
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

Hitting the Grind Stone 2

On the farming planet it's nearly been a month. The Dark Druid and Dark Spirits only need to take over the space station to completely conquer the planet. Their plan is to take over the planet in between food pick ups. When a ship arrives they would swarm it and spread their undead curse a Ming other COS planets.

"Move move move! Those undead have the strength of a Mid-Rank 1 cultivator" a Druid yelled out.

She waved her hands to get as many civilians away from the undead horde as she could. She was Yimi a Mid-Rank 2 Cultivator. One of the few power houses on the planet. Civilians yelled for their lives as other cultivators did their best to stop the undead horde. They were out numbered and out gunned.

To the horror of the living they learned that when an undead killer someone that person wouldn't come back as a normal undead.

They come back in the Mid-Rank 1 realm!

The Dark Druid that unleashed this undead horde was Mid-Rank 3 cultivators. He and the Dark Spirit had created a new technique.

The Dark Spirit on the other side of the battlefield controlled dead wood dryads. The Dark Spirit would control dead plants and withered Dryads. They would burrow or traverse the land with great speeds to corner their prey. When they reached them they would use sharp wood to pierce them and suck them dry of any blood. 

If a solider of the COS saw this they would noticed something else was happening behind the scenes. 

With the space port being the last bastion of the living on the planet Yimi and the rest of the cultivators raised giant earth walls. They were 30ft tall and 10ft wide. [Quick Earth Wall]! The walls were a uniquely made COS technique to counter hordes, like the undead. The wall was tough as rock, but the walls were like quick and. Pulling in any and everything that tried to climb the walls. Once inside they would be grinded into dust and further strengthen the wall. 

It was a wild scene to any outside looker. A 2 mile long circular wall enclosed a space station. A top the wall was Yimi, 200 Rank-1 cultivators, 50 Low-Rank 2 cultivators and 4,000 normal civilians. Yimi was the only living Mid-Rank 2 cultivator and was placed in charge.

Every cultivator was using Nature magic to create large spikes of earth from the wall to kill the hundred of thousands of undead climbing the wall. The civilians were having a harder time. All they had were bows and arrows! They all had zero training in fighting and only had a crash course before the undead were upon them. 

"Give them H#LL" Yimi cried out to the cultivators along the wall. She was using her [Mud Slide] technique like a surfboard along the wall. She would circle the wall over and over again trying to rally her men. Her job was not only to rally her men, but also take out the strongest enemies. Those undead in the Low-Rank 3 realm. 

As she slide around on her [Mud Slide] technique she saw door appear out of thin air. It floated just 2 ft off over the top of the stone wall. She and others around paused. They had no idea what the door was. Unfortunately they couldn't afford to pay attention to the door.

Yimi ordered her men to keep attack she would deal with the door. The door quickly opened with all 15 of Lucas's Minions pouring out. Before she could react the Minions jumped to the edge of the wall and began to attack the zombies!

Their 3 fingered hands all split in half. The 6 new fingers quickly began to spin and glow a hot red color. A torrent of flame spewed out of it completely disintegrating them! The Druids all held their noses from the smell of burning flesh.

Yimi was stunned by the sight. She had no idea where these machines came from. But a single thought appeared in her mind. [Kur has sent them to help]. She has no idea where the thought came from. It as like someone projecting their intentions into her head.

As much as she and the other Druids disliked technology, they were all excited to have help. Their love of nature and dislike of technology was overcome by their want to live. They were willing to take any help to live.


Lucas sat in the canteen eating and drinking. He was worn out from the pain of learning the Rune Path. He would flip a page every couple of minutes as he ate. He did notice the book about his cultivation path was missing over half the pages.

They weren't torn out or missing from the book. They were all blank. He could only read the basic information till he progressed his Rank. He was still a Low-Rank 1 cultivator. He was thankful he could create minions at higher levels of him. Although he felt that the higher he got the further his minions would be.

