
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

Zombie Horde 3

Zak ordered every Cultivator to use their [Earthen] techniques to create spears, or walls or even caltrops to slow the undead's advance. He just needed to stall the undead still both the humanoid and Treant were killed. 

He also didn't relax. He also used his strongest attack [Earthen Multi-Spear]! He couldn't use it often given how mana intensive it was, but he could launch a dozen 3ft long earth spears with each attack. He would aim for the heads of the undead so if they fell a few inches hey still struck their target!

More and more undead fell as the Druids on the wall unleashed more and more attacks. Zak also kept an eye on the fight between the robots and Yimi vs the humanoid and the Treant. He noticed Yimi be chased down by the humanoid, while the robots handled the Treant. Even from a distance he could sense that the humanoid and the Treant were both High-Rank 3's! He wanted to part in that fight. 

Although his admiration for Yimi skyrocketed! She was only a Mid-Rank 3 and was facing a High-Rank 3 all on her own. Those robots had to gang up on the Treant to handle it. 

It wasn't entirely Zak's fault for being prejudice against the robots. He was raised in a culture to hate and shun such things. Only to rely on nature and what was provided. 

Although his thoughts of the robots quickly changed when he saw what they did! They had killed a High-Rank 3 cultivator in a matter of seconds!! He had no idea how little more then a dozen robots could do that? They weren't cultivators! It wasn't possible. But what he saw wasn't a lie.

15 robots vs 1 High-Rank 3 Treant. The Treant was slain a crumbled to ash. He was astonished, but his amazement quickly turned into a frown. He and everyone else heard the wailing of the Treant as it died and caused the undead to change drastically. Whatever that Treant commanded in it's wail the undead surged even faster towards the wall. 

Many undead began sprinting faster then before.


Even from the distance Zak and the Druids were to hear the breaking of bones and snapping of muscle from the undead. They moved so fast and with so much energy the undead were literally breaking themselves down. 

Some of the younger Druids thought this was a good thing. Seeing all the undead slowly kill themselves. It meant they had less undead to fight. The older Druids knew better. Yes they knew there would be even less undead to fight, but those that made it up the walls were nearly 10 times stronger then normal! 

Most undead maintained the natural limit that they had in life. Like humans not being able to use 100 percent of their strength without endangering their body. While undead the corpses would lose some of this limiter, but the master of undead always kept a small limiter. For each part broken of the undead would require more mana or energy to fix and control. So keeping a minor limit still helped. 

"FIRE AT WILL! DON'T LET THEM GET TO THE WALLS" Zak yelled at the top of his lungs. He didn't want a single undead to get to the walls. He had a sinking suspicion that the undead would be able to climb the walls easier and not get trapped in the quicksand. He slowed down on his attacks and would only cast [Earthen Spear] technique. He needed to save his mana as much as possible for any undead to reach, or even breach the walls.

Yimi was doing her best to quickly catch her breath. She noticed that not only was the Treant killed, but Elder Unu and the other undead were sent into a frenzy! She also noticed how broken and beat down the robots were. She knew how powerful the Treant, and even Elder Unu, were. For them to kill the Treant that quickly and have that many still standing was quick a feat. 

Yimi mustard up the last of her strength and charged towards the now enraged Elder Unu. 

With the Treant dead the remaining Dwartle's turned to face their new target, Elder Unu. Who happened to be charging them with foam coming out his mouth. His eyes had changed to a much darker red for that was all he saw. He once again casted his [Earthen Meteors] and hurled each slab of earth at a robot! 

Unfortunately a few robots didn't make it out in time. There were 3 that had broken joints that caused them to fail to dodge. 


3 Dwartle's were smashed beneath the large slabs of earth and rock. But the Dwartle's didn't remain idle. All of them, even the ones before they were smashed to pieces raised their arms launching [Atomic Fire: Mortar Style]! Elder Unu had to dodge as many fire balls as possible while aiming at his targets. He mentally cheered as he crushed 3 of the 9 robots, but quickly frowned when the earth under him started to disintegrate! 

