
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

Still New People

"The plates have the Rune's you wanted Grigni" Lucas said in an exhausted voice. For some reason he felt like using the entire Rune rather than a skill or technique related to a Rune took more out of him. Even though he was more tired than he thought he was elated to have the blue prints. When he becomes Kur again he would definitely become an arms dealer. 

Grigni smiled with pride. He finally found a talented crafter and one that had an incredibly valuable cultivation path. "Aye lad you've done a good job. Now that we have these we can get to work on making the gear we need. You can run along and do what you need to before your training tomorrow. I'll make sure you have the gear you need waiting for you. I have a couple ideas on your personal gear, but the things I'll have for you will be decent."

Lucas thank Grigni for his services and bit him farewell. They were both happy with the transaction between the two. Grigni got another pair of Rune Plates with Runes to further enhance the CIA and their war against the Xeomorphs. Lucas got the best deal out of the trade. He would not only get a highly sought after Armor Set, but also got a steady stream of Merits! And that's not counting the Blueprints he learned for the future. 

Once the two left the forge Sohia asked where Lucas wanted to go next. He mentally made a note of what he had left. He had to get a Spatial Ring, a stock pile of food, and other camping equipment. Then after that he would have to go to the library and look through the Runes available and learn one. He was most excited for that. When he told Sohia about it she said that getting the Spatial Ring and everything else would be easier now that he was part of the Hammers of Hefitus. 

The Market Quarters was the first place they would go. Mainly because it was only a couple blocked away from where they were. Most forges and blacksmiths and everything in between were built close to the Market Quarters. This is where most of the guilds sell their goods or monthly auctions by the CIA for those with a large stock of Merits to spend them on exotic goods. They could be anything from items to strengthen ones body, cultivation path or even grant a new cultivation path at the cost of dropping back down to the Core Formation realm. 

When Lucas and Sohia arrived to the Market Quarters it was still lively. Many people of different races worked their own stalls and tried to sell their goods. There were hundreds of people in the area walking around or buying goods. There were floating machines illuminating light over the large stadium like area. It was a made house. Even being roughly 4pm the place seemed like it would never die down. 

"Come get some Tarthin Jerky! It'll keep you fully for those 12 hour shifts!"

"Junior Armorsmith, 15,000 Merits for a custom suit of armor. No one can beat my deals!"

"I'm a Bladesinger looking to group up for a month in the training Sub-Space, Swamplands of Alka."

"Need new Equipment come to Hefitus's Anvil. Rumor has it we have a new stockpile of Rune helmets and shields. Come check out the powerful equipment. Limited to 1 of each per-person!"

After the last call about new Rune equipment there was a stampede of people heading towards a building with a hammer and anvil on it. "The Market Quarters is always like this" Sohia said almost yelling at Lucas over the crowd."

"Yeah no kidding! It seems Rune equipment sells really fast here! Is it really okay for the CIA to sell equipment to their own Soldiers? It seems a little backwards."

Sohia nodded her head. "That's what every new person says. It's actually a good way to keep soldiers motivated and happy. They aren't restrictive in their gear, unless they are part of a squad and follow someone's lead. This helps soldiers fully utilize their own cultivation path, but those of similar paths tend to group up, use the same equipment and find others to fill in the gaps."

What an odd thing. Most militaries are more uniform because of logistical reasons. But having some soldiers focus on crafting and spending their own Merits. It was actually genius! The CIA was like its own internal civilization that would procure goods from the civilizations they were hired by. It was a good way to make their soldiers motivated to progress their own path.

"Let's go to Hefitus's Anvil. I'm sure they will have something for you!" Sohia grabbed Lucas by the hand and lead him past everyone. She had to push and shove a few people, but when she elbowed someone most people started to get out of her way out of fear. Even Lucas was surprised how this non-cultivator could hurt someone who was a cultivator. Something wasn't adding up.

