
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

The Curse of the Werewolf

Our next adventure took us deep into a dark forest, where we encountered a werewolf who had been cursed by a powerful sorcerer. The werewolf was in agony, and he begged us to help him break the curse.

We agreed to help, and we set out to find the sorcerer who had cast the curse. After a long and dangerous journey, we finally located the sorcerer's stronghold.

We battled our way through the sorcerer's minions, using all of our strength and magic to overcome them. When we finally confronted the sorcerer, we were prepared for a tough fight.

But to our surprise, the sorcerer was old and frail. He begged for mercy, promising to lift the curse on the werewolf if we spared his life.

We agreed, and the sorcerer kept his promise. The curse was lifted, and the werewolf was freed from his agony.

As we made our way back to our camp, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. We had helped someone in need, and we had defeated another evil sorcerer.