He was shocked by this! Nothing could disintegrate earth like this unless it was a technique by a cultivator! His frenzy slightly subsided as he came to the realization. These weren't just normal robots. These were robots that had the power to cultivate! Dozens of ideas spin in his heads. He began to go mad with all the thoughts.


Elder Unu looked down and saw a large earth spear piercing his body. Hit had hit him directly in his chest destroying the undead heart he had. He slowly turned around and saw Yimi panting. she had thrown the spear that pierced him. He could see the anger in her eyes. In his last moments alive he came back to his senses and regretted everything.

"I'm so sorry" he said in a whisper before his body fell. He came crashing down the ground and landed with a loud thud.

___________ Just before Elder Unu was killed_________

The undead sprinted towards the walls. Their numbers were thinning, but many still managed to reach the walls. This is what Zak was afraid of. He and a few other strong cultivators looked down and saw some undead not being hindered by the quicksand wall. They were moving faster then the quicksand could pull them down! 

Seeing no other chance Zak started to cast [Earthen Multi-Spear]. He and the other Druids did their best to slow down or even kill the very powerful undead heading towards them. 

Shot after shot of spears flew down the wall piercing the undead, but one managed to reach the top of the wall. It was a Tredmam, a four armed species. They look very human, but had bright pink skin and had 4 arms. 

The one in front of the Druids was completely grey in color. It's eyes were white and and parts of it skin was missing. Showing the dead muscle and maggots underneath. A handful of Druids wanted to puke, but were caught by surprise! The speed of which the undead Tredmam moved shocked many! 

The undead Tredmam quickly moved and grab two Druids by the head and squeezed.


They were dead instantly. Many began to ran but a few, including Zak, stayed and fought the undead back. 

"[Earthen Armor]" They shouted! A layer of earth covered their bodies like armor. They all looked like medieval knights made from rock. 

The undead Tredmam let out a might roar as it punched two armored druids. It left large fist sized indents in their armor. 

Zak also quickly casted his [Earthen Multi-Spear] and then his special technique [Earthen Sword: Metal]! Stones from the wall started to fly in the air and compressed into a large sword made of metal! Metal being one of the few sub elements of earth Zak had barely managed to learn the skill. 

The rest of the armored Druids charged the undead giving Zak precious seconds for his technique to fully cast. And to give him an opening. The undead Tredmam threw off everyone that tried to pin it down. Half a dozen armored Druids were thrown off the wall with large double fist indents in their armor. This bought just enough time for Zak to strike!

He held the metal curved sword with both hands and readied his attack. He leapt forward just as the undead had swung all it's arms leaving its head and torso wide open. In a split second Zak was in the zone.

Everything was like slow motion for him as he sailed through the air towards his target. The undead was completely defenseless as he swung the sword at its neck.


His blade sliced through the undead's neck like butter. Everyone stopped and watched the undead Tredmam's head slowly roll of it's body and onto the ground. Coincidentally this also happened as soon as Yimi had struck Elder Unu with her [Earthen Spear]. Since he was the other master of the undead, once he died the rest of the undead followed suit.

Zak and the other Druids watched as the undead began to fall, lifelessly, off of the walls and onto the ground. They all cheered for their survival!

Even Yimi cheered, but not for long. She was grief stricken knowing she would have to tell the Druids who the turn coat was. How Elder Unu had betrayed all that they stood for, for what? Power and life. A twisted reality of what all Druids feared. Part of her wanted to hide who the traitor was. Letting the Druids remember the Elder fondly. Remember how he was before he turned. Not the abomination he had become. But she knew deep down they all had the right to know the truth. To know who betrayed them and strive to do better.

As she collected herself she noticed the robots ignoring everything and heading back towards the door they came from. She was curious as to who this Kur was and who created them and where they came from.