
Reincarnated With A Badluck System

[Slow Burn] Died as a virgin. Reincarnated with a big rod. Ding! [You have acquired the Bad Luck system. The God of death sympathized with you for dying pathetically. You have been gifted with a divine rod. Your meat rod is the tool you would use to rise to the top. Grow faster and stronger to conquer all the beauties and face the tribulations of the world] "Eh, where am I? What! A Bad Luck system!" Trying to comprehend what had just occurred as strange characters appeared in his view. Vincent tried to talk and move his body but he realized that he was In the body of a baby. Vincent Oswald, a popular hentai writer and tentacles creator died as a virgin in a tragic accident and reincarnated into another world. A dog-eat-dog world, a world of cruelness, a world where you could have your head rolling for a plate of meat soup. Let's see how Vincent survives in this cruel world and strives for the top as a boy that was born with a silver spoon. Elves + Demons + Vampires + Yandere + Op characters and so many fantasizing things. ============================ Note: No NTR towards Mc. ------- The MC acts naive and annoying in the early 30s chapters. After that, I can guarantee you a lustful, action-packed piece of work... Warning: Incest included.

Perverted_Fella · Fantasy
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96 Chs

16 Years Later......

16 Years Later.....


[The System has been upgraded to tier-3. The host has unlocked the full interface of the Badluck system; The jack of all trades, master of none]


  > >10%<< >>20%<< >>30%<< >>40%<< >>50%<< >>60%<< >>70%<< >>80%<< >>90%<< 



[System has successfully been merged with host. Evolution process will begin now]

After the words were displayed, Vincent suddenly clutches his head in pain, as he feels like his body is being pricked by a million needles.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Fuck!!" Vincent curses as he falls to the ground, while his body begins to deform and turn into a jelly-like substance. At the same time, black ooze begins to come out of his body, causing a bad stench to linger around his room.

After an hour of deformation and going through an inhumane amount of pain. Vincent's body begins to reconstruct itself, periodically, as it takes a fragment of his body to reconstruct In 5 minutes.

After a total of 5 hours, which feels like a decade of severe torment for Vincent, his body is fully reconstructed into the body of a super athlete.

Vincent spits out a mouthful of the terrible goo that is inside his mouth, as he stands up on both feet, to check himself out in the mirror. However, as he is about to take a step forward, Several barrages of notifications start to appear in his view, causing him to have a striking headache.


[Evolution has been completed, the host will have to choose a class from the races listed below, as the evolution caused the host to lose his humanity]

  <>****Vampire•: The host can feed on beasts and human blood to evolve. The stronger the blood you drink, the faster you evolve.

*Drawback: The host will not be able to harness the energy, known as mana. But the host might be able to wield the energy, known as spiritual aura.

*Chances Of Harnessing Spiritual Aura: 4/100<>

<>****Primordial Demon•: The host will be able to evolve by feeding off negative energy from people. Causing despair and trauma will also increase the host's stats. Mental breakdowns caused by the host will also generate extra stat points.

*Drawback: Killing and terrorizing innocent people will cause a huge bounty to be placed on the host's head.

*Chances Of Getting Killed Before Getting Strong: 99/100<>

<>****Goblin•: The host can evolve by killing beasts and monsters.

The host will also be capable of wielding mana and spiritual aura.

*Drawback: As a goblin, the host will have to strive and struggle, in a world where goblins are the most hated of all races.

*Chances Of Surviving: 8/100<>

<>****Half Incubus: The host can still retain his human side while incubus blood runs in his/her vein.

The host will evolve by lusting after the opposite gender. The host is also capable of harnessing mana and spiritual aura, although it will be three times slower than a normal human.

*Drawback: The host will become an eunuch if his cock is seized by the god of incubus. The host's cock can only be seized if he refuses to give in to his sexual cravings.

*Chances Of Losing Cock: 88/100<>

<>****Eldritch•: The host can become undead and evolve by absorbing different types of life force. The host will also be able to harness mana by using the lost eye of Laximus's artifact, which will replace the host's mana core.

*Drawback: An unlimited thirst and hunger for life force.

*Chances of survival: 43/100<>

[The system is awaiting the host's decision]



Vincent is currently standing on his feet, with his mouth wide open as he scrolls through the system notifications.

"Fuck! What is the meaning of all this!" Vincent curses loudly in anger, as he swings his right fist in the air and punches the wall of his bedroom.

When Mimi sees Vincent cursing, she suddenly comes out of his body and sits on his shoulders.

[Master! This is not the time to get angry! You are in a stale form. If you don't choose a class before the timer ends, you will disintegrate into tiny particles] Mimi says in a panicked voice and uses her small fairy hands to slap Vincent's face.

Vincent suddenly becomes calm when Mimi tells him that he is going to disintegrate if he doesn't choose a race class before the timer ends. Skimming through the options again, Vincent sees that he has only 1 minute 20 seconds left. Then he takes in a deep breath and glances towards Mimi, who is still seated on his shoulders.

"Mimi, which class do you think I should choose? I'm confused! The Goblin and the primordial demon options are crazy, there is no way I would choose one of those classes." Vincent says as he gulps due to his nervousness.

Mimi shakes her head in frustration and yells; [Master, I'm just a mere system guide, how do you expect me to choose for you!!!?]

Although she doesn't want to yell at him, she is worried about the timer going off without Vincent choosing a class yet.

Vincent's heart shatters when Mimi yells at him. At this rate, the countdown has only 50 seconds remaining. 

"Fuck! I can't become an undead, I can't go around and be sucking people's life force. Choosing to be a Vampire will be too obvious, how do I explain to the other Vampires or my Mom if they ask about the person that turned me. I will choose the Incubus class!" Immediately the words leave Vincent's mouth.

A tingling and soothing sensation begins to engulf him and purple blood begins to flow through his veins. It is not painful, rather, it is the most comfortable feeling that Vincent has ever felt in his life.

Mimi flies away from Vincent's shoulders for some reason as his vein and muscles begin to pulsate with the Purple blood flowing through his body. At the same time, another set of notifications begin to appear.


[The host has successfully chosen the Incubus class and the host has unlocked level 1 Badluck system]

  >  >STATS<<

[Name: Vincent Oswald]

[Race: Half Incubus]

[Level 1: 0%]

[Bad Karma: Unlimited]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10].....


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