
Hot Spring


Preparing the camp took just a couple of minutes. We mostly made four camps inside the cave to set things up. We can also sleep outside of them because we'll be covering the cave's entrance once we go to sleep anyways.

Anyways, we set up a big camp where Nepheline shaped the earth below, turning it into a large bath, Aquarina and I helped at adding water and warm it up constantly but without making it boil, making a nice artificial hot spring

We decided to enter first together with the rest of the girls, including our moms, as we enjoyed the warm waters to relax our muscles while the boys cooked the goat Aquarina hunted.

"Phew! I really wanted to take one of these… Magic is sure convenient! We can make up a nice hot spring anywhere." Nepheline sighed in relief, my mother-in-law's body was more beautiful than I imagined, she was so well toned! Will Kireina get like this in the future too? I hope so!

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