
Reincarnated with Endless-System

[English is not my First Language] [This is my first writing, so go easy on me] [I'm only doing this for fun] [Disclaimer: I do not own all the characters from the franchise that I took, except for the Original characters] [Don't expect the early chapter to be good in grammar] [This is probably a wish fufillment kind of fan-fic (even myself doesn't know what to expext from this fan-fic)] --------------------------------------------------------------- A 17-years old Otaku dies while he is walking to his home due to Truck-kun. after awaking into a room of Void He encounters a Goddess that gives him a system and reincarnated into the world he truly desires. (Just kidding its a random world) --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/eCwmhXJ

Tatsuke44 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Touji is Shock & Another Identity?!

{A/N: Don't forget to join the discord server for Picture, suggestion, all the latest information, vote, and some new updates about this fan-fic: https://discord.gg/eCwmhXJ}

After a few moments, Touji finally calms down.

"Anyway Tetsuya-Kun, can you show me the capability of that thing." Said Touji while pointing at the 'Biological Pocket Puppet' that Tetsuya held.

"Sure." Said Tetsuya as he sticks it to his chest.

Suddenly the badge glows as it slowly turns into the shape of Tetsuya's body. As the light disperses and disappears and shows a body that has the same appearance as Tetsuya.

"Testing... Testing 1 2 3, looks like this body works fine." The body that just got summoned suddenly speaks.

Touji who sees this is surprised by the sudden appearance of another Tetsuya.

"Oh don't worry about it I was just testing if this item just works fine." Said Tetsuya as he suddenly put his hand near the puppet and suddenly turned the puppet into the same badge as before.

Tetsuya then explains how the 'Biological Pocket Puppet' works as he also explains that the only person that can only make the puppet turn back into a badge is the person who makes the badge stick into the other person's body. Tetsuya explains this so they won't have to worry about if an enemy that can accidentally turn the puppet into a badge.

"I just don't know what to say... Your son is very knowledgeable, Yukio." Said Touji

"Well don't worry about it, my son is a genius." Said Yukio with a wry smile.

'If it's not genius, then... the word monster is suitable.' thinks Touji while showing a deadpan expression on his face.

They then continue on planning on the room, after 30 minutes passed they finish their plan and then come to the first floor where Irina, Izumi, and Naomi stay.

Izumi and Irina who found that Tetsuya finished all the stuff he needs to do in upstair, instantly go towards Tetsuya as they then pull both Tetsuya's arms and then go to the living room. Tetsuya who gets pulled only looks at his father with a wry smile.

'Don't worry we still got time... So why not enjoy It?' Yukio uses one of his abilities to telepathy talk to Tetsuya, at which Tetsuya only nods at his dad.

Both Yukio and Touji then go to the living room and then sit on the couch that is still available, as for Tetsuya, Izumi, and Irina, they play with a game console that is in the living room, and as for Naomi, she is preparing some snacks and tea for the people in the living room.

Suddenly there is a bell sound from the door.

"Oh, that's probably my wife." Said Yukio.

"Coming!" Said Naomi as she went into the front door.

When Naomi opens the door, there is a person outside the house, which was Anna.

"Nice to meet you, I'm looking for my husband and my son over here." Said Anna with a friendly smile while looking at Naomi.

"Ah! you must be Yukio's wife, well come in, your husband and son are inside." Said Naomi with a smile while looking at Anna.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself how rude of me, my name is Tohno Anna and the three kids behind me are Akeno, Aya, and Illya." Said Anna while also looking behind her as she points behind the wall of the household.

"Ah, crap we got found out." Said Aya.

"I already told you, you should've followed my lead." Said Akeno.

"What are we gonna do?! We are going to get sent to the house, we were lucky that we were able to sneak out while Shuri-san, Sella, and Leysritt are taking care of the house." Said Illya.

"Well, it's because Shirou somehow became a bait, that we were able to follow Anna-san. But somehow I felt that Shuri-san only let us go on purpose" Said Aya.

"Hmm... Maybe... Well, Shirou's sacrifice will always be remembered, but I didn't think that we would get found out." Said Akeno.

Naomi who heard the discussion behind the wall can only be surprised as she shows a wry smile while looking behind the wall.

"You girls... didn't I say that Tetsuya will be gone for just a while, why couldn't you just wait at home and play with that board game." Said Anna while looking at the position where the three of them were hiding with a deadpan expression.

The three girls started to come out from behind the wall outside the Shidou household and then went in front of Anna.

"But, We didn't know how long it would take for Tetsuya to go home..." Said Akeno while her head was facing the ground.

Aya and Illya only nod at Anna while agreeing with Akeno.

"*sigh* Okay okay, I get it, the three of you kids can also follow me." Said Anna while sighing as she let out a smile.

"Yay!!" The three of the girls then high-five each other as they then run toward Anna. They then properly introduce themself to Naomi which makes Naomi also introduce herself to Anna and the others.

"Anyway come in, make yourself at home." Said Naomi while looking at all of them.

They then enter the house, but as soon as the three girls looked at Tetsuya being surrounded by someone they don't know, they are shocked and then ran toward Tetsuya and his group.

Tetsuya who sees the three girls are running at him already predicted that this would happen if they come over here, he only hopes that this will not turn into a war.

"Tetsuya, who are these two?" asked Aya as she started to hug Tetsuya from behind.

"Aya why are you hugging him?" Asked Akeno as she pouts at Aya which Illya also pouts at Aya.

"But didn't I win at 'Dragon & Stairs'?" Said Aya while giving a smug smile at Akeno and Illya.

