
Reincarnated Warrior Fights Dragon

Roconad · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

"Dragon's Roar"

As they approached the entrance, they could see that the guards had been taken care of, their bodies lying motionless on the ground. Elara was the first to react, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow as she cautiously made her way inside. The air was thick with the smell of blood and decay, and the sound of something moving echoed through the halls.

The group moved forward, their weapons at the ready, as they searched for any sign of the artifact. The interior of the fortress was labyrinthine, and it was easy to get lost. The walls were made of dark stone, with torches providing the only source of light. The shadows seemed to move of their own accord, and the group couldn't help but feel like they were being watched.

They came to a large room, and in the center stood a pedestal. On top of it was a glowing, pulsing orb. This had to be it, the artifact they had been searching for. As they approached the orb, the ground beneath them shook, and the walls around them began to crumble. Suddenly, a massive beast burst through the wall, roaring in fury.

It was a dragon, and it was unlike any they had ever seen. Its scales were jet black, and its eyes glowed with a sinister red light. It was easily three times the size of a normal dragon, and it looked like it was itching for a fight. The group sprang into action, with Elara firing arrows and the others attacking with their swords and spells.

The battle was fierce, and the dragon was incredibly powerful. It breathed fire and ice, and its massive claws and tail were deadly weapons. The group fought bravely, but it seemed like they were no match for the beast. Just as all hope seemed lost, the protagonist had an idea. He remembered the magic runes he had seen earlier, and he quickly drew them on the ground with his staff.

The dragon roared in frustration as the runes began to glow, and suddenly it was thrown back by an invisible force. The group took advantage of the opening, attacking the dragon with all they had. The dragon fought back, but it was weakening, and soon it lay dead at their feet.

Panting and exhausted, the group approached the artifact once more. As they reached for it, it began to glow even brighter, and suddenly they were enveloped in a blinding light. When the light faded, they found themselves standing outside the fortress, the artifact in their hands.

They had done it. They had succeeded in their mission. But as they looked at each other, they knew that their journey was far from over. There were still many dangers and challenges ahead, and they would need to be strong and united to face them.