
Reincarnated with 3 Gifts (Dropped)


Ko_piu · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

39 Melissa Shield

In the I-Island airport, there already someone waiting for my arrival.

That was blonde girl with glasses and wear something that look like a school uniform, so I approaching her location as for how I know about it. She already send me a message about it so I know she was waiting for me

Yeah ? she was Melissa Shield, daughter of famous David Shield that was known as scientist who also the one that create All might costume. David Shield has a great mind that way he was All might side kick when All might stay in US.

"Hi ! Are you my guide in I-Island ?" I said while waving my hand at her

"Hello ! My name Melissa Shield. You can call me Melissa" Melissa said while introduce her self first and then "Yes, I was you guide for today !" She said with excited voice

"My name-" Before I can continue introduce my self she said "You are Kazuma Hiroto, right ?!"

I don't know why she so excited but I just say "Yes, it was me" while smiling at her

Melissa who look so excited meet me was want to take me somewhere but I said "Let's go to hotel first, I need to put my belongings first"

"O-okay, I 'm sorry. I am to excited after I watch your battle in the final, that's so amazing !" Melissa said a bit embarrassed because to excited to talk with me


After Melissa guide me to my accommodation, I then put all my belongings and then we continue to tour around the I-Island.

Melissa take me to different place, all the place in this Island was look so miraculous and most of thing in this place was made by the scientists that live if this I-Island

"Melissa-san, can you take me to the biggest library in this Island ?" I said to her who still introduce a me to some place but when she heard about my question, she quite surprised because of it

"Of course, the biggest library in this island was in I-Island academy. It not open to public but I can take you there so don't worry" Melissa said to me with "Leave it to me" expression in her face

"Thanks you Melissa-san" I said to her and then she guide me to her academy library


When we got to her academy library there only some student in the library but not that a lot so my presence doesn't make a commotion in the library

"What book that you want to read in this library Hiroto-kun ?" Melissa ask but then I chose some random book in the library and answer Melissa question with "Nothing, I just like reading so I think maybe there would be interesting books in this library"

Melissa who saw me already focus to read my book also take some book in the library and then sat beside my seat, I in other hand was already start scanning all the books in the library with my Observation haki.

This same as when I do it in Momo house library, I just scan all the books with my Observation haki while my upgraded brain was store every information in my brain

After one hour or so, I stand up and said "This was really good book" then I return the book to the bookshelf and then look at Melissa and said "Are you already finish reading your book Melissa-san ?"

"Yup, because we already in my school. I would take you to my lab" Melissa said to me after she put her book in the bookshelf

She then guide me to her lab, in her lab there a lot advance equipment that used to create some support items

"Wow ! All of equipment in this room look so advance" I praise her, everyone like to be praised and it's good to have a good impression with a beautiful girl

"Thanks you Hiroto-kun" Melissa said and then she tell me that she was actually a quirkless but she have a goal to create a support item to heroes and maybe become a hero

"I see, that's amazing goal Melissa-san " I said too her and then continue with "Anyway Melissa-san, where can I upgrade my costume in this place ?" I ask her after saw her looking for something in her lab while talking at me

"Ehh..! Do you want to upgrade you costume Hiroto-kun ?" She said while looking at my Deathstroke costume but I don't wear my helmet today

"Yup, I want to make this armor more convenient to use" I said and then continue with "..even though this armor was good but it still take tens minutes to wear this armor"

"Did you just say armor ?" Melissa said after heard my reason "Well, I made this armor based from classic US comic, so this was really a armor.." I said after Melissa question and make a little laugh

"Really ?!" When Melissa heard my costume was actually made from UA classic comics, she was really surprised and then touch my costume, it make me quite happy and shy actually

"I never saw this costume" Melissa said and then ask "What is the name of hero that wear this costume in the comic ?" She then look at me with questioning gaze

"Ha ha ha..this costume actually wear by a villain and not a hero" I said with awkward laugh

Then I said the reason why I chose this armor and then Melissa said she would upgrade my costume to make it more convenient with her technology because of it I remove the costume and gave it to Melissa

She have a misunderstanding at first because she though I don't wear anything under my costume but actually I wear a t-shirt and a short pants under it. Well, she wasn't totally wrong but I was man with a lot of trick under my hand

Then Melissa start upgrade my costume while explain me a lot of thing about her equipment that she use to upgrade my armor, she said it only take her a day to upgrade my armor so I take my leave because it already evening and I said I would visit her lab tomorrow in the evening