"The game hasn't finished yet so it doesn't count." Said Illya as she is pouting as Akeno also nods at Aya.

Tetsuya who heard this now figured out why he had a weird feeling back then, and after he thought about it, they probably used him as a winning prize for the 'Dragon & Stairs' game, and the one who won is Aya. Tetsuya could only smile wryly as he sighs.

"Did you say 'Dragon & Stairs'?" Asked one of the girls beside Tetsuya which is Izumi.

"Yes." The three girls nod at Izumi while giving a confused expression.

"Then let's play 'Dragon & Stairs'!! It's been lonely for only the two of us to play 'Dragon & Stairs'." Said Izumi with an excited expression. Irina who also heard this nodded and wants to play 'Dragon & Stairs' but not excited as Izumi.

"Yeah let's play." Said Illya who also nodded at Izumi and Irina.

"Let's play." Said Akeno with a smile on her face while looking at Izumi and Irina.

"What!? I already won, why should I play again." Said Aya while pouting.

"What don't tell me you're afraid of losing." Said Akeno while putting her hand in front of her mouth while hiding a smug smile on her face.

"Huh?! Who is scared of who, let me show you that I can still win every time I play this game." Said Aya while pouting.

Tetsuya who saw this could only be amazed by the fact that the board game 'Dragon & Stairs' that is a copycat of 'Snake & ladders' is making this situation a lot more calmer. Though he also wonders why this game is making all the girls in here a lot more motivated. Well, Tetsuya only shrugged it off and thinks that they are still kids who enjoy that type of game and think that 'Dragon & Stairs' is fun. In the end, Tetsuya also plays along with them and then introduces Izumi and Irina to the girls.

"Yukio..." Said Touji.

"Yeah?" Asked Yukio with a wry smile.

"I think it's wrong for a priest like me to say this... But I think your son will have many wives." Said Touji with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah... I know." Said Yukio with a wry smile.

"Well if it isn't the priest who is secretly lecherous." Said Anna while looking at Touji with a smug face.

"Wha--..." Touji who heard this looks at the person who says this, but when he sees the face that says this he is so shocked.

"Touji, are you there?" Said Yukio as he started waving his hand in front of Touji.

"I--it's been a long time Muramasa-sama..." Said Touji with a lot of sweatdrops on his face.

"It's been a long time indeed... Anyway please don't call me by that name since I already changed my family name into Tohno, even though I am still affiliated with the Muramasa." Said Anna with a smile on her face.

"Then should I call you Tohno-sama?" Asked Touji with a wry smile.

"No, just call me Anna since it's getting complicated." Said Anna.

"Then I'm gonna call you Anna-sama." Said Touji while nodding at Anna.

"Please don't call me with that kind of suffix." Said Anna while looking at Touji with an irritated expression.

"No that would be rude to call you such a strong being without any suffix." Said Touji.

"*sigh* Do whatever you want." Said Anna with a deadpan expression on her face while sighing.

After that Touji then instantly goes toward Yukio and asks him something.

Unlike Anna who doesn't hide her real identity behind the nickname 'Sword Goddess', Yukio hide his identity behind the nickname 'Vermillion Ogre', but truthfully Yukio has another identity that is 'Super Prodigy Wizard' which Yukio obtained that nickname due to him being able to master almost every type of magic and also his achievement during his childhood while traveling around the world, which makes Yukio generally known as 'Super Prodigy Wizard', and only a handful of people know Yukio as 'Vermillion Ogre', though Touji only knows Yukio as 'Super Prodigy Wizard', not as 'Vermillion Ogre'.

"What trick did you use to get married to her?" Asked Touji while looking at Yukio.

"What are you saying? We're married because of love."Said Yukio in a calm manner as he also smiles.

"Dear..." Said Anna, who was touched by Yukio's words as she looked at Yukio.

Touji who sees this can only look at both of them with a deadpan expression, but he is still shocked at what just happened.

2 hours have passed as all of them are enjoying themself in the Shidou Household when suddenly Touji phone rings. Touji then picks his phone, with a grim expression as he then talks to the person on the phone.

"Yeah, I will be there." Said Touji as he ended the phone call.

"Is it your job?" Asked Naomi with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I will be back." Said Touji with a serious expression.

Yukio and Tetsuya who heard this stand up and follow Touji. But suddenly a hand pulls Tetsuya's left hand as he then looks at the person that pulls him.

It was Akeno as she showed a terrified expression while looking at Tetsuya leaving.

"Don't go!!" Said Akeno with a terrified expression while looking at Tetsuya leaving. When she looks at Tetsuya who shows a serious expression when he stands up, this reminds her of a year ago where Tetsuya returned from the battle with Kokabiel with blood everywhere around his clothes, so this makes her feel scared when Tetsuya is leaving.

Tetsuya who sees Akeno's eyes at him understands that this is probably the trauma that she experiences a year ago. He then puts his hand on Akeno's head and then rubs it.

"Don't worry I will return without a scratch and I already promised didn't I, that I will be fine." Said Tetsuya with a big smile.

"Okay then." Akeno who sees Tetsuya smile is blushing while nodding at Tetsuya.

The other girls who are watching the two of them are a bit jealous and pouting.

"Then see you all later." Said Tetsuya while waving at all the girls and the woman in the room.

All the girls also nod at Tetsuya, but there is someone who still doesn't want Tetsuya to go, but in the end, they let Tetsuya go.

"Your son is popular among the girls." Said Naomi while smiling at Anna.

"Yeah I know right." Said Anna with a smile.

2 more chapter left before the arc finish

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