
New Soldiers & Companion

Me and the Musako Recruit walked out the tunnel and came back to the same spot that held the exit and other tunnels. We entered the tunnel with the C mark on the wall and felt a rush of wind come hit us, we brought up our arms and covered our eyes.

After a few seconds the wind stopped and the caves rumbled. We ran forward until we saw two Tetsujin Musako recruits moving around dodging sword strikes from a tough looking Goblin we had fought but had flame like markings on his chest and arms.

We both moved to the Goblin Brute before helping the other Tetsujin Musako that were being suppressed by the goblin brutes Swift swords strikes.

Alexis: Yo! We're here to help!

Once I shouted everyone looked at me but the brute had backed off and the strange markings on his chest had lit up in an orange color before the entire place started getting hotter and the brute grew up a meter and it's muscles grew some more.

Musako Recruit: Lord, I suggest you to back off until we three wear it down for you. If you are to engage it now it will severely injured you. And we do not wish for our Lord to be hurt or injured as it is our duty to keep you safe.

Musako Recruit II: Indeed Lord, let us handle this as it is our duty...

I slowly nodded before sighing and looking towards their fight that would undoubtedly will be bloody and gruesome. But this will make me see their skills.

Tetsujin Musako POV

After saying that to the young Lord I unsheathed my blade from the sheath before taking an offensive stance before lightly breathing.

The goblin brute had quickly charged towards us but we interrupted him by having two O's us dodge both strikes from it's large broadswords it is holding.

The flames on its body slowly spread towards it's swords and soon both blades are engulfed in fire but even with the intense heat they do not melt.

Musako Recruit: Let us deal with it quickly.

We both nodded and soon sprinted towards the brute who had swung both broadswords downwards to interrupt our charge and I swiftly circled around before slashing at it's stomach but it's flames did injure me.

I backed off a bit before I moved my blade onto my right holding it by the handle and blade. I blocked the heavy swing of the sword buy it had sent me flying across some skulls and bones laying nearby.

I shaked my head before getting up slowly and swiftly running back to help my other brothers. I whistled slightly and they had moved back a little. I jumped before landing onto one of my brothers shoulders and sitting on his shoulders.

We both started to slash the body of the goblin but every ten seconds we had to back out because of the intense heat it is releasing. The goblin brute charged at us and made us take defensive stances.

I moved my katana to the right blocking the goblins right strike with it's heavy sword. This time however we both blocked it's strike before my brother moved backwards avoiding a left swing and my brethren had moved up and slashed it's blade it's spine which made it grunt and swing one of it's swords backwards.

Using this chance I got up from my brothers shoulders and jumped towards the goblin brute before gripping my Katana tightly and swung it downwards slashing the goblins face all the way down leaving a vertical scar on its body.

I stepped backwards and let the other two to stab their blades into the brutes arms before they started to force the arms of the goblin brute downwards even while their bodies burn with the scorching heat the manage to pin both arms down with their respective blades stuck deep in the ground.

I Grip my katana before swiftly delivering 2 overhead strikes cutting both it's arms off and a horizontal swing that decapitated the goblin brute and ending it's life. The sudden rain of blood made me sigh before we walked back to the young Lord who had an amazed look on his face making us three embarrassed but proud to have made the young Lord Amazed.

Alexis POV

Looking at the Musako recruit who swiftly killed the Goblin brute made me think about how amazing they are and a lot more powerful than what the game depicts them as.

Thinking about receiving another 5 of them makes me think deeply about what to do next. I will have the regular footman troops and the Companion Summoning which I can't wait to use.

Although they did kill the goblin brute they suffered some injuries, the two who were here before us had held their stomachs in pain but still stood tall and proud.

[3/4 Special Goblins Slain]

[890 XP Gained]

Receiving the notification of another Special Goblin being slain made me snap out of my own thoughts.

Alexis: Quite an amazing fight it was seeing you guys go all out. But what was that thing both of you did? Jumping onto his shoulders and then both of you attacked...

Musako: It Was something interesting to try but worked in the end but it's hits were heavy and we can all still feel the scorching heat throughout our body.

I chuckled before telling them to help me carry all of the stuff on the open cavern and place it on their inventory.

