
Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World

Bonk is justice! No Horny! Having been tormented by the loneliness of his life, Albert chose to escape by indulging himself in sexual desire. Unfortunately, his life came short. STD, AIDS, Syphilis, he was inflicted by severe diseases and died in regret. Now he has grasped a second chance and reincarnated in another world as a Demon Dog. With the help of his golden wooden bat, he traveled to prevent anyone from dying due to the same diseases. Horny People? Slay! Seduction? Bonk! Trying for the first time? Horny Jail! Bonk is justice! And I shall serve justice! -------- Other Works: 1. I Can Read People's Comment 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. God of Tricksters (Completed) 4. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 5. The Magician of Sound (Completed) -------- Discord: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

Fixten · Fantasy
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307 Chs

Hero for Benefit

"Moving on to the last three: Magician, Healer, and Ranger."

[I am sure that you are aware that you have become a Magician, right?]

"Yes. I learned two spells, but was that all it took for me to become one? This sounded like an easy job to acquire…"

[No. If you want to become an official Magician, you need to get ten spells. Even if you get ten 1-Star spells, you need at least 500 Bonk Bites. Unlike Warrior or Scout where you only need to do a repetitive task, this one requires so many resources.]

"Yes. I agree. It's like the Villager one. To construct the Horny Jail, I need to have a house to live in. Now that I think about it, if I rent a place, can it be counted too?"

[Yes. But you still need the Villager Job to turn it into a Horny Jail.]

"Understood." Albert nodded and asked, "How about Healer?"

[To become a Healer, you need to know how to heal. In other words, you need to learn a healing spell and 'heal' 30 people before you can get the official title.]