
Job Class Rank Up


After having gotten a whole new System out of nowhere due to things that happened outside of my control, I decided to finally do what I came here for, Rank Up my Job Class!

And for that, I had to first combine the three fragments of the Yggdrasil's Heart Fragment, resembling three halves of a heart-shaped green jewel.

"Selene, I'll do a little thing before departing, if you don't mind."

"Oh, sure thing, Goddess Sylphy! I shall silently watch whichever miracle you bring to us now!"

She was overly excited about something that was most likely not going to affect their village a tall… But hey, I do like the enthusiasm she's putting.

"First, combine the fragments through Synthesis."

All three fragments slowly came together, as I activated the Synthesis Skill on them, forcing their combination into the complete item.



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