
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Shadow Realm

Our suspicions were confirmed when we received word of a new enemy: a powerful sorcerer who had opened a portal to the Shadow Realm.

Elara and I knew that we had to act quickly. We set out for the sorcerer's stronghold, determined to put an end to his evil plans.

As we entered the stronghold, we could feel the darkness of the Shadow Realm creeping in around us. The sorcerer was waiting for us, his eyes glowing with malice.

We engaged in a fierce battle, with the sorcerer using all of his power to defeat us. But we fought on, determined to win.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, Elara had an idea. She used her magic to create a barrier around us, shielding us from the sorcerer's attacks.

I used this opportunity to strike the sorcerer with my sword, and he let out a final scream before collapsing to the ground.

The portal to the Shadow Realm was closed, and the sorcerer's evil plans were thwarted. Once again, we had saved the land from destruction.