
Reincarnated with a Comprehension System in a cultivation world.

A girl was reincarnated in the world of cultivation where the strong makes the law while the weak are disposable tools. Follow the story of Elysia Netherthorn as she walks the path of a ruthless cultivator and see if she truly makes it to the top or dies trying to make a name for herself. Will Elysia be able to make the world submit to her with her system or will she be the one to bow down in the end. Please Support on Patreon if you like the story and wish to see it continue; patreon.com/user?u=109731790

Late_Reaper · Fantasy
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226 Chs

Chapter 2 Immortal Heart Sutra.

The Immortal Heart Sutra, a revered cultivation technique in the Serenity Peak Sect, held its power in nine distinct parts. As disciples grew in strength and contributed to the sect's well-being, they could unlock progressively powerful segments of this technique. Each part promised to boost their cultivation, making it a sought-after reward for dedication and prowess.

Yet, the legacy of this once formidable Peak Heaven Grade Technique bore the weight of loss. Over time, multiple sections of the Immortal Heart Sutra had vanished, leaving an incomplete record that echoed the sect's faded glory. The essence of what had once made it a pinnacle technique had scattered, lost to the passage of time.

In the quiet corners of the sect, the missing components cast a shadow over the potential that the Immortal Heart Sutra once held. The incomplete puzzle of this revered technique stood as a poignant reminder of the sect's decline. The loss was tangible, a waste of a cultivation treasure that had once defined Serenity Peak's stature among the Great Sects.

Within the tapestry of cultivation in Eldora, techniques were categorized into tiers, each representing a level of mastery. From White Grade as the foundational level to Heaven Grade as the zenith of technique, each tier signified a step in the journey of refinement.

Armed with knowledge of the 1st Stage of the Immortal Heart Sutra, Elysia couldn't help but wonder, "Can you cultivate the Immortal Heart Sutra to the 9th Stage?"

The response echoed in her mind, 'Yes, host. I have the ability to complete it, and in the future, you may be able to upgrade it past the Heaven Grade.'

A smile played on Elysia's lips as she considered the journey ahead. "Well, it will take a long time for me to reach the 9th Stage of the Immortal Heart Sutra," she remarked, acknowledging the gradual ascent that lay ahead in her cultivation path.

With a smirk, Elysia commanded, "Practice the Immortal Heart Sutra."

The response flowed through her consciousness, 'Yes, host. It will take an approximation of 2 years to reach the Perfection Realm Mastery of the 1st Stage Immortal Heart Sutra.' Elysia couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and patience for the transformative journey that awaited her.

Elysia let out a sigh, surrendering to the upcoming dedicated cultivation. "Alright, but could you break down the Mastery Realms for me?"


Basic Realm: It's like dipping your toes into the water, getting a feel for the basics of the technique. The being just beginning to understand its fundamental concepts and starts the initial practice.

Initiate Realm: Building on the basics, and the being's comprehension deepens. One can execute the foundational aspects with improved precision, like a novice dancer refining their steps.

Intermediate Realm: Here, the being refines their understanding even further. It's akin to learning the subtleties of a musical instrument, delving into more intricate aspects of the technique and gaining heightened control.

Advanced Realm: Mastery over the core principles is achieved. The being demonstrates a higher degree of proficiency, akin to an athlete excelling in their chosen discipline.

Expert Realm: The being reaches a point where she has a complete grasp of the technique's intricacies. They can showcase advanced application with finesse, akin to a skilled artisan honing their craft.

Master Realm: Seamlessly integrating the technique into their cultivation, the being can now demonstrate finesse and adaptability. It's like an experienced chef effortlessly creating a masterpiece in the kitchen.

Grandmaster Realm: Unparalleled mastery is achieved, transcending conventional limits. The being unlocks hidden potentials, similar to a seasoned artist pushing the boundaries of their chosen medium.

Perfection Realm: The zenith of mastery is reached. The being embodies flawless execution, showcasing complete synchronization with the technique and even use it subconsciously. It's like a virtuoso musician delivering a flawless performance on a grand stage.'

After just five minutes of dedicated practice facilitated by the system, Elysia found herself taken aback by the rapid expansion of her understanding of the Immortal Heart Sutra. The profound depths of the technique unfolded before her, a testament to the synergistic bond between her newfound knowledge and the cosmic energy that bathed her soul.

However, a disconcerting realization dawned upon her as she turned inward to assess her cultivation. The cultivation of the original Elysia, a vestige of the past, had vanished. The absence of this foundational cultivation posed an unexpected challenge, casting a shadow over her newfound progress.

'No need to panic; I can make it appear as if your cultivation didn't disappear,' reassured the system.

Elysia breathed a sigh of relief. "That's reassuring. Can you break down the cultivation realms? I remember being at the 1st Stage Qi Refining Realm."


