
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Lost City

Our travels took us to a forgotten city, deep in the heart of a vast desert. The city had been lost for centuries, and no one knew why it had been abandoned.

Elara and I were curious, and we decided to explore the city. As we made our way through the ancient ruins, we found evidence of a great civilization that had once thrived there.

But as we delved deeper into the city, we discovered that it was not entirely abandoned. A group of bandits had taken up residence in the city, using it as a base for their criminal activities.

We knew that we had to stop them, so we fought our way through the bandits. It was a brutal battle, and we were both wounded badly. But in the end, we emerged victorious.

As we explored the rest of the city, we discovered a hidden chamber deep beneath the ruins. Inside, we found an ancient artifact that had been lost for centuries.

The artifact was a magical orb, said to have the power to control the elements themselves. We knew that it was dangerous, but we couldn't resist the temptation to take it with us.