His gut was telling him at even if he was Rank-9 his basic minions would only be Low-Rank 3 still. His only hope was his Henchmen.

Speaking of which he began to think ideas of how to utilize his Runes when building his Minions. He planned to make his Security Minions next, and those would be his test subjects.

He did learn to add a single Rune when creating a minion requires 200 energy per rune. Given his stats he could only give 2 runes to each Minion.

"Maybe I can upgrade or replace Minions as I get stronger" he thought to himself. "So let's what I should do for my Security Minion."

Going over his list of Runes he had wanted to use all of them! It pained him see the all the possibilities of his potential, but couldn't use any of it! He had to narrow his short list down only to 2 rune. Not only that, but he needed to think what his Security Minions looked like and matched their Runes! And his other minions.

All his minions were going to be robots, but their designs needed to be uniform. To him at least. So each minion type would have to have the same theme and runes that matched. It was a struggle he was wrestling with.

His normal minions already looked like monsters. Should that his theme be? A futuristic version of a fantasy super villain? He smiled to himself. He wasn't apposed to the idea and actually quiet liked it.

Or should he rebuild his minions and make a new theme. The idea questioned the first in his mind. He could always change his theme if he wanted. It would just cost more credits.

He needed to think on this. This would shape his minions going forward!


The 5 Dwartle marched quickly past buildings towards the west wing of the city. They traveled while ignoring the impoverished around them.

Many gnomes, Halfling sand dwarves only wore rags. Each looked more starved then the next. Some would hold signs looking for work others would hold cups for any credits someone could donate.

Hidden in the shadows a woman and 10 men in shrouded clothes followed them. They were waiting for the right moment to strike. Thankfully that time could come. They had briefly stalked the robots they were after and noticed which root they were taking. So they set an ambush.

Further in the direction they were going they got into position. They knew the robots would have to turn a corner and travel through a ruined parking garage. It was the fastest way to the west wing Starport. Diamondhead and 4 of her men would hide behind abandoned vehicles while the other 6 would split into 2 groups. One group would block one entrance and the other would circle back and surround the robots.

Diamondhead smiled. She was excited to smash something and hopefully raise her status in the Vipers.


Her and her men could hear the sound of the robots marching. They were coming closer and closer. When the robots got into the perfect position she yelled out.

"NOW MEN!" Diamondhead and her 4 men quickly jumped out. Under their hoods and cloaks they all wore similar armor. Sleek black and green snack scales armor. On their backs was a picture of a pair of blood red fangs.

"Sorry robots. And own if you are listening. We are here to take over this drug smuggling ring" she spoke calmly. Some of her men laughed as the rest moved into their positions.

The Dwartle's had stopped and watched the people surround them. They spotted 11 in total. The leader who was talking to them. They could understand what she was saying, but had no way to communicate. Not that they would. They were never ordered to do so.

Seeing as they were surrounded the Dwartle's got into a circle formation. They all had their backs to each other and waited for the people to make the first move. Their job was to transport the drugs. Not fight. But if someone blocked their way they would do anything in their power to do their task.

"Get'em boys" Diamondhead said as she summoned a ball of acid in each hand. The men with her were all Warrior type cultivators and each pulled out a pair of daggers. The daggers were in the shape of snake fangs and secreted a venom.

One of the men were quicker then the rest and was on top of the lead Dwartle. He jumped in the air and brang his daggers down onto the robot. His target were is joints to slow the robot's movements. In his eyes he was much faster then the robot's because they didn't react to their attack. He watched eagerly as his daggers came closer and closer to the joints.


To his disbelief he watched the daggers brake on contact! Since they were attacked their programming now viewed them as hostile. The Dwartle finally reacted to the mana horror! In one swift motion the Dwartle reached its arm out and grabbed the men by the neck and slammed him to the ground!


The man had his head and neck crushed by the power of the robot. Blood and brain matter scattered around the parking garage. It had just killed a Mid-Rank 2 cultivator in an instant. Diamondhead knew she was in trouble.