
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Temple of the Sun

Our travels took us to a remote temple, high in the mountains. The temple was said to be the home of the Sun God, and it was a place of great power and magic.

As we made our way through the temple, we encountered all manner of challenges. We had to solve puzzles, fight off monsters, and use our magic to overcome obstacles.

But we persevered and finally reached the inner sanctum of the temple. There, we met the High Priestess of the Sun God, who told us of a great evil that threatened the world.

She said that an ancient demon was stirring from its slumber, and that it would soon awaken and wreak havoc on the world. She told us that we were the only ones who could stop it.

We knew that this was a task beyond our abilities, but we also knew that we had to try. We asked the High Priestess for guidance, and she told us that we would need to find the six elemental crystals.

Each crystal held the power of one of the elements - fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness. Only by combining the power of all six crystals could we hope to defeat the demon.