Musako Recruits: Yes young Lord!

Soon after they started going around the open space cave and touching some of the crates, barrels, weapons, and various armors laying around.

Whenever we touched something they would slowly dissipate into small blue particles and would appear on the inventory taking a slot of space on our inventory.

5 minutes later

I checked my inventory and saw that only 2 inventory slots were taken by some interesting weapons. We soon got out of the tunnel and we're about to head into the other tunnel but I received the notification of the last Special Goblin be slain.

[4/4 Special Goblins Slain]

[890 XP Gained]

[~~~~~~~~~QUEST COMPLETED~~~~~~~~]

Type: Monster Hunting

Time Limit: None

Difficulty: D+


Total amount of Goblins: 30/30

Regular Goblins: 26/26

Special Goblin's: 4/4

Description: With the tribe of goblins gone the passage for trading is now opened for merchants to cross. With the termination of the goblin tribe, nearby villages give praise to their saviour.

Rewards: 10x Tetsujin recruits, 5x traveling supplies, 3x Tetsujin Recruits Musako, 2350x Gold coins, 1x Companion Summoning Card, 2 Attribute point, 3 Skill Points

Special Reward: 3x Tetsujin Kizoku Longbowman, 2345x Gold Coins, 5x Honor points


[Gained 3x Tetsujin Musako recruits, 3x Tetsujin Kizoku Longbowman, and 10x Tetsujin recruits]

[Host has 5x Upgrades for the Tetsujin Musako recruits, would Host like to upgrade all five Tetsujin Musako recruits?]

I looked at the rewards and felt everything was worth it and was interested in how I got the Special Reward but the newly added Grade to the Quest might have something to do with it.

[Would Host like to see the Tetsujin Troop tree in order to see what you would like to Upgrade them into?]