He pushed that though to the back of his mind as soon as eh entered Hefitus's Anvil. The building was multiple stories high. On the first floor there were L shaped counters with workers behind them. Behind the worker was different weapons and armors. "There are 6 floors to this buildings. The higher up you go the more expensive things become, but they are made by higher ranking members with more experience. The top floor solely for the guildmaster."

"On the first floor are the cheaper weapons and armor. The people standing in front of them are the creators. These are the newly added members of the guild and this is how they spread their brand. Some have gimmicks while others just try to provide a reliable service."

Sohia looked around for a worker that seemed to be guiding others upstairs. "Please be patient" the female Danirum worker said loudly. "The new Rune engraved Shields and Helmets are in limited supply so be mindful of others. No fighting or you will be banned."

"Excuse me Ma'am. I need some help with something" Sohia called out to get her attention. "It's a private matter so I'd like to talk to the manager on staff." The worker saw her and nodded. She raised her communicator up called the manage working. "Just wait a few minutes and she will be down" the worker said with a smile before going back to directing people where to.

Lucas and Sohia moved closer to one of the walls to make sure they are out of everyone's way. After a few minutes a woman arrived. Lucas jaw dropped when he saw her. She was as dark as an abyss and looked like she was made out of moving stardust. Her hair was tied up, but looked identical to her body. She her eyes were a dazzling white that shown like to diamonds. To Lucas she had an amazing figure. She was toned, but also curvy. She also wore similar clothes to Grigni, expect the overalls were buckled and covering her top. 

"What can I... Oh its you Sohia. What the hell do you two want" she spoke with an attitude as though they interrupted her from something important. Lucas was caught off guard by her rude voice. 

"Hello Astra. I have someone important you'd like to meet" Sohia had spoke in a coy tone with a smile. 

"I'm tired of you trying to set me up with people. What is it this time?" Astra was not in the mood to play along with whatever antics Sohia had in mind. 

"Oh I think you'll be surprised by Lucas here" she grabbed Lucas and pushed him in front of her. "Lucas tap your communicator show her what rank you are in the guild."

"He's not part of our Guild. Trust me I would-" she stopped speaking when Lucas raised his communicator and showed the guild rank. It showed that he was a 4th rank Seasons Smith. Not only that but he had joined thanks to the Guild Master who had personally had him join.

Her dazzling eyes widened in shock! "You two follow me" she said sternly. She began to push the crowd aside and lead the two up to an elevator and pulled them in. The ride up was an awkward one. No one said anything. Lucas was nervous to say anything given how angry Astra looked. Sohia on the other hand looked very pleased with her self. 

The elevator took them to the 5th floor. The doors opened revealing a large room nearly empty with no one around. There were only 4 L shaped counter tops with 30-50 types of weapons and armor behind them all. "This is the floor for the Elder Smiths. Those just below the Guild Master who is the Master Smith. There's only four of us in the guild that are this rank so we have more space to show off out goods" Astra said as she lead the two into the room.

"Now that we have some peace and quiet tell me how you got the old man to let you into the guild AND started as a Seasoned Smith. There are only twelve of them so you'd be the thirteenth. You'll make a lot of enemies in the guild if you don't have someone backing you up. So spill and I might just help you." She said as she crossed her arms. Clearly unhappy with the Guild Masters Decision. 

Lucas blushed and scratched his head. "Oh that. Him and I made a deal. If I did a favor for him he'd allow me to join the guild and even said he'd make a Set of Armor for me. I just did what I was asked. I was surprised he made me a Seasoned Smith right off the bat. What he asked for wasn't complicated."

Astra just raised an eye brow that looked more like a crescent moon. "Oh? A complete Set of Armor And entry into the guild? And what would my Guild Master ask of someone like you?" Her tone spoke volumes about how annoyed she was with Lucas. 

"Nothing too complicated. He just asked I inscribe two Rune Plates with a rune each."

Astra's jaw dropped. "Are you telling me you're a Runemaster cultivator? You?!"