
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

A Fateful Encounter

As I ventured deeper into the forest, I heard a loud roar. I knew that something dangerous was nearby, and I prepared myself for battle. As I turned a corner, I saw a giant monster in front of me. It was a dragon, with massive wings and razor-sharp claws. It was easily three times my size, but I didn't back down. I knew that I had the power to defeat it.

The dragon let out another roar, and I charged forward, my sword in hand. I dodged its first attack and then slashed at its leg. The dragon let out a howl of pain, and I knew that I had struck a vital spot. It wasn't enough to kill the beast, but it was a start.

The dragon breathed fire at me, but I was too quick. I dodged the flames and then charged forward again. This time, I aimed for its neck. My sword cut deep, and the dragon let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground.

As I caught my breath, I looked at the dragon's body. I knew that this creature was a threat to this world, and I felt proud to have defeated it. But as I turned to leave, I saw a figure watching me from the shadows.