
Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL)

Celia died and was reincarnated in a young girl's body in Eben's world. This world where magic is not only an illusion was the opposite of hers, she came from a modern world and now she must learn to be a mage.   Anaya is an orphan girl and she was borned to be a fighter, once she met Celia her life changed forever.   A long time ago a prophecy was made: when the forces of evil are about to enslave the universe, a mage and a fighter with extraordinary powers would join forces to save all the worlds in this universe. Could they be them?   ........................................   Celia used her spiritual energy to create wings on her back and fly to Anaya. Anaya caught her in her arms and asked her: "What's wrong my love?" Celia said with a grin in her face: "My beloved baby wife, I have a favor to ask you, can I fight with that level nine mage, I really want to try a true fight to see if I’m be able to handle an ennemy without my green papers." Anaya didn't get why she was asking for that, so she said : "If Liam has agreed then it's fine, why do you have to ask me?" Celia sighed and caressed her cheek with her finger, she said: "I have to because it's a girl, and Liam just remembered me that the wrath of a dragon is not a joke." Celia heard everyone coughing or mumbling and Alec was looking at Liam from afar with a smirk on his face, maybe I went too far this time thought Celia, poor Liam, Alec is going to eat him for a long time tonight, she could see that just with that gaze. Anaya spanked her and said: "If you are here to cause trouble then go back to fight I will take care of you tonight." Celia laughed happily and said: "Okay sweetie, don’t worry I will let you punish me the whole night." She heard at least five difference voices yelling her name "Cel..." so she flew back to the combat ring and once there she sent a flying kiss to Anaya. Liam seeing everyone's reaction and especially the piercing look that his man was giving to him, he couldn't help asking Celia: "What did you say to make Alec look at me like that? Damn Cel! This is not funny!" Celia just had an irrepressible laughter, when she calmed down she said: "Don't worry, I just set you up on a date with your man tonight." ....................... Want to read more please be awared that the main couple in this novel is lesbian there will be also BL couple (Starting from chapter 40). There will be also mature scenes. the extract is from chap 110 ;) Give a try to my other novel : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)

CeliaNaya · LGBT+
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265 Chs

The Eben's chest part 2

Anaya honestly said: "Oh ya sorry I couldn't focus, you are way to sexy in that's kind of dress."

Celia blushed and Anaya was really happy that even if Celia was really shameless she could still blush from time to time.

Celia coughed a few times and said: "Sweetie you should take one too, you just have to think at what you want to wear it is better that the one we have."

Anaya was very excited by this new bracelet she never heard of one like that before: "Sure give me one my love."

Celia removed the bracelet that's Anaya was wearing and replaced it with the other white one, then she asked: "what about this book?"

Anaya looked at her with shone eyes: "This book is amazing, there is a map of all Eben with its three kingdoms, the northern Kingdom, the south eastern kingdom and the south western kingdom, all important city are on the map.

We are currently in the south western kingdom look here."

Anaya was showing a map to Celia and she could see the city of Lights in it.

As Anaya continued her explanation she was really excited: "There are plenty of details on all the kingdoms, I can't believe it, this world is so big I never knew that there were three kingdoms in Eben, each kingdom has their own currency. Our is gold and actually we are in the poorest and most powerless of all the kingdoms.

The wealthiest is the south eastern kingdom their currency is the ruby, one ruby is worth one thousand gold coins.

The most powerful kingdom is the Northern one, apparently thanks to the Northern Academy they have plenty of strong fighters and mages, their currency is the diamond and one diamond is worth one hundred gold coins.

I still haven't finished reading all of it yet but it will be very usefull for us.

Let's check what is inside the magic bags."

Celia was stunned by what Anaya just told her that was indeed a amazing book, Celia picked up one of the bags and opened it : "Fuc*ing hell! Damn it! Sorry sweetie, sorry sweetie, it's really a bad habit I will really try to swear less but it was really too shocking!"

Anaya had her jaw down like she couldn't believe what she was seeing inside this magic bag, she finally close her mouth and said: "I forgive you, I won't say anything because I really wanted to swear as well."

The magic bag was full of gold coins and just when Celia was wondering how many gold coins was inside a number appeared in her mind, it was twenty five million, holy shit, twenty five million gold coins.

Anaya opened another magic bag and it was full of diamonds, again twenty five million diamonds, then she opened the last one and it was full of rubis the same number appeared in her mind again.

Anaya looked at Celia and she said: "We are rich! I was so poor that I never seen a gold coin before and now we have this much money I think I will need sometime to get use to it.

For the four rings, my love, I read something about it in the book, those are magic ring, we could use it to hide our true level, right now it is useless for us but …"

Anaya took one ring and place it around Celia's index finger, her face was serious when she said: "My love, will you wear this ring with me to show to everyone that you are already mine?"

Celia laughed but still said in a teasing tone: "I think you didn't give me any choice here, didn't you put this ring around my finger already, shouldn't you have waited for my answer my baby wife."

Anaya: "Actually you are right, I didn't want to give you a choice here you are mine and I want everybody to see it."

Celia looked at her, Anaya was really beautiful with her eyes filled with love and possessiveness: "Then I'm glad and proud to have this ring, but I have two questions.

Why did you put it on the index finger?

And tell me how we could hide our true level, it could be very useful in the future."

Anaya was confused: "The index finger is the symbol of the Union for soulmates."

Anaya look like she had been struck by a lightning: "oh I get it now ... how could you know that right, maybe you don't have Union at all in your world..."

Celia smiled at her: "Indeed, sweetie, in my world there are no soulmates so no Union and we use a different finger for the wedding rings.

So what about my other question?"

Anaya said: "Well it's work like the bracelet you just have to think what level you want to show and the ring will ajust it."

Celia thought that everything in this chest was truly amazing but Anaya was even more appealing than all those chests so she suddenly wanted to give her a sight that she couldn't forget, she caressed her white leather bracelet and an evil smile could be seen on her face.

Anaya was looking at her and she frowned when she saw that's smile, she thought what was her wife was up to again, it was amazing to think that Celia was now her wife and nobody could take her away from her.

Celia didn't give her time to think too much about it and suddenly Anaya opened her eyes wide, Celia just changed her clothes and she had chosen a very, very sexy outfit, on purpose obviously.

It was a blue dress the same color as her eyes, the dress had a bare back, held at the shoulders by simple little knots, the neckline was plunging and the fabric barely hid her boobs.

The dress was light and it was caressing her like a second skin, it went down to her ankles, and to finish dazzling Anaya, she had decided it would be a dress that was split on both sides up to mid-thigh. Of course to end this magnificent outfit, she had chosen black high heels, with laces that went around her ankles.

Anaya couldn't believe her own eyes, how could this kind of dress exist.

Anaya looked at her straight in the eyes and said: "Save this outfit for later and change right away or I will take you right here, right now."

Anaya seeing that Celia's smile was even bigger added: "My love, you shouldn't play with fire the night is still young."

Celia continued to smile and approached her, she winked at her, Anaya caught her and bit her neck hard: "I hope you are ready to pay the price for your shameless behavior."

Celia whispered in her ear: "That was the idea sweetie like you just said the night is still young we will have plenty of time to check those chests, right now I want you to make me cry and beg for mercy, do you take this challenge?"

Anaya licked her neck where she just bit and said in an profond and sexy voice: "Deal! Just remember you asked for it, my shameless wife."