Body Refining Realm:

1st Stage to 9th Stage: Focuses on strengthening the physical body—increasing strength, durability, and resilience through various exercises and techniques.

Qi Refining Realm:

1st Stage to 9th Stage: Involves cultivating internal energy (Qi), progressing from basic manipulation to refined control, laying the groundwork for advanced techniques.

Foundation Establishment Realm:

1st Stage to 9th Stage: Marks the shift from basic cultivation to establishing a stable foundation for more advanced spiritual energy manipulation.

Core Formation Realm:

1st Stage to 9th Stage: Centers around condensing a Core, a concentrated source of spiritual energy, unlocking profound capabilities.

Nascent Soul Realm:

1st Stage to 9th Stage: Represents the pinnacle of mortal cultivation, where cultivators transcend their physical forms and cultivate a Nascent Soul, embodying spiritual essence at its peak.'

Elysia let out a sigh, a mix of contentment and mild disappointment lingering in the air. Resigned to her reality, she decided to tend to her Outer Disciple duties—sweeping the entrance floor.

It was a duty shared among the outer disciples, a collective effort to maintain a semblance of order within the sect.

Stepping outside her hut, the aging structures of the Serenity Peak Sect surrounded her. The buildings, weathered and damaged, stood as silent witnesses to the sect's gradual decline over the years.

Time had etched its mark on the once-majestic edifices, and their worn exteriors spoke volumes about the challenges the sect had faced.

Walking through the labyrinth of old and damaged buildings, Elysia couldn't help but feel a bit of pity as the days when the sect thrived had long passed.

Now, these structures held memories of a bygone era, a testament to the resilience of those who continued to cultivate within the sect's diminished embrace.

The path to the entrance was lined with remnants of the sect's former glory. Cracked walls and faded symbols hinted at a time when the outer disciples' duties were perhaps more than just routine maintenance.

Elysia couldn't help but wonder about the stories these structures held, stories of challenges faced and victories won, now silently etched in the worn walls of the Serenity Peak Sect.

Arriving at the entrance, she joined her fellow outer disciples in their shared responsibility. The brooms swept across the ground, an orchestrated dance of diligence amidst the quiet surroundings.

The sect's entrance, though simple, held a certain sanctity—a threshold between the external world and the cultivation haven within.

The outer disciples worked with a sense of reluctant determination. Each sweep of the broom echoed the collective effort to preserve the sect's dignity, even in the face of its diminished state.

Time was a constant reminder, and the duty they performed was a small act of defiance against the inevitable.

Amidst the rhythmic sound of brooms against the ground, the outer disciples harbored an unspoken urgency.

They longed to return to their huts and resume their cultivation, a pursuit that held the promise of personal growth amidst the sect's challenges.

The reluctance in their movements was not a sign of unwillingness but a reflection of their shared understanding—that every moment spent sweeping the entrance was a moment delayed in the pursuit of higher realms.

Elysia, too, felt the undercurrent of impatience. Yet, as the broom moved in her hands, she found solace in the collective endeavor.

Sweeping alongside her fellow disciples, she became a part of a silent camaraderie, a bond forged through shared duties and shared dreams of reaching greater heights in cultivation.

In the fading daylight, the outer disciples completed their tasks, returning the brooms to their designated spots. The entrance, now clear and orderly, stood as a testament to their efforts—a small but tangible reflection of discipline within the sect.

As Elysia made her way back to her hut, she cast a lingering gaze over the aged buildings and the entrance she had just swept.

Two quiet years had slipped by since the day Elysia found herself reborn into the cultivation world of Eldora. Amidst the daily routine of going back and forth from her humble hut to diligently fulfilling her cleaning chores, the sect's outer disciples continued their quiet endeavors. The passing seasons left little trace of change, and life unfolded in the unassuming rhythm of routine.

Inside her hut, Elysia, with a dedicated spirit, had persistently engaged in the cultivation of the Immortal Heart Sutra. The once-familiar broom and the sweep of the entrance floor had become the backdrop of her daily life. Yet, beneath this outward simplicity, a profound transformation was taking place.

Now, within the quiet confines of her hut, Elysia witnessed the fruition of her efforts. Her 1st Stage Immortal Heart Sutra's Mastery had reached the Perfection Realm. The journey, though seemingly mundane, had been a testament to her commitment and the cosmic energy that bathed her soul.

The Immortal Heart Sutra, once a distant concept, now resonated within her being with a clarity that reflected the synergy between her intent and the enigmatic force guiding her cultivation.

The Immortal Heart Sutra granted those who practiced it a calm demeanor at all times and would prevent emotions from overpowering them.

It also strengthens the mind and the heart, making them sharp and resistant to manipulation and illusions, along with increasing the Comprehension Speed of the person who practices it by a certain degree.

Elysia, in achieving the Perfection Realm of the 1st Stage, had not only mastered the foundational aspects of the technique but had also unraveled the intricacies that lay hidden within its essence.

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