
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

"The Betrayal"

As we prepared for the final showdown with Zarek, tensions were running high among our ranks. The battle had taken its toll on all of us, and we were exhausted both physically and emotionally.

It was during this time of heightened stress that we received some troubling news. One of our most trusted allies, a powerful mage named Aria, had been accused of betraying us to the Order of the Black Sun.

At first, we refused to believe it. Aria had been with us from the beginning, fighting alongside us and risking her life for our cause. But as the evidence against her began to mount, we could no longer deny the truth.

We confronted Aria about the accusations, and she denied them vehemently. But her protests fell on deaf ears, and we decided to put her on trial to determine her guilt or innocence.

The trial was intense, with both sides presenting their arguments and evidence. In the end, it was clear that Aria had indeed betrayed us. She had been working with the Order of the Black Sun all along, passing on vital information about our plans and movements.

The revelation was devastating, and it shook us to our core. We had trusted Aria completely, and now that trust had been broken. It was difficult to comprehend how someone could do something like this to their friends and allies.

As we dealt with the fallout from the betrayal, we knew that we had to stay focused on the task at hand. Zarek was still out there, waiting for us, and we could not afford to be distracted by internal conflicts.

But the damage had been done, and our morale had taken a serious hit. It was hard to believe that we would be able to come together and fight as a united force once again.

Despite these challenges, we knew that we had to push forward. We could not let Aria's betrayal or Zarek's power defeat us. We were still fighting for what was right, for the future of our world, and we would not stop until we had achieved victory.