
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

"Unexpected Visitors"

It had been several months since the end of the war, and our world was slowly but surely rebuilding. The streets were no longer filled with the sounds of fighting, but with the hum of construction as buildings were restored and new ones were erected. Life was returning to normal, or as normal as it could be after such a devastating conflict.

One day, however, our peace was shattered by the arrival of unexpected visitors. A group of travelers had appeared on the outskirts of our city, claiming to be from a distant land. They were a curious bunch, dressed in colorful clothing and carrying with them exotic weapons and tools. They were unlike anyone we had ever seen before.

At first, we were wary of their arrival. The war had left us suspicious of outsiders, and we couldn't be sure if these travelers were friend or foe. But as we watched them from a distance, we realized that they posed no threat. In fact, they seemed genuinely interested in our city and its people.

After some discussion, we decided to send a group to greet the travelers and learn more about them. Kael, Aria, and I were among those chosen, eager to make contact with these newcomers.

As we approached the travelers, they welcomed us with open arms. They were a friendly bunch, and eager to learn about our culture and way of life. They explained that they were explorers, traveling across the world to discover new lands and peoples. They had heard rumors of our city, and had come to see it for themselves.

We spent several days with the travelers, sharing stories and knowledge. They taught us about their technology and inventions, while we shared our own knowledge of magic and the world we lived in. It was a fascinating exchange, and we learned so much from each other.

But as our time with the travelers drew to a close, we couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They were friendly, but we still knew so little about them. We didn't know what their intentions were, or what they wanted from us.

As we said our goodbyes, the leader of the travelers pulled me aside. "There is something I must tell you," he said, his eyes serious. "Our journey has not been without purpose. We have been searching for something, something that we believe can only be found in this land."

"What is it?" I asked, my heart racing.

"It is a powerful artifact, one that can control the very elements themselves," the leader said. "We believe that it is somewhere in this land, and we will not stop until we find it."

I felt a chill run down my spine. If this artifact fell into the wrong hands, it could be disastrous. We had to find it before anyone else did.

As the travelers departed, we were left with a new sense of purpose. We had to find the artifact before anyone else did, and protect it at all costs. The war may have ended, but there were still threats to our world. And this time, we had to be ready.