
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


Days passed in our prison cells, with no sign of rescue or reprieve. We were treated harshly by our captors, given meager rations and forced to work in the mines. It seemed as though our quest had come to a bitter end.

But I refused to give up. I knew that we had to find a way to escape, to continue our search for the artifact. And so, I began to formulate a plan.

I shared my ideas with the others, and we worked together to come up with a way to break out of our cells. We spent days studying the layout of the fortress, looking for weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Finally, we had a plan. We would overpower the guards, take their weapons, and fight our way out. It was risky, but we had no other choice.

Late one night, we put our plan into action. We attacked the guards, catching them off guard with our ferocity. We took their weapons and fought our way through the fortress, taking down anyone who stood in our way.

We ran through the halls, trying to find a way out. But we were pursued by the warlord's soldiers, who were determined to stop us.

Just as it seemed that all was lost, we stumbled upon a secret passage. It led us deep into the mountains, away from the fortress and our captors.

We ran for what felt like hours, our hearts pounding with exertion and fear. But finally, we emerged into the light, gasping for breath.

We had escaped. We had survived.

But we were far from safe. We knew that we had to keep moving, to stay one step ahead of our enemies. We set off into the wilderness, our hearts heavy with the knowledge that we had been betrayed by someone we had trusted.

As we traveled, I couldn't help but wonder about Elara. What had driven her to betray us? Was she working for the warlord all along, or had something else caused her to turn against us?

The questions weighed heavily on my mind, but I knew that I couldn't let them distract me from our mission. We had to find the artifact, no matter what the cost. And if that meant facing Elara again, then so be it.

For now, though, we had to focus on survival. We were alone in a hostile wilderness, with nothing but our wits and our weapons to keep us alive. But I knew that we could do it. We had faced worse odds before, and we had always come out on top.

With that thought in mind, we set off into the unknown, ready for whatever lay ahead.