I was surprised and thought of myself as an idiot not remembering about the troop trees that makes you be in awe of their future Upgrades.

~~~~~~Tetsujin Noble Troop Tree~~~~~~

(Tetsujin Musako Recruit)


(Tetsujin Kizoku Warrior) (Kizoku Longbowman)

| |

(Kei Kihei) (Kanabu Warrior) (Yumi Kihei)

| | |

(Ju Kihei) (Kanabo Master) (Omoi Yumi Kihei)

| | |

Kizoku Cavalry Tetsujin Oni Kizoku Horse Archer


After seeing them I immediately went through each unit especially the T5 and saw them have strong proficiency in about everything except their throwing skills.

Alexis: Man they will be amazing once I have them, but the problem will be finding monsters to kill.

I sighed before choosing the Tetsujin Kizoku Warrior in which all give of my soldiers had lit up in a golden light before they had completely changed from how they originally looked.

Alexis: Damm, they look better than what we started with. But the change in atmosphere around me makes me believe they have changed.

[Congratulations Host on getting your first T2 Noble Units! With getting new T2 Noble Units your reputation rises upwards and you gained 3 Skill Points]

[Congratulations to host for reaching Level 9! Host has gained 7 Skill Points & 4 Attribute points and may choose when to use them]

Alexis: Oh? I can finally use the Skill points and Attribute points. If my memory serves correctly which it does, the attribute points should be for the for STR, AGI, INT, and CHA.

The Skill points are what I can focus in like Iron Flesh, Power Strike, Sword Master, Looting, trainer, etc...

The system pointed out the tab for my Stats is and man is this weird yet nostalgic seeing it like this.


Name: Alexis Von Decker

Race: Human

Health: 35

Current: Experience: 12,660

Experience until level Up: 2,340

Level: 9

Gold: 7040



STR: 5

AGI: 5

INT: 6

CHA: 4

Attribute points: 6

(Strength gives you 2 hit points, makes you do more damage for every weapon)

(Every point in Agility gives you five weapon points and increases movement speed on the battlefield)

(Intelligence gives you one extra skills point)

(Charisma increases your party size limit by 2)



Iron flesh: 3

Power Strike: 1

Power Throw: 0

Weapon Master: 1

Shield: 0

Athletics: 3

Riding: 1

Horse Archery: 0

Looting: 0

Trainer: 2

Tracking: 1

Tactics: 1

Path Finding:

Spotting: 3

Inventory Management: 0

Wound Treatment: 0

Surgery: 0

First Aid: 0

Engineer: 2

Persuasion: 1

Prisoner Management: 0

Leadership: 0

Trade: 2

Skill Points: 16

(1 Skill Point per Level and Intelligence raises that by every point there is in Intelligence)


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 26

Two Handed Weapons: 22

Polearms: 23

Archery: 10

Crossbow: 15

Throwing: 18

Weapon Point: 115

(Every level up is 10 points and for every attribute point in Agility it gives an additional 5 points)


Alexis: This is... Interesting and man did I level up quickly, but guess going out and doing stuff paid off...

[Given your memories, you really fought too much and trained to where you currently are at. And some of the the points in the skills were fused with your past life]

I chuckled reminiscing about the good old days where I used to get bullied and fighting with others to defend myself.

Alexis: That was a while ago but it doesn't matter anymore.

We soon met with the newly advanced Tetsujin Kizoku Warriors and they had a more seasoned aura around them and gave out Danger signals.

Kizoku Warrior: Young Lord, with our battle against the Shaman we managed to gain insight in our path and have increased in level.

Alexis: That's good to know, We should collect whatever there is left in the tunnel you fought in and leave quickly.

They nodded and went back into the cave with all six of us going inside the tunnel and taking whatever was inside. I even managed to gain some magic trinkets, animal coats, and a crude wood staff decorated with with a dark purple gem in the middle of the staff and vines wrapped around the wooden staff.

10 minutes later

After we completely looted the place we left the place and when we came outside we were greeted by a group of soldiers with somewhat similar armor to the Tetsujin Musako recruits and at the front where what I believe are the Mission Tetsujin Recruits & Kizoku Longbowman.

Kizoku Warrior: State your name!

???: We are here to serve under Lord Alexis and have brought soldiers who wish to join him.

Alexis: I welcome you all with opens arms! But until we find a place to stay the might we won't have a main base of operations.

Alexis: The cave behind us has already been raided and cracks are around the walls making it dangerous to stay in as it may fall apart.

The ten Tetsujin recruits had smiling expressions from hearing my words, the 3 tetsojin Musako recruits had eased up, and the 3 Tetsojin Kizoku Longbowmen released their bows pointed at me before they walked with us and told us they had seen a bandit camp on their way here.

Now, hearing them say there is a bandit camp was a relief but of course what I worried about is that our enemy will be people that can think instead of recklessly charge forward like the goblins.

If the bandits from this place are similar or stronger than that of the game it will make me reconsider a lot of things.

Alexis: Thank you for telling us this information, guess we should head over but once we arrive nearby we should send one of you three to scout out the bandit cave and see what they have something like that.

???: I will scout ahead, If the Lord wants I can go now and report before nightfall.

I slowly nodded and soon the man turned around and started running towards wherever the bandit camp lays.

I looked at the other soldiers I have gained before stopping after realizing I forgot to use the damm companion Summoning!

Alexis: 'System can I use the Companion Card right now and how to summon them?'

[Host just needs to go to the Games tab and it should display 3 parts with the left side being where you can summon whichever companion randomly similar to Gatcha]

