The air became intense as black lightning starts to appear as the two auras start to clash Karin looked at it visibly impressed at what her son is capable of though he acted a bit over confident which could prove to be troublesome in the future they could work around it in the future

Sven:"I'm ending this now Mr Katakuri it was fun"

Katakuri:"There's is no way I'm losing this fight!!!" His then became bigger and bigger bigger spikes grew on the knuckle he then dashed at Sven full speed

Sven:"Lightning " as Katakuri fist was about to hit him Sven disappeared and arrived behind the Mochi man

Sven:"Kamehameha!" A black and gold lightning infused Kamehameha wave shot put of the boy's hand engulfing Katakuri who was too slow to dodge

Karin:"Wohoo!!! My baby won"

Sven:"Look at that mommy I really strong" he said while hugging his redheaded mother

*Same time at the castle*

Big Mom:"Brat DIE!!!" She again and again and again shew as getting frustrated her children and guards were all down for the count and all it took was a simple blast of Conquerors haki that killed and left some shutting themselves they could only watch as they're mother attacks didn't even make Jeffery move from his spot he's been standing there ever since he entered the castle

Jeffery:"*Yawn!* Okay bored now Za Warudo!"


The stand roared as it fist armamented in haki pummeled the obese woman she then was sent flying into an table with large amounts of sweets some of her children called out her name worried she then got up but She was bleeding badly and she had bruises and a black eye

Jeffery:"Ya know I've never there's been something I've been meaning to use something for a while however, I never got the chance" he armamented his arm in haki it became the highest level anyone has ever seen in this world everyone was at awe but then Jeffery's arm started to become gold

Jeffery:"We this call God's haki" Armamentation Haki strength is determined by the users physical prowess so they needed to raise they're bodies strength

Jeffery:"Good bye Big Mom and thank for giving me seat as the next Emperor of the sea" He then punched her but his fist didn't even connect as a huge shockwave destroyed her entire lower body instantly killing her he then store her body and turned to the rest of the Charlotte family who either wasn't killed are past out due to his Conquerors haki

Jeffery:"Peace" and he walked off to his meet up with Karin and he Sven arriving at his ship he used the time laws to stop time for the body as he hanged it from behind his ship this eventually

Jeffery:"Guys let's party"


Title:*Becoming an Emperor*

(AN/Hope you enjoy and don't forget to drop some stones and guess what the week after the next and no more school for a while so I can focus on writing for a bit)