Alexis: 'Yes!! I can finally get back into my Gatcha addiction without being stopped!!!'

[Middle section is where you can spin the wheel of Luck and receive 5 random prizes ranging from equipment to units to World ending Weapons. You can use the Wheel of Luck with honor points instead of receiving Spins from rewards or the 5 daily spins you get each day]

[The right Section is where you can play any type of game within the systems boundaries. All mini games gives out rewards for completing certain missions or almost impossible achievements which I advice to do so. The best one to play is currently the Arena where you survive waves of enemies at your level or above but every five waves you gain rewards]

Alexis: 'Ahem, to whomever had reincarnated me I am deeply thankful for having such a nice system and swear not to let you down...'

I did what the system had said and touched the Game tab and it took me to three colorful parts of the screen that popped up. Man the system did a great job on advertising the three sections that it makes me become an gatcha addict again....

I shook my head avoiding the confused gazes of those around me before I touched the gatcha tab

which led me to another screen that had smaller screens with me capable of buying Summoning cards, honor points to buy summoning cards, and the one I am looking for the random Summoning card Screen.

[Gatcha Summoning Activated....Rolling....Rolling. achievements.....Wars....Personality.....Gatcha Successful!

[Congratulations on host for Gaining Legendary Hero, Oda Nobunaga as your Companion]

My entire body froze once I heard the name of my companion and I wanted to ask if it was really him and the system even said once again and I quickly woke up from my current emotional state before becoming exited.

Alexis: 'His stats must be powerful if you called him a Legendary summon right?'

[Yes Alexis, He is at least 3x stronger than you in both Experience, stats, and power]

Alexis: Interesting, will he be at the the troop tab?

[Close but it would be a new tab that is on the side with it saying clan. This also means you have officially opened up the Clan function, but do remember that it is different than the game]

Alexis: Wait what do you mean by that..?

[It will come up once you reach a high enough level or gods take an interest in you which I advice you to be careful against]

[Congratulations on host for gaining your first Summon]

[Congratulations for host on gaining First Genera level figure]]

After that short moment I quickly started telling the Tetsujin Recruits to gather firewood and the Kizoku warriors to hunt animals before nightfall which is probably 2-3 hours away.

Alexis: 'Well shit, Seems like I might need to really build up my power progressively'

I stopped thinking about before I started to give out orders to the 10x Tetsujin recruits to start preparing themselves for what will come to be a bloody battle.

I looked towards the Kizoku Warriors & Kizoku Longbowman before deciding on giving their leaders name so I don't keep calling them by their troop Name.

I told the five Kizoku Warriors to line up and choose between themselves to be the leader of them. They had looked at each other and all 4 stepped back and that left only one of the five making me look at him.

Kizoku Warriors: Don't say anything and we acknowledge your skills in leading people. You have our respect when you led a rebellion against the bandits who raided our village.

???: Thank you all for giving me this chance, and I won't let you down young Lord!

I chuckled before starting to think of a name that I can remember and fit the Tetsujin Faction. Thinking over a name I decided to go with the name Katsuyori.

Alexis: I Will name you Katsuyori from now onwards. I hope you can lead your soldiers under you well and hopefully help me when the need arises.

Suddenly Katsuyori had been embraced by a white light that came from nowhere. I looked at Katsuyori and once the light dimmed down I saw him look a lot more different than before.

He had grown taller a bit and had gained japanese style armor that covered his whole body and with it, He held a Two-Handed Nagamaki that fit perfectly with his armor.

I unconsciously focused myself to Katsuyori and I saw his stats that were doubled that of the Kizoku Warriors. But the most noticable change was probably his Troop class, instead of Kizoku Warrior it changed into Tetsujin Kanabo Officer and he was basically a T3 Unit now.

Katsuyori had knelt on one knee before he Took an Oath surprising me and shocking the others that had came back to see what the blinding light was.

Katsuyori: I swear allegiance towards Lord Alexis and will fight to the very end without turning back!

Alexis: I.. don't know what to say honestly but if you are serious about this Katsuyori, then I accept your allegiance towards me.

After saying those words I saw multiple blue notifications appear in front of me but the most striking one is the one with me gaining the Allegiance and total Loyalty of Katsuyori.

[Congratulations on host for gaining "True Loyalty" from Tetsujin Kanabo Officer Katsuyori]

[Congratulations on Host Starting Act I "Beginning" and having won the Loyalty from Subordinate Katsuyori]

[Congratulations on host for gaining 1/10 Officers]

[Calculating rewards....checking achievements....

..Getting rewards....rewards received!]

[Congratulations on host for gaining 5350x Gold Coins, 20x Tetsujin Footman, 5x Tetsujin trained Archers, 1x Fine steel Nagamaki, 10x Honor points, 2x Armor Upgrade]

Looking at what I currently have gained made me speechless but happy even if I didn't receive any type of armor but I guess I need to gain more strength in order to even wear stronger armor.

I looked at the sky before sighing, today has been a rollercoaster of emotions but after the Bandit camp hopefully everything will calm down for me to calm down from killing and seeing body parts...

All that awaits us is meeting up with the Kizoku Longbowman and hopefully deal with the bandit camp before I take a rest...

To be Continued

Next chapter